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Kelly the Dog

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Everything posted by Kelly the Dog

  1. An arrogant blathering racist who insults a person's intelligence with his crap warrants personal insults. That's just common sense no matter which political bent. One of the most racial things in this country is all of this "minorities are capable of helping themselves" and it's only money and jobs that keeps them down. That's historic bullschitt. So yes, you're a racist. At least I admit it. I'm proud of it in fact. I like being good to and helping someone who isn't treated as well as me. If they don't need any help at all, that's awesome, too. I made a new friend.
  2. I made friends with every black kid I could find. In my lily white suburban neighborhood, literally named Green Acres, there were none. The only black kid that went to my high school got arrested for robbing a convenience store with a gun across the street from the school. But I was around black people in my house all the time. My mom had a black boyfriend for a long time and I took care of his kids when they were around. It's not my fault there were no blacks in my neighborhood. As soon as they were around I made friends. I'm not kidding when I say I am racist. I will go way out of my way to help minorities and won't do the same necessarily for whites. I don't give a crap what people think of it, IMO - and it's a fact - minorities have a harder time than white people in this country. It's inarguable, so I offer and give them more help. And I see no problem whatsoever with people helping those with less than them over those with more than them. It bugs the crap out of me when people say this isn't a racist country.
  3. Yep. There is not a person in the world who knows for sure if Mahomes will be able to harness that immense talent of his and be a reliable NFL QB. I really like him and think he has as good a shot as any. People say he is coachable but I'm sure his college coaches were yelling at him all the time to not be so dumb sometimes. Again, I really like him. I think less than 50% of first round QBs turn out to be any good but he has all the tools and then some.
  4. It's just been my experience that 90% of arrogant, ****, self-righteous, myopic, blathering, racist pricks are also liars. Perhaps you're the one out of ten that's not. If that is true, I was wrong. But it's not.
  5. I was brought up from the time I was born with black people in my house all the time because her best friends were black. It made a profound impact and I never thought black people were any different from me. I spent a lot of time at her school. What she did for a living and thought and how she acted had a huge bearing on me. The biggest influence on my life by far. Maybe you didn't listen to yours.
  6. The mechanics issue is often the chicken and egg syndrome. A lot of QBs who seem to lose their mechanics a lot don't have bad mechanics, it's their bad decision making that causes the bad mechanics, not the bad mechanics that causes the bad throw. EJ had decent mechanics, but he was uncomfortable in the pocket, so when he felt any rush, he panicked as he made a decision to throw. That caused him to not only look bad but throw horribly inaccurate. But it wasn't because he needed to be taught better mechanics, he needed to be taught not to panic. Mahomes makes a lot of bad decisions because his heroic arm can't cash checks his hair-trigger brain writes. So it looks like he has bad mechanics but it's really bad synapse.
  7. The school was, and is still amazing. The Bennett Park Montessori School. She retired a long time ago but she founded it and was its principal for a couple decades. It still has a waiting list to get in. It was one of the very first public Montessori schools in the country, and it was the largest in the country, starting after the courts ordered integration in the 70s and then the Buffalo school system decided to make the Magnet Schools 50% minority and 50% white instead of busing white kids to the inner city regular public schools. Hers was an enormous success. How am I going to respond to the charge I said you were a liar? You say one thing and I say another. I don't believe you. You're a self-righteous, blathering dick. I actually did something for the black community. As has my family. He and I still talk and are friends 20 years later (and I posted a pick of him about a month ago here with Tyrod Taylor who was helping him with his little league football team he was coaching over the summer, and he was thanking me because I got him involved in little league football when he was seven years old.) So, again, please fukk off.
  8. It seems to me you are giving the police the benefit of the doubt. That is not wrong on the surface. It's okay to have an opinion. But I think you are. Sure, neither of us know right now. And sure, we have to wait until all the evidence comes out. And it's likely somewhere in the middle, but maybe not. This kind of thing seems to happen all the time. I don't think he is just making that up. I could be wrong. I'm more likely to believe it's a lot closer to what he said than the cop did nothing out reason.
  9. Right. I'm everything wrong with this country. I took care of a little black kid several times a week for six straight years in Tempe. Was supposed to be an hour once a week with a one year commitment. It was more than 10-12 a week for six years. My mother founded and ran the most successful court ordered racially mixed school in the Buffalo School system history so I was brought up my entire life in that arena. So fukk off.
  10. Let me ask you this, my friend. And I mean that. Which do you think is MORE likely or more close to the truth? That the cop did what Bennett said he did or very close to it? Or that the cop was just a little strong with him, never put a gun to his head, never threatened to blow his head off, never overused force, and Bennett just made that all up and is coming out in public and suing the police department, knowing they likely have video of it. Which do you think is more likely? Just a simple answer.
  11. Yeah, right. I believe that.
  12. Police chased you down, jammed a gun in the back of your head and yelled they were going to blow your brains out for something you had zero to do with? Liar.
  13. I guess I should have put this here. Maybe this is why Kaep and Bennett sit. https://twitter.com/rapsheet/status/905431283815374848
  14. I guess this is why Kaepernick and Bennett sit. https://twitter.com/rapsheet/status/905431283815374848
  15. True. I just think he is an apt comparison to how he plays. I watched a bunch of Mahomes games in college. That's exactly how he plays. All the time. Sometimes he's good or great. Other times he messes up or takes too many chances.
  16. I'm really missing Antoine Winfield today.
  17. True but Mahomes entire college career he looked like an even more erratic Favre, or perhaps better, Favre in his last couple years. That's exactly how he always plays. Wows you one second and makes you want to murder him the next. The only question is if he grows out of the erratic Favre into the tolerable Favre, or hopefully for the Chiefs, the great Favre.
  18. Yup100. Many often forget that in the classic 1983 draft, #1 Elway was great. #2 Todd Blackledge sucked. #3 Kelly was great #4 Eason was decent (Kelly was #14 overall and Eason was #15) #5 Ken O'Brien was pretty good not real good. #6 Marino was great
  19. Anyone who watched McD's press conference when asked if there were any off field elements to the decision would know there weren't. He basically said, "No... no way... not a chance... nothing of the sort... there wasn't anything.... nothing like that... he was a boy scout... we gave him eight merit badges and six gold stars and twelve attaboys..." Unless, of course, he was completely lying.
  20. Next time I will ask you if it's okay to respond to another poster's observation.
  21. I remember Big Ben playing quite differently in his first couple seasons. He would still make some spectacular passes, even some bombs, but he was much more of a game manager. His first two years he averaged 21-22 passes a game, and then 31 his 3rd. Then 27, 29, 34.
  22. Yup. https://twitter.com/rapsheet/status/905158343613927428
  23. That's per week right? So $122,000 or so.
  24. It's crazy. There must have been numerous teams. Isn't that higher than second year minimum? Second year players minimum is $540,000
  25. It's possible that you simply cannot waive someone under concussion protocol. So they had to IR him and when he is healthy they will waive/settle with him.
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