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Kelly the Dog

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Everything posted by Kelly the Dog

  1. I would bet you any amount of money no one believes that in the Bills locker room. You might. But you often project your own form of madness onto other people and players and coaches.
  2. And add blown pattern, because both or bad pass or drop doesn't describe what a large number of posters and fans think what happened.
  3. That's what I got out of it. Numerous players and coaches spoke about it to some degree. All of them spoke about Jones, none of them about Taylor. That should tell you right there.
  4. Ha. I never clicked on the link. I thought he was talking Jordan. But Jordan has talked up Tyrod a couple different times, even a few days ago. He was one of the few guys he knew before the trade and loves him. They trained together.
  5. I voted drop even though I didn't think he dropped it. I thought he blew the pattern which caused him to have to dive for it, otherwise he walks in for an easy touchdown. That is a different concept than the two choices, IMO.
  6. There are ways players publicly support their own... and there are ways players go out of their way to support a certain guy that is not just publicly supporting their own. I took Matthews remarks to be the latter.
  7. Yeah, could be. I, however, am not sold on Seimian at all, and Joseph is a first time coach like McD, having to travel across the country. This could be a good indicator of the mettle of the Bills and their new coaches, as well as a true look into their offense. You may be right, it could get ugly. I'm thinking Denver with Siemian is not an elite team.
  8. You mean the Jordan Matthews who likes Tyrod and thinks it's unfair to criticize him for this play?
  9. Never. He may not be retained for 2018, that is up in the air now. He may miss games from injury. I doubt he will ever be benched, ESPECIALLY for Peterman. So all of you Nathan's Hotdogs should take some tranquilizers.
  10. Good stuff, Kirby. I agree with all of it. The Watkins trade and the getting rid of TDMike or JWill really irked me because of the playmaker idea. Big plays by talented players win games. Matthews is a very solid possession receiver but not really a gamebreaker. Zay Jones may become one but he is not one. Tolbert should not in any way be a team's backup RB, especially a running team's. Short yardage, goalline, spot fill in? Sure. Guy you give 10 carries to, no. Combined with Opie's Jauron ball it's a recipe for mediocrity.
  11. Yeah, I wasn't criticizing you... I was surprised people thought there should be a bunch of them. The Rams or the Chargers spoke with the Dodgers about making Dodger Stadium viable for football games. The Rams of course used to play in the same stadium the Angels played in. So there are two other area stadiums that could be a lot bigger than the 27,000 seat Stub Hub but wouldn't be ideal.
  12. And how many cities have three 75,000 seat stadiums?
  13. Exact same thing happened to me, except the kid said $5. We saw a cop a block away and mentioned it to him. The cop, aghast, said, "What are you fukking crazy? Pay the kid the five bucks!"
  14. They don't call you PolishDave for nothin.'
  15. Ha. I had to start following her.
  16. That pic is his gf or now wife and baby momma, Rachel Bush, who is now the hottest Bills fan.
  17. https://www.google.com/search?q=rachel+bush&client=safari&hl=en-us&prmd=ivn&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwj92e6tg7DWAhVL5WMKHQ-nBN8Q_AUIESgB&biw=704&bih=672#imgdii=Sh1AS7K28tVLNM:&imgrc=rVIzdfgGITJGEM:
  18. Bobby baby... you are arguing something that no one has argued. No one has contested that there are not players who will run deep patterns. No one. Ever. Not one. Zip zero zilch. Less than one. No one has claimed that. What everyone arguing this point is claiming is that there is NO DEEP THREAT that other teams worry about. Everyone. All of them. Completely and utterly every single one. 100%. Each and every. Not one of them cares whatsoever or has ever intimated that our WR won't run a route he is asked to run. None. Zero. Ever. And yet you constantly argue this non existent point. You should try living in the world the rest of us are living in. It's a blast.
  19. So in other words they are fine with it, they don't really like touchdowns like TT apparently doesn't, and won't make him throw deep when the play is there to be made. Right. That's believable.
  20. So you're saying with the equivalent of a straight face that if Tyrod Taylor got repeated playcalls to look and throw deep, had guys repeatedly open on those playcalls, and then DIDNT pull the trigger on these wide open guys on deep pass play calls, the coaches would just be cool with that and tell him to keep doing what he is doing? Not make him throw deep, the thing he likes and does best? Your an idiot.
  21. If the HC and OC thought the QB had guys open deep on plays they called that the QB didn't throw, they would make him or bench him.
  22. That's on the HC and OC and QB all deciding it's not worth it.
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