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Kelly the Dog

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Everything posted by Kelly the Dog

  1. I think there are statistics that can show whatever you want them to on both sides of the issue. My personal feelings on the subject are based on the fact that the vast, vast majority of blacks and other minorities seem to strongly believe this is true. And it's based on something in their real world, it's not just made up. It's their experience or the experience of people they know or trust. That in itself doesn't make it true but it's so very pervasive that I believe it to be true. The reason OJ off was not really because he was rich and could afford his lawyers, although that was a major reason. It was equally because so many black people in LA genuinely, honestly believed the police could have framed him when it was blatantly clear they didn't and he was guilty. That didn't come from the media or whiny liberals. There is still a ridiculous amount of blacks who think he is innocent. Incredible. But it's from something. And it's the same something that Kaepernick is talking about. He also didn't do it wily nilly. He had been discussing it for a year with people before he did it. He's a very smart and thoughtful guy. Very good student. 38 on wonderlic. If people would read some serious in depth interviews he has made discussing his reasons they may not agree at all with him but he's not an idiot or elitist arrogant athlete. At all. The head of homeland security was pulled over a few times he felt were just because he was black. Marshawn was pulled over 50 times in Buffalo (from a very reliable source) and never got a ticket. Granted he did some idiot things so a lot of them were probably just to piss him off but still. That's why he hated Buffalo. The point is, this is how they live their lives. Maybe it's perception is reality but that is not my position or belief. But the story on here last week about the players dad who had to tell his son only drive with one friend, you cannot drive with two or three friends because the cops will think you're a gang and you could get hurt is a real threat to them, not just made up.
  2. As stated above...Actually he did even though we really don't need to go through this all again. He specifically referenced Friday night. Friday night was the tiki torch parade. The antifa idiots and the mass crowd of protestors were on Saturday not Friday night. There were very few protesters on Friday night during the march. Just a handful standing around the monument. He didn't know any of this of course but that is what he said.
  3. The jury is still out on Goff. What you saw last year was a QB without weapons and with terrible coaching. What you see this year is the same QB with weapons and good coaching. It isn't as black and white as you are making it. Although surely you cannot win without above average quarterbacks. But you can't win without receivers and runners and coaching either.
  4. By agreeing with that aren't you then giving the players the right to poke their heads into the politics that the NFL has poked their heads into?
  5. Actually he did even though we really don't need to go through this all again. He specifically referenced Friday night. Friday night was the tiki torch parade. The antifa idiots and the mass crowd of protestors were on Saturday not Friday night. There were very few protesters on Friday night during the march. Just a handful standing around the monument. He didn't know any of this of course but that is what he said.
  6. But there are endless threads you don't wish to participate in that are Bills related so you don't. You have the same option here.
  7. No. Read up on it, from several different sources with various POVs and then make a personal learned opinion.
  8. That's just not true. It's way more pervasive, that's true. But it's still less than 10% of any discussion. You're deep into The Kaepernick and the national anthem thread. That's your choice. And again. I agree with most everything Kaepernick is saying and stands for (well, kneels for) and yet I strongly don't think he should have ever done it. It's not the right place. I don't need to see it either. I don't want the part of the game to become political either. I totally understand why owners don't want him on their team. And I agree with him.
  9. Before the Mods move this to the PPP I will put in a vote not to move it. It's about the Bills and Shady and an NFL thing. Sure it goes off the reservation a lot but most threads on here do. You don't move threads that devolve into cooking recipes to the food forum. This allows posters who not dare tread into PPP or don't know about it to voice their opinions on the topic in hand, which is, ahem, the nuclear football.
  10. It's funnier how the (alleged) conservatives and republicans all seemed to turn into the whiny bitches that made them hate the liberal whiny bitches in the first place. Worse in fact because it's slightly more hypocritical. That's a bad argument. The city and state was run by them. He contributed to them to help himself not their causes. So of course he did that more.
  11. He wasn't a democrat all those years either. He was always a trumpian.
  12. Very true. The others were sevens or eights though and Agent Orange is a ten or eleven and I didn't think eleven was possible.
  13. Another element of it is social media. People don't seem to want to take the bad with the good. They only want the stuff they like. But overall social media is awesome, regardless of all the bullschitt and crap we have to wade through. Every person who talks about the good ol' days I'd like to punch in the neck and I have been in one fight my entire life. This is the best time in the history of the world, people just are whiny bitches about it. Not people that know anything about it.
  14. But I have been coming to this site a dozen times a day for 20 years. Every time I come, thousands of them, I do the same thing. I skim the thread titles and click on ones that interest me. Most don't and I may participate in one out of ten. And I have 38,000 posts. When you saw the thread title "Tell us what you really think, Shady..." anyone could have predicted it was something outrageous. I personally find him funny so I clicked on it. But if you don't want to talk about it don't click on it. I'm sure you avoid as many or more of the threads than I do.
  15. It's a fact. Look it up.
  16. Yep, name one time, ever, that Trump ever changed his position on something just because it benefitted him. I'll wait. Just one.
  17. Trump thinks he's one. Acts as one. And would be one if he could.
  18. Atlanta would never have made the playoffs let alone the Super Bowl without Julio Jones and Freeman.
  19. But you yourself are putting the weight on what Shady and other knuckleheads are saying. By participating and by getting emotional over it you're as bad as they are. Watch the games and talk about the games. Do you ever watch movies and TV shows at all? Do you ever listen to music? I live and work in the entertainment music. I am a liberal and I absolutely hate when actors and directors and others talk about politics at award shows and other public events. Even if I agree with what they are saying I don't care. I hate it. It's not the place. And a huge portion of these people are arrogant azzzholes. But if I put their personalities and politics into their professional work I would never enjoy their movies or tv shows or music. And you guys are seemingly not letting yourself enjoy what these people do just for their extracurricular activities, which is stupid. Don't listen.
  20. That would be okay if he wasn't diverting attention from his azzzzhole things and comments to get on with other azzzzzzhole things and comments.
  21. Please do. What he says doesn't matter. Don't listen. You're getting all upset about something players said off the field when you say they are there to entertain you. It's your fault you're listening and participating in discussions about their opinions that has zero to do with their "entertainment" you are seeking. If the people who you value their intelligence and get your news and information and read their learned books from played pickup football games would you care what the stats and scores were, and complain their job is to think and write not play sports?
  22. I have said numerous times here and elsewhere I don't think Kaepernick should do what he is doing. I don't think it's the right platform. I just thought it was funny that a couple of the blowhards were saying I'm taking my football and going home and not watching if these pussssies fukking kneel. Wah wah wah wah. Who is the petulant baby?
  23. The guy who started it is very intelligent. Very. If you don't know that your an idiot. Some people who spout off like you are talking about are exactly as you describe. He is not one of them.
  24. This is the day Shady McCoy truly became the President.
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