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Kelly the Dog

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Everything posted by Kelly the Dog

  1. In all honesty, it wouldn't mean anything. So I don't know. White southerners marching with torches means something. I have said three times already black supremacist is as bad as white supremacist and yet you still keep asking assinine questions. I can't believe I am even responding to them. That might make me a bigger idiot than you, if that were only possible.
  2. I don't even know what that means. I wouldn't care if anyone marched to oppose abortion. I think I would applaud anyone who marched against rape, not really sure who is in favor. And bad people can think and say and do good things.
  3. Unrelated. I was only referring here to a specific post by a specific poster, Rob's House, who I respect a lot even when I don't agree with him.
  4. Marching with torches in the context of a confederate remembrance has a very specific meaning. If you think good people do that that is your right. You specially asked my opinion and my opinion is if you promote that very dark racist practice I happen to think you're a bad person. You may think they are good people promoting lynchings.
  5. It's obvious what that means.
  6. I think it's moral to condemn immorality, yes. No. I said marching with torches and what it represents does. I specifically said black supremacist is just as bad.
  7. He's a very smart guy and not afraid to voice his opinion. He can get political. He's not a head case or arrogant or malcontent. But he does come from a POV he is not afraid to voice, so some fans don't like that.
  8. Nope. Not at all. With white supremacists, yes.
  9. Please consult the English-Gibberish, Gibberish-English Dictionary and get back to me. Thanks. Ha. Good one. Do you really think the morons that believed the birther bullschitt were not scared of darkie rather than Barack Obama reading the Koran?
  10. That's a tough question. If you are only talking about a theory in your head and no actions taken due to that theory, then I would say it doesn't automatically make you a bad person, just ill informed and an idiot. If you carry a torch and march in a white supremacist rally I think you are a bad person. Or are black and carry the black equivalent of a torch and chant that you will not be replaced by white people you are in all likelihood a bad person.
  11. Because people don't have an irrational fear of being slaughtered by Indians the same way they do about the irrational fear of Muslims. I agree he exploited a fringe controversy but this fringe are scared of Muslims and it's racist not religious.
  12. Yes. He did. The first couple times he said it he specifically referenced Friday night. That is inarguable. The marches. The video (most of which came from ViCE. He was conflating things and may have been confused but that is what he specifically said. "the other night." If a black person believes that black is the superior race and wants to kill or abuse any white person just because they are white and inferior they are a bad person. And the same for a white supremist.
  13. You know that and I do and a lot of thinking people do but not the people he is speaking to. They hear the world Muslim and think brown, not the Koran.
  14. Darnold throws way more questionable passes than Rosen does.
  15. Because he did it knowing that 99% of the people listening to him and considering this a threat or disqualifier would consider "Muslim" the important scary issue and not "foreignor?"
  16. I will repeat this. Actually he did even though we really don't need to go through this all again. He specifically referenced Friday night. Friday night was the tiki torch parade. The antifa idiots and the mass crowd of protestors were on Saturday not Friday night. There were very few protesters on Friday night during the march. Just a handful standing around the monument. He didn't know any of this of course but that is what he said. There were bad people on both sides Friday night. But thee weren't. That was Saturday. On Friday it was virtually all the torch march.
  17. What he said doesn't take 30 minutes before the speech to get his desired result, it takes 30 seconds.
  18. Trump is a one progression azzzhole. He doesn't go through his second, third and fourth progressions like you described. He wasn't saying that at all. He was saying the first thing that came into his head 24 minutes after he saw it on TV.
  19. Yup. There are no fine people in Charlotte. That's just a fact.
  20. That's really the issue. The GOP and the plan and the explanation uses nebulous words like accessible or available or affordable but they simply are not for a lot of people. Just because a plan is accessible doesn't mean you can afford it or the waiver or the subsidy will cover it. The rates will be such that if you have PEC in a lot of states you will be reaching for a porkchop held out of the dog's reach.
  21. I think everyone everywhere agrees with that. The point is you need the others, too. So why get rid of the others while trying to fill the most important when you can't win with just the most important either.
  22. I don't know why but I totally agree with is, and I'm going out to get a Carl's Jr. burger right now.
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