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Kelly the Dog

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Everything posted by Kelly the Dog

  1. He never mentioned the issue of what they are protesting once. That's not what he was talking about. You're not very good at this stuff are you. You just like to spew your crap without bothering to read what you're blathering about. Like when you said people would stand at their homes during the national anthem. I know you didn't mean that, but you responded to a very short post of 2-3 sentences where some poster said no one stands in their homes. It almost couldn't be missed or misinterpreted. And yet you just didn't bother with what the poster aActually said, like you didn't bother with what Baldwin actually said. He wasn't talking about the issue. He was talking about Trump saying the nonsense he said about players, which was divisive, and that despite divisiveness he was going to preach love not hate. What a jerk.
  2. Wow. This is about to get ugly.
  3. So treat everyone with love and not hate is a bad message, right. And what exactly is the largely untrue narrative in what he said?
  4. And it was a great thing to say, right?
  5. South Park had an episode last week I think that intentionally messed with Alexas. In the middle of the episode, characters would say stuff like, "Alexa, add Hairy Balls to my shopping list." And then Alexa would, and if people weren't paying attention, sure enough, between the mayonnaise and bread on your shopping list was Hairy Balls. Beauteous.
  6. I'm sure you didn't read what Baldwin had to say but it was pretty great regardless of what side you are on. You would be a better person if you read it and followed it. And now you will read it and say of course I read it.
  7. Chances are insurance companies will give sick people the benefit of the doubt, and go way out of their way to make it as cheap as possible and as easy to do because they care.
  8. Because it was a thoughtful thing to say? 26 provides an extremely valuable service to this site and has for over a decade. You provide less than zero.
  9. If you were in a school in 1978 that was half black chances were high you were in a special school. A magnet school. There were six originally I think then 22 and then dozens. The courts ordered integration and instead of doing what you just described, they created magnet special schools that would be half minority and half white. Very few kids were just bussed to regular schools. It became one of the best models in the country. http://www.nytimes.com/1985/05/13/nyregion/school-integration-in-buffalo-is-hailed-as-a-model-for-us.html?pagewanted=all
  10. They're Deplor-a-Bills. That's why.
  11. I think they should just skip the anthem tomorrow and just sing Back in the USSR instead.
  12. Your an idiot. No one stands watching their TV.
  13. It's not easy to piss off and alienate two entire pro sports in one day. If it wasn't for NAFTA he would have trashed hockey and baseball too.
  14. Maybe they can get replacement players to stand up for the anthem and have David Blaine stand in front of the kneeling players.
  15. Fair enough. I'll guess based on seventy straight years of something relentless and unwavering. You guess based on a recent hunch the opposite of everything in front of you. Cheers. But the Mexicans are going to pay for that really stupid wall.
  16. How was that moving the goalposts? It wasnt. Or are the goalposts still and that just you staggering drunk?
  17. Based on what? His allegiance to anything? He has respect for nothing including and especially himself.
  18. The Orange Clown dodged the draft, bad-mouthed POWs and berated a Gold Star family. He has real respect for the flag and the men and women who defend it.
  19. The Orange Clown dodged the draft, bad-mouthed POWs and berated a Gold Star family. He has real respect for the flag and the men and women who defend it.
  20. ASU will snatch defeat from the jaws of victory.
  21. Plus any less hard it could be deflected or interception.
  22. That analyst was wrong on that. Wasn't too hard. Great pass.
  23. "Guess that makes me a proud bbitch." - Kaep's white mom. Ha. https://twitter.com/b4ileaveu/status/911436659907948544
  24. They would be rated in top five with even a decent defense. They are turrible.
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