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Kelly the Dog

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Everything posted by Kelly the Dog

  1. . Not bad. But I would like to see the astute mathematics that I provided. Ha.
  2. And you know this how?
  3. Do these people just have Leave it to Beaver and My Three Sons and Father Knows Best reruns running on loops 24-7 in their Levittown homes?
  4. I'm really sick of that argument, Tom. It's beneath you. Obama was not a real black President. If we were serious about race in this country we would elect a Kenyan, the real kind of darkie, with a nose bone.
  5. Got it. My bad. There had been so much bitching going on that I felt the need to be bitching about the bitching.
  6. LOL. Good one. You don't believe there is real racism, or it has diminished to the point that it is marginal, and minorities only real problems is they don't try hard enough or not smart enough to get as many jobs in the fair marketplace as whites. Because that is what you're saying when you say that it's all socio-economic despite the claim that poor whites suffer, too, which is wholly true.
  7. From one city with a very diverse police force using data from the police force. That's proof. And even if you say, okay, I will take this data at face value, and I understand that a lot of the protesters are talking about minorities being killed, Fryer says that there is a lot of racial discrimination by the cops and blacks are much more likely to be manhandled, pulled over, arrested, beaten, etc. so using this study to claim blacks are not targeted or abused by the police more than whites is worthless.
  8. Just not an honest, fair one. Are you saying George Wallace would have been a Democrat is he were a politician today? "If any demonstrator lays down in front of my car, it will be the last car he lays down in front of." That guy?
  9. Yeah. With 53 seconds to go. The official play was 0 yards but he got credited with a sack. http://www.nfl.com/liveupdate/gamecenter/57268/BUF_Gamebook.pdf
  10. Could be. He was out. And Peterman would not be equipped nor asked right off the bat to do this stuff at the expense of his learning curve. That's a good point. Although I would imagine these type plays would have been a large part, one of the main parts, of their base offense as soon as Dennison was hired and knew TT was their guy.
  11. No. The main point of THIS particular story is the guy quit his job over a peaceful protest. And the millionaire protestors were not protesting about their personal treatment, but rather everyone's personal treatment.
  12. No. Is it the second grade math or reading comprehension that holds you back?
  13. Yep. It helps white people. I guess just not Jimbo. Although Colin was raised by white parents in a white suburb I think.
  14. Yep. He is. And at times a local embarrassment.
  15. People supporting Trump the draft dodger who said he like soldiers who don't get captured not POWs, and wrapping themselves in the flag over this issue, is hysterical.
  16. Yep. Everyone should quit their jobs. MakeAmericaInTheGreatDepressionAgain. You know, when it was awesome and we could beat our wives.
  17. Thank you. That is such a garbage, lazy, disingenuous argument most of the time it is used like that.
  18. I won't speak to the media but this is their government and Parliament at work. Love the Brits.
  19. And Kelly's autobiography was titled "Armed and Dangerous."
  20. He's turned into a solid blocker.
  21. No. You act and sound and type like you're drunk at 11 in the morning on sour mash.
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