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Kelly the Dog

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Everything posted by Kelly the Dog

  1. Here's a tweet I just saw... just thought the headline was funny... https://twitter.com/halliejackson/status/913076339380547584
  2. You never know. I thought for sure the refs wouldn't overturn the (I think) Sanders play when Tre Bien White knocked the ball out. And thought it was a catch. But they did. The calls on those are so inconsistent.
  3. I didn't see any after the game replays or photos to show it either way, but I thought McD should have challenged, too.
  4. Maybe. It depends on if we can re-establish our running game. I hate to even bring up a QBs won loss record since there are so many variables. We don't have the talent I don't think on offense to be a playoff team. It will be a miracle if we are.
  5. Yup. Think so.
  6. To all Tyrod critics... We all know Rex buttfukked the defense. If the Bills had either the 2014 defense, or the 2015 defense, what do you think his won- loss record would be? Still 17-15?
  7. https://twitter.com/jmccoyphoto/status/913075128635883528
  8. Shady sat in on Tyrod Taylor's press conference today as a reporter and then asked Tyrod if he planned on using Lesean McCoy on Sunday. Love Shady.
  9. Untrue. But if they were to make a movie, jmc12290 would be "Dumber."
  10. Shady is great. Really glad we have him. Speaks his mind. Isn't afraid to ruffle feathers but isn't a dick or hypocritical about it. Absolutely love what he said about Kelly after all this.
  11. Awesome! So I can go around stealing and coveting and killing and all that other stuff those pesky commandments leashed on me?! This is a great day!!
  12. So all these threads, all these tweets, news stories, arguments, talk radio discussions, and exchanges between warring factions has been about what security guards do during the anthem? What fans in the stands do? What people on message boards do? That's what this has been all about? I guess I was wrong. I thought it was only about what the players were doing. Damn, I really thought when everyone was talking about one specific thing that they were talking about that one specific thing. Who knew?
  13. Apparently you cannot read. Here is what I said... Let's say you were an alien just dropped into America, or a foreigner, or were born in America but had been in a coma for thirty odd years, and someone was explaining this for the first time to you. And they said okay, there are two camps, on one side you have a bunch of people who think the flag is sacred and no one should disrespect it and everyone should do this one thing at this set time for three minutes and if you don't like it leave the country no matter what you think. And this other side, you have a bunch of people who say we like this flag thing as much as anyone but we think everyone should probably stay quiet for these three minutes and be able to do what they feel is right as long as it doesn't physically hurt anyone else, Which side seems the most reasonable, fair, open, free, brave, kind, generous, tolerant, and the place you would want to be in? Okay. That's what I said. In paragraph two, and paragraph three, the two times I used the word "everyone" that was clearly talking about the players, kneeling or not kneeling. It's obvious. No one is really arguing what people at home or in the stands are doing during the anthem. We are only talking about the players. And what they are doing during the three minutes, READ: ANTHEM. So someone mentioning a security guard wanking doesn't fit into that equation. A player. Never. Ever. Ever. Is going to do that on the sideline. So it's monumentally stupid to bring that up as a rebuke to my hypothetical of players "doing what they want" - meaning, obviously, the few things they could be doing, including Shady stretching. It's just imbecilic to bring up a security guard jerking off as something a player would do.
  14. I started the hypothetical, moron. I wasn't talking about what people in the stands or security guys were doing physically in any way. It was only about how people THOUGHT about what the players were doing. Something apparently you have trouble with.
  15. I don't care. Im glad at least you admit it was a totally unprovoked ambush. Which is fine if you actually had anything to say. But in about ten posts directed mine or Tom's way, you have yet to make any cogent point whatsoever, except "wah, wah, wah, you are bad" - which now that I think of it, isn't a cogent point at all. Carry on with your gibberish.
  16. It didn't happen. Not in the real world. We were only talking about players on the sideline during the anthem. That's it. Someone said some security guy somewhere masturbated and you claim that's a player and part of the equation?
  17. Exactly. That dude you just responded to jumped me from behind. I don't even know who he is and he just took a random post of mine and started attacking me. Look it up. Granted, it was gibberish and neither Tom, who is a certified madman AND genius, couldn't make hide nor harebrain out of what he said, but I know it was nasty. So I responded in unkind. And then he gets upset. And finds solace in YOU. 😂😂
  18. I WAS feeling great. The pain I now feel is having to read and try to figure out what gonaheqd was supposed to mean. Now I need a drink.
  19. You say you don't drink but you just typed "gonaheqd?" I apologize in advance if it's cerebral palsy but that there looks to me like you took a few too many nips of creme de menthe.
  20. A player, on the field, during the anthem? Not. And that is the only thing we were talking about.
  21. Must have been a damn good crossword player.
  22. Because it's not in the real world. You might as well have said, what if one guy wanted slather bird droppings all over his head, do six jumping jacks, then solve a crossword puzzle naked. Sure, that wouldn't be okay, but it would never fukking happen. Like your stupid example.
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