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Kelly the Dog

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Everything posted by Kelly the Dog

  1. "This is not about race." -white American proverb
  2. "This is not about race." -white American proverb
  3. And why exactly aren't they kneeling?
  4. George Bernard Shaw was also a theatre critic, maybe even before he was a playwright. I could be mistaken, because there were a few of these guys who were great playwrights but also acerbic theatre critics themselves, but I think it was Shaw who was watching a particularly dreadful play one time, and he leaned forward, and tapped a woman on the shoulder right in front of him, and said, "Excuse me, madam, but would you be so kind as to put on your hat." Many different people have been attributed with the long letter quote. Abe Lincoln. Mark Twain. Blaise Pascal. I have no idea who said it first.
  5. Even my favorite artists who did halftime shows all sucked. I don't think there has ever been a good one. They are the equivalent of getting a solid piece of useful information out of a head coach when being interviewed while walking on or off the field at half time by a female TV announcer. It just doesn't exist. And that wasn't sexist because if there was a male who did that job he wouldn't be able to get anything worth hairy balls out of a coach either.
  6. I don't like his music one bit but he's an extremely talented guy, and everything I know about him is that he is a good guy, too.
  7. Yep. People don't realize how good Tim Daly is as a thespian considering he is actually a piece of wood and not really human.
  8. So apparently, there is real voter fraud... https://twitter.com/axios/status/913153508764999682
  9. Yes. They are idiots, too.
  10. Then why are you arguing so much. I understand you like to have fun with people and then are serious other times, just like I am, and sometimes it's hard to tell with either of us. But when you talk about the issue serious you seem to get really angry at one side and ignore the other.
  11. You know what would be incredibly awesome? If all these spoilsports quitting the sport and Bills and wah, wah, wahing all the way home with their football don't watch the games and just sit and pout... And this is the year the Bills get in the playoffs and shock the world. I don't predict it of course. It's not likely at all to happen. But it sure would be fitting. Babies.
  12. And there are people on this board who served and said it doesn't disrespect them, and there have been endless examples in the news and online and on Twitter of people who served who say the protest is exactly what they served for. But you completely ignore those and only count ones on your side.
  13. Wow. But none of that has anything to do with what you asked me. We weren't talking about the merits of the protest. That's for the thousand other threads and posts. You asked specifically about why do the protest during the anthem and not some other 60 seconds. That's what we were discussing. Why the anthem. I answered with three examples of why the platform, which is the anthem in your question, is just to get the most exposure for the protest, but the platform has nothing to do with the protest. MLK used a platform, Washington monument, for protest, civil rights not Washington. Parks used platform, bus, to protest discrimination, not busses the platform. Plus the "Tank Man" as he is sometimes referred standing in front of the tank. He wasn't protesting tanks. That was the platform. And the players used the anthem as the platform. But you went off on some wild diatribe about the validity or non validity of the protest but we weren't talking about that. There are 2000 posts about that.
  14. Hate to break this to you, pal, but when the San Andreas breaks all of the states EAST of the Rockies are going to fall into the Atlantic Ocean, not the other way around. A lot of people are saying. I will have a big announcement on this in two weeks.
  15. Because the platform and place is designed to get the most bang for the buck. But no matter what I used as a place for MLK you know he was protesting civil rights not Wasington, no matter where I might have used for an example of Rosa Parking her butt, you know she was protesting discrimination not busses, etc. The sidelines was the place, the anthem was the platform, racial discrimination was the protests, not the sidelines or anthem.
  16. Same reason Rosa Parks didn't sit on the back of a Mexican Tiger. Same reason MLK didn't March on Marblehead, Montana. Same reason that guy standing in front of the tank didnt stand in front of Mike Tolbert.
  17. Me finishing your thoughts? How scary is that?!!
  18. Does anyone know how to make this into an emoji for whenever someone makes a ridiculous racist comment, which is always?
  19. That was his point. He was being sarcastic. Nope. Those are still there. On the ASS page. Advanced Stupid Stats.
  20. Except for the California economy and my drinking!! Whose side are you on?!
  21. He is one. Well, a TSW version of one. A Weo-Nazi.
  22. His. Reminds me of when unnamed person said that Putin was pissed that the United States were fawning all over Caitlyn Jenner because "we wrote the book on female athletes who used to be men."
  23. He thinks he can. He's not sure of any of these pesky laws or amendments.
  24. Apparently you haven't looked at NFL standings lately. From left to right across the top is W L SW T MV Wins. Losses. Style wins. Ties. Moral victories.
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