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Kelly the Dog

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Everything posted by Kelly the Dog

  1. Don't blame them but it must be a tough choice. They love controversy but this isn't good for them. I wouldn't expect them to. It's not like they are a news organization that is supposed to show both sides. They are an entertainment show.
  2. The word and idea of icon is way overused these days but this guy was truly one. And he affected stuff that had nothing to with sex. Changed the world to some degree. RIP Hef.
  3. I only inserted myself as an aside. We weren't talking about my personal feelings I just added them. Sorry for the confusion. I was ONLY saying that you asked an unfair question of someone, which is what started this, if you were going to take all of Spencer's quotes as being under the umbrella of a politician. There isn't an answer to you question. That's all. Thanks for the exchange. I understand that and agree with it. That's not what I was talking about when this started. I wasn't considering legislation at all, in any way. Or his political movement. Or the alt-right. It devolved into all that.
  4. I'm not getting it. You are the one taking everything he says as political. I'm taking it personal because it is so personally offensive. I said it's kind of dumb of you to ask the question of anyone to provide an example of violating right when YOU are taking everything he says as political and every answer you give protects him.
  5. I'm not trying to be snarky here, I'm not. Other times I am as you know. But if you are going to take everything that Richard Spencer says and put it into that prism, that he is a politician and he isn't talking about himself or what he wants, then it's kind of a ridiculous question IMO to ask someone to give an example of him denying any rights. Very little any politician would say would not fall under that umbrella. Swedes, too! Thousands of Swedish boat people that wash up ashore he would just let right in with no questions.
  6. He didn't say anything about changing laws. He said I would just keep all Africans out. And allow large amounts of white boat people in. Nothing about working with congress or changing laws. Just doing it because it is his preference. Which would be ruled by the courts imo violating their rights. Serious question. If Spencer were an immigration officer as in my hypothetical earlier. And say he kept 50 out of 50 -Africans out who passed all of their requirements - and there was room for them - and these people complained, and it was found out to be true and he even admitted it to be true, he seems to have no problem with that. What do you believe the courts would say as what he did illegal? He didn't violate any rights at all?
  7. I see you read about as much as Agent Orange. What is inarguable is not what I believe, what I said was inarguable is your side and my side being more and more entrenched, and you tried to argue against that by responding immediately and further entrenching more and more. I hope you're on the second team because you are not doing your side any favors.
  8. I didn't say it, but I thought it was implicit, that I was taking quotas out of the hypothetical. Of course not everyone is allowed in that deserves to be. I was saying, and if I wasn't clear before I am trying to be now, that if there was room for these immigrants, they haven't reached the quota yet, a large number are being let in but Spencer stops only the blacks, which is what he stated he wanted to do, that he would be denying them their rights.
  9. Keeping all people of one color out of the country is not illegal? Then why are there court fights and wins and losses from both sides on that exact point right now?
  10. The entrenchment of sides has surely changed and made the country worse. It's inarguable.
  11. If he prevented a person from being here, which is what he is saying he would like to be doing, yes it would be a privilege but they would also automatically have all kinds of rights which they don't have because he would have illegally been keeping them out. So he is preventing them from those rights. If you want to get technical, then he is violating the inalienable human rights bequeathed in the constitution of pursuit of happiness. He would be stopping all Africans. You don't have to be allowed into the country. That's why I used the example of several Africans. A court would surely rule their rights were violated.
  12. He doesn't have any policy. It's all failed. But I can easily tell you something he has done that has directly affected my life and that is I have been forced to put up with people like you, who allow his form of insanity and lying and ignorance to become normalized and acceptable by people like you. It affects and infects any kind of political conversation I have.
  13. That is not the point. If Richard Spencer is an immigration officer. And several Africans go through the entire immigration process and pass everything and all they need is a stamp from Richard Spencer but he says no and they are not provided their legal papers and citizenship, it would eventually go to court and the judge would rule Richard Spencer deprived these people of their rights.
  14. If they pass the test and go through all of the requirements they do. I know he's your hero but he said he would stop them if they went through the whole legal process.
  15. "Breaking news: the blacks have traded Ray Lewis for Gregg Popovich. Ben Carson, considered untradeable, has been cut."
  16. Yep. But those are too, you know, eww...
  17. He's a real peach. This isn't suspending someone's rights? "In thinking about immigration and migration, I could not care less whether someone filled out the paperwork correctly or passed a civics exam. I oppose the immigration of an African who waits his turn and genuinely wants to be an American; conversely, I would gladly accept thousands of Swedish boat people who wash up on the shores.
  18. I like both those acts a lot. Prince was probably best show ever for me but still not a good show, worth the time or all the hullabaloo.
  19. Are you sure you're remembering that correctly? Wasn't it more likely you were IN lingerie while dating a football player briefly in college?
  20. That added a lot. Thx.
  21. You can only claim you are a woman in a dress or butch cut. Neither for Kushy. Thems are the rules.
  22. No one thinks he was smart enough to manipulate 9/11 patriotism into invading Iraq. Dumb enough to allow it perhaps.
  23. I can't stand Hillary and wish she would go.away. But you bozos kill me. You blame Obama for everything. All ills in the world are Obama. Your shirts come back from the cleaners with too much starch it's Obama's fault. Anyone does anything anywhere and you tards whine What about Obama?!! Wah wah wah. Then Hillary blames Obama for something and you forget everything Hillary says is a lie, which is the only other thing you hypocrites all agree with, and get your yuks that Hillary is so dumb she blames Obama. But it's confusing. Everything she says is a lie and everything is his fault. So how do you dipschits reconcile that?
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