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Kelly the Dog

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Everything posted by Kelly the Dog

  1. Thats $410 too much. Maybe more.
  2. That's not what she did. She talked in generics about the cold war. And didn't answer the question on Georgia.
  3. Earlier in the week they said yes.
  4. The generic answer that didn't answer the question about Georgia? That we can't repeat Cold War and we all need to get along like Rodney King?
  5. And she hasn't learned much. Just as stupid today as ten years ago.
  6. Not when the question raised to her was "What insight into Russian actions, particularly during the last couple weeks, does the proximity of this state give you? No difference at all really.
  7. "On the campaign trail, one of her duties as a Vice Presidential candidate was to sit down with journalists to demonstrate her expertise in both domestic and foreign policy. During one such interview in September of 2008, ABC’s Charlie Gibson posed this question: “What insight into Russian actions, particularly during the last couple of weeks, does the proximity of this state give you?” To which she gave an earnest, but widely ridiculed, response: “They’re our next-door neighbors. And you can actually see Russia, from land, here in Alaska, from an island in Alaska.” She had no answer when it was first asked. Later, after she was abused, and more prepared, I think it was the Katie Couric interview, she said something different. "See it from my house" versus "They're our next door neighbors. And you can actually see Russia, from land, here in Alaska, from an island in Alaska." No real difference.
  8. I know that and you know what I meant. I was just giving her ****. But what she did say was just as dumb considering the question. I'm not going to bother looking it up because it's too painful. But she was asked specifically what insight she gained from living so close. And her answer was you can actually see Russia from Alaska. From an island (or something to that affect) That was her great insight. She's stupid. Every day. Most of the day.
  9. That isn't even in the same ballpark as seeing Russia from my house so I know about Russia. And that's probably not in her bottom ten. Besides. I'm not talking about single incredibly stupid gaffes. At all. I'm talking about 24-7 cerebral palsy.
  10. Nope. We can't. Biden says incredibly dumbass things. Insanely dumb. But he is not a dumb guy. I say incredibly dumbass things at times but I am not a dumb guy. You as well. And any of the nimrods that say an incredibly dumbass thing trying to be a smartass about what I just said. Sarah Palin is a stupid person. A genuine dumbass.
  11. Pelosi just sucks. Terrible politician in my mind. She's not retarded though, she's just bad. Palin is just stupid. Huge difference.
  12. Yep. Maybe this is like a participation trophy.
  13. Right. My bad. I forgot they also didn't count that one leg from the thigh down. Refresh my memory, what year did they become 100% human? I know for a lot of these heathens here that hasn't happened yet, I'm just talking legally.
  14. Well, dumb people. Sure.
  15. I just thought of something, perhaps it's already been brought up I'm not sure. But... Instead of always having to go through the Fitzpatrick went to Harvard syndrome couldnt we skip the middle man and just call him Nicklaus O'Leary? I just was looking for something else and came across that great catch he made Sunday. That was somethin.'
  16. I long for George Bush. And as if anyone couldn't roll out more random dumbass Republicans. No Democrat, perhaps ever, was as dumb as Sarah Palin.
  17. Well, only three quarters invalidated because his slaves were only three quarters of a person.
  18. I liked those calls a lot. Very good coaching and awareness.
  19. Tre Bien! So we let Gilmore go, the Pats signed him for an ungodly amount, and we replaced him with Tre. That trade with KC is looking better and better even if they are winning. A tweeter named Walt Patulski who is not Walt Patulski just made a good point. Said in late August we gave up our second starting CB. In late September we still haven't given up a TD pass. That will likely end this week but Tre and Gaines have been terrific. Against the run too.
  20. The Republican tax myth by one of the guys who created the Republican tax myth. https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/posteverything/wp/2017/09/28/i-helped-create-the-gop-tax-myth-trump-is-wrong-tax-cuts-dont-equal-growth/
  21. https://twitter.com/mcmandolf/status/913026974553186304
  22. JM2009 and JMC12290 shouldn't be allowed to respond to each other's posts. It's too confusing.
  23. Okay let me be the person to spit on your parade. A couple hours ago, with the TV on in the background, I saw a woman who was identified as the wife of NFL player Brandon Marshall speak. Now, I wasn't paying enough attention to know if she was the wife of great talent but idiot coach killer WR Brandon Marshall, or I have no idea if he is Malcolm X or MLK linebacker of the Broncos Brandon Marshall. But the little I listened she made a good point. She said, breast cancer USES the NFL as a platform for their cause. The NFL is obviously in cahoots and no one really complains that these people are using this platform for their cause. And that's what these players are doing. Pretty good point. Some of course will say they are not doing it during the sacred anthem. But the pink is omnipresent on every play. So is the pink doing anything other than drawing attention to their cause? During the game? Are they disrespectful to the game? Ummm, no.
  24. I'm thinking of starting a separate thread if Ryan Neufeld deserves a spot on the wall. Should I keep that heated discussion here? Or do you guys and gals think it deserves its own thread?
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