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Kelly the Dog

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Everything posted by Kelly the Dog

  1. Trent Green the QB said Tyrod went to his third progression and "quarterbacks rarely do that."
  2. Gallows humor. If you don't like it, don't come around here no more.
  3. I've been trying to get my mitts on one of them F-22 Raptors for months and the bastards won't sell me one! And I offered straight cash!!
  4. The skins did that thing and the chiefs tried that other stuff and then the refs did their normal crap and I think we both know what I'm talking about when I say that.
  5. All this ballwashing of Swearinger on the Redskins and no mention of his brilliance when he was a white guy on Deadwood.
  6. They already do. Two a lot. At least a couple plays we had three.
  7. What a hit by Breeland. Ha
  8. Well, their name is International Business Machines.
  9. Thank you for that. Great movie. Based on a true story. And another example in a seemingly endless series of white man trying to keep white man acting like a black man down. It's criminal.
  10. Both sides of argument lie about that. Who woulda thunk?http://www.factcheck.org/2013/02/did-the-1994-assault-weapons-ban-work/
  11. Yup. That was embarrassing.
  12. They don't trust Hopkins on long fgs.
  13. His whole claim is rather petty.
  14. You people. Yes, you people. Are insane.
  15. Who wants to strip the military of automatic weapons?
  16. Stopped that last play but love the way Robert Kelly runs. He's no Tyrod Taylor.
  17. Nice play fake by Kissin Cousins.
  18. Who cares? That's one of the worst problems. Or are those deaths lesser to you?
  19. That's not true. Officials are supposed to ignore the attempt. Tell them you can't. If they do or have to allow it it's five yards. https://www.google.com/amp/profootballtalk.nbcsports.com/2016/07/11/understanding-the-rules-on-consecutive-time-outs/amp/
  20. Suicides still count. That's true.
  21. I read somewhere that he was suffering from CTE from slamming his palm against his own forehead and banging his head against the wall.
  22. Just a point to ponder. Number of Americans killed on battlefields in all wars in history: 1,396,733 Killed by firearms in the US since 1968: 1,516,863
  23. I'd just like to say thank God for the NRA and all they are doing to keep us safer. I'm not sure I am actually safer, but I feel safer. Don't you guys?
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