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Kelly the Dog

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Everything posted by Kelly the Dog

  1. Tyrod is 74% on passes over the middle. The league average is 55%. That was from a tweet by Astrobot.
  2. One thing that worried me was on the last Carolina play, Zay didnt track the ball in the air well at all. Regardless of pattern or stumble or drop or dive that was the worst part of it to me. Last week on the long drop he kind of did it again. When he dove, the ball seemed to come to his shoulder as he brought it in. He looked like he was trying to catch it with his head. I am only going from memory on that, versus the Carolina one I watched two dozen times. But it's a tad worrisome. That's something that is not easily taught.
  3. If I ever respond to any post of yours again, it is by mistake. I've put you on virtual ignore, because I thoroughly believe in the equation [a/t = b/t], which, in layman's terms, translates to "One who argues with tard becomes tard." So if you respond to me in the future, and I don't respond, it's because I just consciously or hopefully unconsciously ignored it because it's a waste of everyone's time.
  4. Coaches are hard to take seriously sometimes at the podium during press conferences. But people should listen to Leslie Frazier's from Monday. I'm not sure how much stock to put in what he said, but he basically shot the zone versus man theory to schitt. He said it doesn't matter and that all NFL players in most all systems are asked to play both, and the skill set is the same, and it's tough to play corner in this league, but corners are corners and good ones are good in both. That doesn't seem to be the case, but this is a guy who seems to know how to coach defense and was a CB in the NFL himself.
  5. Maybe it's me, but that seems like a fantastic place to live! Oh, wait, I do! I'm a genius!
  6. Which begs the question, why is Kaelin Clay on the team?
  7. That's a retarded analogy and have the federal and local government do all different kinds of things to stop it that greatly lower that number.
  8. Everybody should be worried about 50 dead and 500 injured, it's only a matter of what if anything should be done about it. And these were all thinking, opinionated, highly educated (for the most part) men. So yes, very much so. Absolutely. And geniuses. Which is why they would care a lot and have a lot to say about it if they were alive now.
  9. Yep. I expect more two and three TE formations than three and four WR formations. Logan has a chance to add something. He looks like he is getting open a little. Tyrod threw at least five long balls last week out of 21 throws (two to Zay, two to Clay, one to the other Clay). That should keep teams from loading up the box just to stop Shady and if he continues to do it, especially to TE Clay, that should open the field for Nicklaus O'Leary and Logan Thomas.
  10. This is somewhat what I expected but meh. He adds a tiny bit of speed. I expect Holmes to be the #1 and Zay #2 and Philly #3. Yikes. If Tyrod can succeed with these guys for a month, he has to be reconsidered.
  11. One can speculate all we want about what the founders would or wouldn't do. I just did it myself. It's an interesting exercise. I truly doubt, and this is just an opinion, that these specific guys, from everything that I have read, which is a lot, would be as steadfast about keeping the second amendment as sacred as the right and the NRA and such do now. These guys would have a very strong opinion on what is going on right now, and I very much doubt it would be I'm worried about our republic and our freedom crumbling if there werent as many guns as people, and our citizens must be able to keep automatic weapons to protect them from standing armies of nation states.
  12. I read about 30 books and that many articles on guns in 1776. Most of the top historians. Some by gun experts. That idea of the best shooters and snipers getting off at most four per minute was rampant. Almost all used that same number. Even the professional Hessians. The most I saw from anyone was eight per minute but that was twenty years later and an outlier. One or more mentioned the shooters in the armies youre talking about as most of them being very good. They were the professional soldiers. You might know this but a little fun fact that the word sniper came from the British soldiers a couple decades earlier fighting in some backwoods place, and if they could shoot down the elusive Snipe bird, their mates would call them snipers.
  13. I recently did a lot of research on guns during the revolutionary war for a project. Numerous sources and historians mentioned how long it took for expert shooters to get shots off. Four per minute was what most of them said. So I know that to be accurate. Rifles even took longer than muskets. As far as fully automatics go that nine per second was what I just read. You can debate that. Please do. I'd like to know for sure.
  14. So at the time of the second amendment passing, an expert marksman could get off about four rounds a minute. Maybe five. A fully automatic gets off, what, 500? I just saw 540. 9 per second. I'm sure this is what the founding fathers wanted to protect. Well in the case of what they should say and don't. Of course. But not so much about maybe thinking something, deciding you shouldn't say it, and then not saying it.
  15. Wow. Good comeback. Now we criticize people for what they don't say. That should help the situation tremendously.
  16. So you're blasting CNN for something no one from CNN ever said? Keep up the good work.
  17. I will still say, unprovoked, to strangers, "I will give you fifty dollars for a hard-boiled egg." And then just laugh to myself.
  18. What a pass by Smith.
  19. Ugh. I remember they were smashed against fences but thought it was trampling. That sounds worse if possible. Sore topic... But... I have a funny story about that horrible incident. The concert before the Cincinnati show, I think the last one before that show, was in Buffalo. I was at Fredonia at the time. My college gf accused me, with no real evidence, of going to the show with another girl. This hot blonde girl. I said no way! Why would you even say that?! I did not! But the deaths at the concert in Cinci were then the cover story in Time Magazine that week. And there was a huge story in that issue. And included in that story was a picture of the last concert in Buffalo and they showed the crowd and there were about maybe 50 people shown in the photo in Time Magazine, but one of them was clearly me, and on one side was clearly one of my best buds, and on the other side, right next to me, was clearly the blonde girl my gf accused me of going to the Who concert with, that I vehemently denied. Oops. You cannot trust those lefty magazines.
  20. I can't believe all these bandwaggoners when the Bills win 75% of their games when they were all naysayers when we were always losing! Wait a minute... Nevermind.
  21. I understand players have each other's backs but it's interesting nonetheless. Preston Brown... Q: Tyrod franchise guy, long term answer? PB: Definitely. Hes gone out there and played well. 2-time Pro Bowl guy, but we havent had the wins and thats what goes on with franchise quarterbacks youve gotta have the wins and thats what were starting to do its a team effort and weve got to find a way to win more games and thats what were starting to do so then I think hell get more recognition and the credit he deserves.
  22. Are you talking about the Who concert and the trampling?
  23. No one knows what it's like...
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