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Kelly the Dog

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Everything posted by Kelly the Dog

  1. Agreed. If they lose tonight, however, it gets a lot more interesting. I don't predict it. I think they win by ten or more. But it would get interesting if Bellichick can't fix a way to fix that defense. They have lost a lot of players.
  2. A QB or a RB mishap and this team would be lucky to go 5-11. We are surely on the right track though. McD has been pulling the right strings so far and it's been a true joy to watch.
  3. I don't think what he said was entirely inaccurate. They did try to draw them offsides. What you said is also true from what Tyrod and Opie's said. But you could tell they were trying to draw them off as well. If they got that penalty they would be at the half yard line and likely went for it, or at the very least do the same thing and see if the defense was in a look they liked on their next call from shorter distance.
  4. How does that address the question? It doesn't at all.
  5. As Steve Schmidt said, if you have to have a press conference to deny you called someone a moron, there is a 100% chance you called someone a moron.
  6. Who cares if Kim Jung Un gets a nuke. Nukes don't kill people. People kill people.
  7. So you don't believe any story that has an unnamed source? Which are 90% of all stories for any side of any argument? Who is possibly going to put their name to that particular quote?
  8. This is a serious question. Do any of the people here who don't think there should be more gun laws or regulations think there is anything wrong whatsoever, or anything done whatsoever, about a guy who buys 33 guns in one year? Many of them semi automatics plus the bump stocks, etc? I'm genuinely curious. https://www.wsj.com/articles/girlfriend-of-las-vegas-gunman-back-in-u-s-1507124805
  9. https://twitter.com/msignorile/status/915597090155372545
  10. I liked the one report that denied Tillerson had called Trump "a moron," because Tillerson had actually called him "a fukking moron."
  11. I think it was Bill Barnwell who said that he would bet his female counterparts know more about the rules and the x's and o's of the game than his male counterparts, and that could be true. They have to to not be criticized for not being qualified.
  12. I don't think they let Pet Detectives in the zoo anymore. Lotta lawsuits.
  13. First time I ever took a woman to a Bills game I was dreading it. Ugh. We were playing the Steelers and I got roped into this thing. Like a first date. I was in charge of a busload of Bills fans going to Rich Stadium from a Hertel Avenue bar. And she snuck on without telling me. We had a block of seats so everyone made sure she sat next to me just to mess with me. The players were warming up before the game and I didn't even want to talk to her, and the first thing she said to me is, "Can you believe Cliff Stout's release? I think he stole it from watching Bradshaw." Stout was the Steeler's backup QB at the time. We dated for the next couple years.
  14. White hair and beard? Can't sing? Hmmmm...
  15. Tom Petty dead?
  16. Take him to the zoo! Special people like the zoo.
  17. Hello Kettle.
  18. Let me be the first one to throw thirty cents into the pot and try out 36 street free agents. I'm sure we can find 6-7 better than Tolbert.
  19. They asked Eichel about taking his teammates out for dinner after signing the huge deal. He said he'd be happy to except he had to "keep Kaner away from the wine." To which Kane replied... https://twitter.com/evanderkane_9/status/915652956942426112
  20. Probably because it frustrates them the most when other teams do that to them. When a team scores on big plays coaches usually pull the "we didn't execute" card. If we only did this or that we would have stopped it.
  21. If you're picking on O'Reilly for being not worth the money as your top item you don't have a lot bad to say about the team.
  22. I was thinking earlier about which I would prefer. A Qb who had a 1 TD 0 INT game. Or one that had 2 TDs but 1-2 INTs. Normally I think I take the two TDs and try to weather the turnovers. With a good to great defense I think I take the 1-0 guy, which is Tyrod.
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