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Kelly the Dog

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Everything posted by Kelly the Dog

  1. Your facts were wrong. He just started on this new element of activism three months ago.
  2. Add "willingness and disregard for profit."
  3. The fact we can't run nearly as well, blocking has sucked, we have way worse receivers, and an injured TE doesn't enter the equation?
  4. It's been around for 13 years. And not concentrated on crime, it's on underprivileged children.
  5. Ha. Tyrod would have been cut eight times, given a raise nine times, benched twelve times, and told we were trading for the best skill players in NFL history in two weeks fourteen times.
  6. Lol. That is one of the most simple, efficient, perfect responses to almost anything posted.
  7. I heard a story the other day that I had not heard before, and it came from a pretty legitimate source. I'm not positive it's true but I believe it to be true now, or something close to it. Shortly after Pegula sold his parcel of land that netted him $1.8 billion that he was going to use to buy the Bills he walked up to Roger Goodell in his office and laid down a signed personal check written for $1.8 billion to the NFL. Then said something about I am not giving this to you now, but this is where I'm willing to go.
  8. Cookie probably won't even show up for his own enshrinement. And yes, I know that he's dead. But people come back from the dead all the time. Or so I have heard. He was, however, one of the great backs and personalities in the NFL, and way ahead of his time. Long overdue.
  9. Not really sure how you-me-we can be accusing Bellichick of "bad GM-ing" when he is coming off a Super Bowl victory and is tied for the best record in football now even with a bunch of injuries. And yes, I know who his quarterback is. And I truly hate the guy.
  10. The Bills would be playing the Covfefe 2 Defense.
  11. Interesting story, and very Trumpish, although neither Trump nor Bon Jovi/Toronto ever really had a legitimate chance at owning the Bills.
  12. You know that report was nonsense and not true, right?
  13. Damn. That is so awful to hear. Hearts out to the Thomas family.
  14. No one says potahto either. If you are going to put something in quotes it should be what the person said.
  15. Tyrod's high ratings have to be taken with a grain of salt. Numbers without context are worthless. Think a moment, for example, if he wasn't throwing to outstanding skill players like Zay Jones, Jordan Matthews, Andre Holmes, Deonte Thompson, Nick OLeary and Logan Thomas... and instead had a bunch of scraps like Gronk, Cooks, and Amendola... or Nelson, Cobb, and Adams... or Cooper, Crabtree and Cook... or...
  16. He's talking as an option not a requirement.
  17. I just googled that exact phrase you put in quotes and it said this does not match any documents. And everything he has said has been all over the interwebs. He did say, "I am not going to stand up to show pride in a flag for a country that oppresses black people and people of color. To me, this is bigger than football and it would be selfish on my part to look the other way. There are bodies in the street and people getting paid leave and getting away with murder." That may or may not be true. A lot of people think it is.
  18. You, saying it no longer exists, thereby telling everyone to just keep doing what they are doing.
  19. It was a joke, hence the wink. I was serious with the question though. Not argumentative. You seemed to sarcastically say no one was aware of the police issue before Kaep came around. Thanks for that, Colin. But then didn't apply your same argument to the Harvey Frankenstein issue.
  20. How many Ken East alums here? I'm one.
  21. So are you implying that you didn't know sexual harassment existed before HW was exposed?
  22. Roy Batty is dead to me. He's trying to bring awareness. He tried to get people talking about it and he succeeded to some degree. We are obviously not going to solve it here. A huge amount of people on both sides of the issue do not know what the hell they are talking about. But awareness SOMETIMES works and brings about change. It looks as if, for example, the Harvey Weinstein issue is bringing about awareness all across the country, women are coming out for the first time in numerous different industries, and sexual harassment may less to some degree if not a substantial one.
  23. He's not trying to fix the justice system the way you are describing. He's trying to get the justice system applied fairly across the board. Millions of people including yourself think it already is concerning the issue Kaep is addressing. Millions of people including myself think it isn't.
  24. That's true. And fair point. It's not worthless.
  25. So if you believe one part of the justice system is wrong and may need to be fixed, that means you believe that entire justice system is wrong? That's a ridiculous stance.
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