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Kelly the Dog

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Everything posted by Kelly the Dog

  1. It's also a fact that they are not physiologically more likely to start drinking to excess than Europeans, nor are the offspring of an alcoholic, but if they do indeed start drinking, then their tolerance is way less. That is the physiological difference. Which is why the numbers are so high. But there are millions who do not start drinking. So to just blanket statement that Indians don't hold their whiskey is a racist statement, just assuming something by the color of their skin.
  2. Well of course it is. But I was just responding to Lurker's post about maybe saying non-PC things to his players before, so I googled "dumb things McNair Texans said" and the first one was titled "Texans Owner Bob McNair Says More Dumb Stuff" - so I read it, and sho nuff, then linked it.
  3. Carr with Amari Cooper, Michael Crabtree, Seth Roberts, Cordalle Patterson and Jared Cook... Or... Tyrod with Half a Jordan Matthews, Zay Jones, Deonte Thompson, Andre Holmes and Nick O'Leary. Hmmmm... Somewhat lost in the game last week was our five no names matched Tampa Bays five household names in yards and points. Maybe 30 less yards and three more points.
  4. Outside of being a genius chef and commercial spokesman, Kiko is kinda known as a muttonhead.
  5. This may not be about players but he's a doozy... "Everybody respected their courage," McNair told me of the Indians. "They might not have respected the way they held their whiskey, but. ..." He laughed. "We respected their courage. They’re very brave people." http://www.houstonpress.com/news/bob-mcnairs-eloquent-treatise-on-native-americans
  6. Not really. The last actors strike was 1980 for three months. The one before that was led by Reagan in 1960. The Reality Show craze and boon started in the late 80s and early 90s with Survivor and Real World and Big Brother. Then exploded in the early 2000s. The writer's strike, if that's what you mean, was 2008. The industry did learn you didn't need writers for Reality Shows, nor actors, but that was long ago and not the reason people watch them. It's the reason a lot are made because they are so cheap.
  7. I don't really want to get into this because it was gone through in dozens of pages when it happened. But you're right about the lease in 2019 but wrong about the ability to make the new stadium. The NFL was never ever ever going to allow a lame duck team for four years, not to mention that the lease said the Toronto guys couldn't even talk about a new stadium during that time. They were going to build it in secret? It's incredible they did it for two years for the Raiders and that's only because after twenty years of haggling there was an impasse. They weren't going to keep the team in Buffalo for four years with no crowd. That was the genius of the lease. Not to mention the NFL wanted the team to stay in Buffalo.
  8. Couldn't be further from the truth. Pegulas are miracles for the city for several reasons. But the Bills were not leaving. It was almost an impossibility because of the lease.
  9. You're talking to the wrong person. I'm one of the most sympathetic to black people's causes on this entire board. Overly so. So much in fact I call myself a racist because I favor minorities over white people on almost everything. I do believe this to be a straw that broke the camel's back scenario. And do believe Hopkins did it because he couldn't believe the insensitivity of McNair the day of a sit-down meeting to address the issue. And I also think that particular insensitivity is most of the problem. But walking out of practice hurts your team. The team spoke about it and en mass decided to practice. I think it could have been voiced differently.
  10. jmc12290..."It makes me angry because I don't believe Colin Kaepernick is genuine." "I don't think he's interested in making any real progress, like so many other people in the world." Hypocrite.
  11. That's actually the crux of the entire problem. Thanks for bringing light to it. It's called empathy. Look it up. I can see you don't actually possess any. Or reading comprehension. I didn't say how black people think. I went out of my way, three different times, to say I don't know. I wonder. Just a hunch.
  12. I wonder if Hopkins maybe felt that because he was the star player, and the team needs him and likely won't do anything drastic to punish him, that he would be the guy to walk out. Rather than him being more of a malcontent. It's already reported that a lot of players wanted to not practice. If it were a scrub they could bench or cut or other wise put him in his place. Just a thought or hunch.
  13. Well they did show the cop put a gun to his head.
  14. True. But don't the Bills have the right to just cut him any time during the preseason for no reason or warning and ruin his plans and no one thinks anything of it other than they thought they wanted him but don't anymore?
  15. Yup. Or the trannys running the restrooms. Then no one would have cared.
  16. You know, if we would just let the lunatics run the prisons, and the inmates run the asylums, the world would be a better place. Granted, some would say that's already the case.
  17. Good post. I feel similar but compartmentalize it. The entire issue has absolutely zero affect on watching the team or games or NFL football. Zero. Regardless of who is right or wrong. I don't mind talking about the social issues, individual actions or comments, and conversing/arguing with idjits.
  18. Untrue. Ignorance of how something is racially insensitive happens all the time by non-racists. They say things that are racist without being racists.
  19. The reason that reality shows exist is because the dumb public eats it up. An incident like this becomes public and like this thread, the dumb posters, myself included, eat this up. Just as many people come on a thread like this to biotch about biotches. I don't know the particulars of this incident but it is very likely that the Texans players saw this on social media. Got pissed. Decided not to walk out in full but play anyway. Hopkins chose not to. They didn't go to the media they went to practice. the media covering the team noticed Hopkins not there and rightfully asked why. The team said personal reasons. Guys like Schefter dove deeper. They discovered it was about the McNair quote. The players didn't say look at me the media did. And that is their job. They reported it and we ate it up. It's our fault as much as anyone's. If we don't eat they don't write.
  20. Totally agree. I think it's a huge over-reaction.
  21. "Spare me these types of non-profits.." So which players are not under that umbrella when you denounce them in a blanket statement knowing nothing about them. I agree a disgusting proportion of money from foundations is stolen or misused or misappropriated, don't get me wrong. But a ton of them do great stuff, too.
  22. As thin-skinned as the owners are thick-headed.
  23. Well that's a clear example of guilt by association. Dating you = menace to society. You cannot deny that.
  24. Good solution to the problem. Send more black guys to jail for unpaid parking tickets.
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