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Kelly the Dog

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Everything posted by Kelly the Dog

  1. Of course. Who cares? I have. Endless times. Trump has said racist things for decades, done racist things for decades, said racist things recently, done racist things recently. It could be that he is a racist. Maybe not.
  2. I'm not sure why he couldn't have as big of a celebration once he scored. Too many times over the years we have seen a guy celebrate stupidly and then not score. I love the guy as much as anyone. I don't like him any less now because he did that. He just shouldn't do it. No one should. He's awesome though. Probably my favorite Bill.
  3. Yes. Really. No player should ever slow down or celebrate until in the endzone.
  4. And if they actually are racist, all of that is true.
  5. I thought there were a bunch of bad calls but on the most important ones, we got the benefit of the doubt.
  6. Love Shady. Love his personality. Hated that showboating and not running hard into the endzone on the long run. Don't do it.
  7. Taylor may be better than Schopp thinks.
  8. Lofting was very good as an analyst. Personable, knowledgeable, entertaining, decent voice. That's a very hard job and he did well.
  9. Easton for playing well but moreso for not getting burnt. Mills for neutralizing Mack. TT and Shady for being TT and Shady. Preston Brown for his two straight sweet tips and all around good game. Hauschka and Colton Schmidt. Holmes for his couple very nice plays and feet. Rex would be proud. Dennison for calling a very good game, Frazier and McD the same for defense. Milano.
  10. Sure, he's great, but I miss Kiko.
  11. What would be an awesome insight that we will never get, is a blind poll asking all of the white players what they think about this. It's impossible to know what the results would be. I would imagine that they mostly agreed with the black players. The reason being they spend a lot of time together. Endless stories are told between them. Pro sports teams are one of the best places in the world for race relations although that's not always 100% true. I highly doubt that the white players are just going to believe this stuff doesn't happen much (meaning discrimination by police not necessarily deaths) after serious discussion. Right now, I doubt any white player would say to the media he thinks these guys are way overreacting regardless of what he truly felt. So we are not going to know if they approve or oppose.
  12. They manufactured 30 out of nowhere last week with a band of misfits (excluding Shady).
  13. Yes, I do know. It's blatantly obvious what their problem is. And again, I think they way overreacted. But it's extremely clear why they were pissed. Black players have been saying similar things for decades about the same issue, and it's not about asylums.
  14. I said immediately I thought it was a huge overreaction. I was just correcting another poster saying they would have done the same thing if McNair said lunatics running the asylum, and they wouldn't.
  15. No. They wouldn't have. It's that kind of insensitivity or ignorance that is a significant portion of the problem. Minorities have problems assuming they are criminals or owned or under someone else's dominion. It's been that way for ages. That's why they flipped out over "inmates." The fact you don't understand or acknowledge this kind of thing is what they are complaining about.
  16. I know stuff often takes a long time. But the LAPD concluded their investigation and the Chief made his recommendation almost two years ago.
  17. No one knows. They are just dragging their feet and the natives are getting restless. The Police Commission ruled that eight shootings by cops in LA last year were unjustified. The Police Chief disagreed with three of them, so I assume he agreed with five. It's very rare, as there are millions of times a year the LAPD has contact with the public. But it's still eight totally unjustified shootings. The most in a decade. And that's the number from the cops policing themselves, of course. Not an outside arbiter.
  18. You wonder why minorities have problems with you Racist Deniers. His own guys are saying he did it. It was an unarmed homeless man. The cop's partner at the scene in the same incident said he didn't see what the cop said happened. The video showed what the cop said happened didn't happen. The Police Chief recommended charges. The Police Commision did an extensive investigation and recommended charges. The cop had two other criminal charges against him plus was just charged with domestic violence against two different women while on leave.
  19. Just keep your head in the sand, dude. The Police Commission reviewing it said charges should be filed against him too.
  20. It was two years ago and prosecutors haven't even decided what to do yet. But put it this way, his own Police Chief publicly said criminal charges should be filed against him, and the city has offered $4m to the family to settle it.
  21. 12 pages and no one has mentioned how these Beane wins are going to set this franchise back a decade? What is wrong with you people?
  22. No. The point is a first rounder is a 50-50 shot at best. Second, third and fourth rounders are less than 25%.
  23. You're nuts. You think one is justifiable even though the guy was unarmed because the cop said he reached for his gun but the video of it showed he didn't come close to reaching for the gun? That's justifiable? I just re-read the first four. Two of the first four were unjustiable.
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