Thompson had played a lot with Taylor before though. Years. As well as a year in Dennisons system. KB has never played with TT before as far as I know. Big difference.
I do think that he could play on Thursday for limited specific plays.
I think it was a bad trade for Panthers but I understand what they are doing. Funchess is pretty good and hes the big guy. They want to get speed guys like their two top picks this year McCaffrey and Samuel out in space.
Its supposed to go out late Tuesday aft but Josh emailed me and said that just before they were going to put it out the trade happened. So he decided to run it in the morning.
It was probably McCarron keeping them on the phone, screaming, " woooooo, woooooooo, wooooooo, wait, talk to my girlfriend, this is awesome" and not letting them off, hoping this would happen.
From what Beane just said, entirely. Said he's very blue collar. Fits in locker room. Players like him.
I agree that there is all kinds of discussion. Way more than we hear. No doubt. But these two put such a huge emphasis on this kind of thing.
That really surprises me, if true. I would say I don't believe it unless it comes from a reliable source. I can't imagine they think he is a football character guy who is going to buy all in to "the process."
This is really such a great trade. Didn't give up a ton. Just what they need. Obviously HC and GM know him well. Have him for two years. Really good move by McBeane. He's a good player.
I just saw this tweet and immediately thought to myself, I betcha that Kevin Spacey is strongly considering this, too.
He hasn't though. By a long shot. Humber was very solid. Milano has made a couple singular great plays. He has a good future. Humber was playing the position better all around though.