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Kelly the Dog

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Everything posted by Kelly the Dog

  1. After checking play by play, looks like early in third quarter.
  2. I agree there is a lot of inside baseball and rule breaking going on concerning this. You're not allowed to negotiate a contract with a player under contract with another team. But the Niners could have given permission for Hoyer's agent to work out a deal with the Pats before the trade was made. That would be allowed. The Pats could also make it a condition of the trade informally I'm pretty sure. They can say if you release him we will make this deal. And both teams agree. I suppose the Niners could legally renege on that and there wouldn't be anything the Pats could do legally. But I doubt the Niners would do that, and like Beane said said about trades, word would get around you're not an honest broker.
  3. This was criminally negligent as an NFL player. Just shows how highlight reels are not the best indicators. https://twitter.com/sorenpetro/status/925366746214748160
  4. Actually that is true. I didn't think of it in those terms. You can like the guy, and still want him, and then think for that amount we have to trade him. He's not that good.
  5. I meant they were super popular with strange songs.
  6. Because he would be selling his soul to the devil? I know he was there before but he was drafted by them. If you're a competitor you want to play. There is a decent chance if he signs for three years and is on their roster for let's say, two, he never plays a regular season game again in his life. I think I would want to play rather than get a Rob Johnson Super Bowl ring.
  7. Yep. That's a good argument. I happen to think that Bruce was the best ever to play that position and OJ probably wasn't to play his. But OJ may have been a better player. Bruce did it a lot longer. It's kind of like saying what was the best band of all time. You really have to consider the individual songs, full albums, just the music, the lyrics, performance, longevity, the very best songs or albums. Did they have many bad ones. Etc. In that respect, maybe Bruce was better. But when OJ was at his very best he was better than Bruce at his very best. Tough to say. Pure talent and ability I would say OJ.
  8. Supertramp was such a weird, strangely popular band. Haven't listened to that in so long.
  9. That could easily have been a condition of the trade.
  10. Sure. That makes sense. But the line by Rappaport was that was the feeling in the organization, not just Marvin.
  11. Got it. Thanks. Smart move by Pats convincing them to do it. Although unless there was an injury to Hoyer for sure he was going to pass their physical. Although it begs the question, and granted I'm not in favor of this kind of nitpicking, but isn't it kind of mini cheating by the maxi-cheat Cheatriots? They would have had to known Hoyer was going to sign with them, which would have been while he was under contract to the Niners. I guess the Niners could have given them permission to negotiate with him.
  12. How is that possible? It's a trade. You have to be happy with making it or, um, you don't agree to it.
  13. So did the 49ers release him before the trade deadline, and therefore he didn't have to go through waivers? The change from vested veterans able to sign anywhere before the deadline didn't start yet? Was that the case? Otherwise it doesn't make sense that the Packers tried to steal him and couldn't. They could have put in a waiver claim.
  14. Trevor Siemian = Brock Osweiller = Hot Garbage. The only difference is, Hot Garbage may have been good at some point.
  15. In a perfect world, Tom Brady is Nancy Kerrigan. Brian Hoyer is Tonya Harding. And we just need a Jeff Gillooly.
  16. That's great. Kyle Williams is probably the single Buffalo Bill that is the embodiment of the city. Kyle and Fred Jackson I guess. I want the Bills in the playoffs this year as much for him as for anything else.
  17. The offense was also extremely conservative with the lead and the good field position and was happy at times to just make sure we got the three points rather than go for more risky plays and potential TDs. The coaches played to win not to get the most points. They arent trying not to score TDs obviously. But you can tell by the plays they run at times. They don't go downfield. They don't have the horses for it. Benjamin will help open it up a bit.
  18. Those are slightly less than hideous.
  19. It's there when I looked. Right at the top. Although as the day goes on and new stuff comes on there it will begin to slide down. Go Bills.
  20. Why do you think that is occurring more now, if that is what you are saying? Not denying it, just curious of your reasoning.
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