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Kelly the Dog

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Everything posted by Kelly the Dog

  1. Thanks for clearing the years up. But again I think he was only a very good QB one of five years. I watched them a lot those years. Even in 2004 when he had great stats he didn't look like the guy we know him as. He was good but not great. The next year he was pretty good. Sean Payton really let him loose.
  2. Not sure about that. However much these guys are great at what they do winning builds confidence and confidence can separate one player or equal skill from another. Winning the last game and reaching the playoffs regardless of what they do next week could help next year in late games. If they win next week, which I don't predict, that could help a lot.
  3. You're right. But it's important to differentiate from players that grouse off the field but still perform, versus guys that let the off the field stuff affect their play. I always thought TO got a bad rap. He was thought of as a prima Donna and nuisance, but he worked his ass off on the field and off. He tried hard, he was a great blocker, he didn't often quit on routes when the ball didn't come to him. Most selfish guys like that are selfish guys. McCoy groused but when he was on the field he always tried his ass off. People will say his first year he wasn't that great but it was because he had a bad hamstring not because he didn't try or was a bad guy regardless of his disappointment.
  4. Some people think that. I don't. He had a good stat year in 2004. And they still drafted Rivers. He wasn't as good in 2005. To me he was only a real good QB one of five years in SD. When he and Dante Culpepper were both available as FA QBs and both hurt a little, teams wanted Culpepper. The Dolphins chose him over Brees. Brees has good stats one year on the Chargers but they never thought of him as a star.
  5. What's funny is when it happened I turned to the guy I watch the games with, who knows way more than me, and I said this isn't bad, right? And he immediately went through a litany of reasons and scenarios of why it was wrong. And convinced me easily. Ha. And now, if I were the Bills, and roles reversed, and was asked would you rather have the team go for two at that point or kick the extra point and go up 20, I would definitely think I would rather have them go for two. If they kick the pat or make the two points I need three TDs. If they go for two and miss it could be two TDs and a FG. I would take that every time.
  6. Not Brees for sure. He wasn't even a good player his first five years. Manning yes. But he's not in the league so I didnt count him although yes he is a 15 year guy. Ben is about 12. Just a pet peeve of mine I guess. People talk about franchise QBs for 15 years but it rarely happens. They talk about running backs carrying 30 times but it rarely happens. If you get a franchise guy like Rodgers for 7.5 years, half of 15, you're one of 1-2 teams.
  7. That was the beauty of it. It wasn't a gimmick. It wasn't something that he was giving a guy that had a great career but didn't deserve this. It was a strategic idea and play. The defense knew he was there but surely assumed it was to block and keyed on the RB or Tyrod. No one thought he would get the ball. I would be highly critical of the decision if it were just a ceremonial thing in the middle of a playoff game. But again, Kyle is not just an average Joe. He is known as a very good athlete. The fact he is a scratch golfer to me is amazing. I think he is a great swimmer or excels in another sport. The point is it had little chance of hurting the team just to make a guy happy. It was a great thing to do at a perfect time and it worked. And again, I have a huge amount of respect for MCDermott to do that at that time. It was a huge play.
  8. Outside of Brady who in the last 30 years has been that guy? Hardly anyone ever is good for 15 years. Even hall of famers.
  9. Everyone has their own opinions on McDermott. I like him overall. I think he has done a great job with what he was given, and the playoff birth proves that. He's never been a HC at any level before so there is a learning curve. I think he has some very good ideas about building a team. I also think he's made some really bad mistakes in game, and it's just my opinion, but his choices of going for it versus punting or a FG try have been atrocious. Everyone has a different take on that and I understand that. It's not a fact it's an opinion. But... i will always love McDermott and respect him for the Kyle Williams call and play. I'm positive that Dennison did not do that on his own although who knows whose idea it was. I'm positive they practiced it so it wasn't just an impromptu thing. It was in the middle of the most important game in awhile so it wasn't a gimmick play. Kyle is a remarkable athlete in that pudgy frame, and a scratch golfer, so it's not like he couldn't handle the hand eye coordination. A lot of teams use a DL as a FB in those short yardage situations. But it was just simply perfect to do it then and to have it work it work the way it did. And I cannot like or admire McDermott more for making that decision. It's not like an OC regardless of what you think of Dennison was going to make that call. That was a tremendous decision by McDermott and could go a long way in his team building process. I like him. I think he's made a lot of good decisions and a lot of glaring mistakes. I'm very willing to ride this out and see what he can do. But I will never forget this one truly great decision that makes me believe he could be the guy for us. A great HC is like a franchise QB in the NFL. They are hard to find. They have to be good at 20 different things at the same time not 5 or 10 or 15 of them like other guys can do. But as a Bills fan of 50 plus years, through all of the good and all of the bad, that was a great moment. Thanks, Sean.
  10. This is where I am. I've been a fan since the early mid 60s. All of the ups and downs. If you can't win it all the playoffs aren't much to most teams. But it's surely a huge thing for Kyle and Bills players and fans who weren't around to experience the 90s. I said it elsewhere, and I like McDermott, but have some reservations about him. But I LOVE him for making that call for the Kyle TD and that can go a long way for players giving their all for a coach. Love that to no end.
  11. That's exactly my point though. If you kick the Xtra point and go up 20-0 they probably don't even try the FG to make it 19-3 and within two scores. They have to go for the TD. I think you're underestimating the difference between the possibility of two TDs and a FG versus three TDs regardless of the difficulty of the two point try. Three TDs is a whole different mindset.
  12. The point is why risk that. It would be different if making the two point conversion put you up by more than three scores. It didn't. If you make it, at 50% as you say, they need three TDs to tie. It's not an automatic win. If you just kick the point, they need three TDs. If you do what we did they only need two TDs and a FG. To me that's an easy choice. The upside isn't worth it. Three TDs is extremely hard with a little more than a quarter left. And look what happened. They could have WON with a fluke play.
  13. People often forget that the 83 class had three stars, two busts and one pretty good guy. And the second and third guys were not the best if I remember. I think Tony Eason and Todd Blackledge were taken pretty high. Marino was sixth. Ken O'Brien was pretty good but not great. Even in the best year ever it was a crapshoot. I think all of that is nonsense. I'm not saying he will be a stud, or that his strong personality will not have an affect of his perception around the league. But the hot tub thing is total nonsense. He's a really tough player. His teammates love him. The fact he is not afraid to speak his mind is a concern but not a detriment or lack of leadership.
  14. Who knows. But any football fan I imagine would think it's easier to score two TDs and a FG than three TDs with 20 minutes left. Granted you have to get two two pointers but still. Chances are it takes most of the time to get two TDS. Three is FAR harder.
  15. How great a feeling is that. Just like at our Bills backers club.
  16. Yup. It seems like a no brainer. He's not great. He's not the future. You can't trade him for a high pick. But you could do a lot worse. And he masks a lot of deficiencies. The best possible scenario, which is what all teams should aspire to, is to hit it big in the draft and NOT have to force him in, and also to have a great backup. If we draft a guy like Mayfield or whomever and he wows us, Tyrod is the best backup in the league.
  17. No. Because that never happens. If you were to trade Aaron Donald or JJ Watt or any other player no one gives up two number ones. It's stupid but true. They do for draft picks but not established players.
  18. Except they were a 9-6 team with him. And little help.
  19. To me it's a no brainer. You keep him. You do everything you can to get the guy you like to be the new guy, Rosen or Darnold, even if it takes two ones, two twos, whatever. Or if that is not possible you do everything you can to get the guy you like like Mayfield or Jackson or Rudolph, it doesn't matter. Get the guy you like but keep Tyrod. Let them battle it out in training camp. If the draft pick is anywhere close start him, and then you have the best backup in the league. If he needs some time, play Tyrod for a few games and see how the team responds.
  20. Except I'm not a hater. I think he does a ton of stuff good. I'm glad he's our coach now. I'm willing to give him a chance. But nothing is black or white. That doesn't mean all his decisions are good. In fact, it could be his downfall. There are coaches who are great at preparation but in game they are not great at making on the spot decisions. His time management has been horrible lately. His in game decisions to either go for it or kick it away have been horrible. Like, really bad. And again I like him. He's also never ever been a HC at any level so this is all new to him and I'm willing to give him a learning curve. But he's made a lot of great decisions and a lot of really bad ones. The jury is still out. It's not like you have to like everything he does or nothing he does.
  21. Yep. Our defense was mediocre overall. Stats wise it was at the bottom. We had a pretty poor OL most of the season. Our WR was neither good nor healthy. There was not one game the entire year our WR corps was healthy. Our two best WR were acquired midway through the season. Shady was great because he was Shady and made something out of nothing. Our backups were lousy. Our OC was criminally bad even for Bills homers who don't like to criticize.
  22. That question is not indicative of what a player is worth.
  23. I'm a Tyrod fan but sometimes he sucks. The second throw is to OLeary he HAS to make to be a good QB because it's an easy throw. And he misses too many. And he needs to not be the sucky guy more than he is now in order for us to believe or invest in him. BUT... There are several QBs that are better than him that would be worse than him on the Bills. Tyrod haters ignore the ten plays a game he eludes the rush and either throws a bad pass or makes a great completion. Guys like Cousins and Flacco and maybe even Matt Ryan would get killed on the Bills under the rush they get. Even Brady would get killed. Our OL stinks at pass protection. Our WR suck at getting separation. Our OC stinks. Tyrod camouflages our glaring deficiencies. Be careful what you wish for.
  24. That's cool. I understand. And sometimes coaches have to go with their gut. But McDermott has been extremely erratic. He has been randomly aggressive and randomly conservative. That's not a great sign. Overall I like him. But there is no apprenticeship for being a head coach. He hasn't been one at any level. Some people or fans think if a decision works out it is a good decision. Other people or fans think a bad decision is a bad decision regardless of if it works. I understand both positions. I personally think a bad decision is a bad decision regardless of if it works. I don't think we should have been in a position to lose the Dolphins game. Others think we won so that's all that matters. I don't think there is a definitive answer. Your decision has nothing to do with what happens later. It is only based on percentages.
  25. There is a huge difference between two TDs and a FG versus three TDs late in the third quarter. If you make the two pointer they need to score three TDs to tie and maybe win. But if you miss they only need two TDs and a FG. Big difference. Which played out.
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