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Kelly the Dog

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Everything posted by Kelly the Dog

  1. How did Mike Glennon's body of work command 18m or whatever he got? How did Rob Johnson's body of work command 25m twenty years ago?
  2. Robert James was in the top five best players in Bills history. Better than Kelly and Reed, who were fabulous players, and did more for the franchise. But that is not the same question.
  3. There seems to be a lot of stuff I would love to know but don't really have access to. During the offseason we just wait for the combine, free agency and draft. And make our predictions based on our limited "film" study. But it would be interesting to know what are the things you guys and girls really want to know that you only have limited access to. If we could interview a scout or GM or personnel director or... I thought of a bunch off the top of my head to get it started... 1. 40 times. The difference in them from a scout’s POV depending on the position. How, say, a linebacker like Reggie Ragland or lineman may not have a great 40 time but his anticipation, quick reading of the play, acceleration, instincts may each cut a substantial amount of time off that score compared to players with great 40 times but without the instincts and reaction time. Have to have a scout really break that down. 2. Same thing with cone drill times and the 10 and 20 yard times. 3. MPH at the combine from the QBs does not relate directly to “arm strength.” What arm strength really means to a scout and a fan is not the same thing. 4. Players in free agency don’t just go for the money. How much a player’s family and wife and home and kids and schools and the city and the coaches and the style of play and the 30 different things that go into a player’s decision making process when deciding where to go in free agency. Each guy has a different hierarchy of those 30 things. Plus a lot of the misconceptions about Buffalo and players wanting to come there. 5. Draft boards. How they are made and the rankings, and how every single pick in every single round by every single team in every single sport is the same decision. Take the top couple at the height of your board, compare them with the top couple at positions of need, compare them with how many good players are likely to be available when we pick again and then and only then decide the margin of difference between Top Overall and Top Position of Need and what are the chances of filling that position of need later. 6. Going to the draft as a fan. What that whole experience is like. Ask Mark Vader!! 7. What the teams really ask the players on individual interviews, what they put them through, what Gruden Camp type of whiteboard questions do the teams really want to know. 8. What is a Pro Day really like. 9. What happens when players get together and work out together without the teams in the off season. What do they do in their workout times and off times. How much of a drill sergeant is the guy hosting them. Who pays. Etc. 10. How much can coaches trust coaches of college players or even their high school coaches who all want their kids drafted high and will build them up. How to get the real scoop from coaches who don’t want to hurt their kid’s chances. 11. What is a guy like Josh Rosen’s hourly schedule like from now until the draft. That is an insane behind the scene story usually. 12. How does a team really negotiate a contract with an agent during free agency and how much bull **** is really being told them.
  4. Art's was awesome. I worked at Gabel's for those years, a block away.
  5. I bet you could take the very best scouts of all time and find almost as many of those things. He's very good. He watches a ton of tape. Granted not as much as a full time scout but pretty close. It's likely an 70 hour a week job for him. And he looks for the same things scouts look for, outside of specific team needs and wants only the scouts know.
  6. Well those are plays that likely would have propelled the team to a win but not certain. The Norwood kick on last play was win or lose.
  7. You realize, I assume, that this costs a lot of money, the live events are about 15 hours ahead of us, people tend to watch TV or have the time to watch TV much easier in prime time, 8-10 or 11pm, and the coverage of the Olympics these days is way, way, way more accessible and complete than in the past. Each Olympics is more coverage (for the most part, there may have been on hiccup).
  8. Get better Jim. One of the best ever. Although it's somewhat surprising it too this long. Kelly had a lot of gall.
  9. A lot of people obviously know this, but the two breeds normally thought to be the most nasty, pits and rottweilers, are right at the top of the list of great dogs if they are brought up right. Rotties are amazing. Dobermans, too.
  10. The guy that wrote Marley and Me was a columnist for the Palm Beach Post I think. And the origin of the book and movie was a column he wrote after his dog Marley passed. And he wrote that Marley was the best and worst dog ever. So all these readers in Palm beach wrote him or left messages on his recorder that the column was awesome, and touched them deeply, but their dog was the worst ever. And then proceeded to say why. He took a lot of those and decided to write the book. One was amazing: This dog was a criminal genius and would always break out of the house to just run around the backyard. He would run away, but when this guy and his wife would get home he was invariably out in the yard. They tried everything to make sure he stayed in. But soon he would take a running start and run across the living room, leap up in the air and go head first through the screen in the window, bust through it and hang outside in the yard. He busted so many screens they nailed a 2x4 in front of the living room window so he couldnt leap through. The next day they got home from work and he was outside but they couldn't figure out how he got there. Nothing was wrong in the house. A few hours later they went upstairs to bed and the screen on their master bedroom window was busted through. Ha. He jumped out the second story window.
  11. That is exactly what I meant. And it could go any number of bad ways. Foles starts the season and plays poorly but they win almost all of them... and now Wentz is ready. Foles plays the first few games and is quite good but not great, and now Wentz is ready and half the team thinks Wentz is the guy and half think Foles is. Wentz has a quick recovery and starts the season but is only average and the fans want Foles. IMO there is more possible trouble that good situations.
  12. A couple weeks ago I was wasted, which is so unlike me, and some girl mentioned her bucket list, which was predictably boring. And when she asked me about mine, I said I didn't have a bucket list, I did everything I ever wanted to do, I only had a "fukkit list" - all the stuff I knew I shouldn't do that I just had to before I died. It was quite long.
  13. They gave that one doggy downers. And like most actors, that dog wanted to be anyone but himself. I'm a huge dog guy and I think it's pretty much consensus opinion that Jack Russells are on crack. Before the addiction makes them a downer of course.
  14. Every single Olympics I amazed by the number of athletes, from anywhere, with 100x the most pressure that they have ever had in their lives, that perform their very best. Like once in a lifetime performance. That kills me.
  15. I live in Los Angeles as I think you know. I rarely if ever go to movies the first day they are released. Like maybe three ever. The day Private Ryan was released I had a meeting at Amblin Studios, which is on the Universal Lot. Since Amblin is Speilberg's company everyone was talking about it being a huge hit there. After the meeting was over I thought, what the hell, it's late Friday afternoon, I am going to have to battle the LA traffic, I will stay here (maybe drive a half mile still on the Universal grounds) and go see Private Ryan, which I heard was terrific. Movies I know I will see I try not to read anything about them before I go. I knew this was a Tom Hanks war movie but that was about it. Most of the reviews hadn't come out yet as LA gets a bunch of them before other cities. So I am sitting there watching Saving Private Ryan at Universal Studios multiplex which has like 18 theatres, and as you posted, that first seen is incredible. One of the best and probably the most intense ever. And I would say at least a third of the audience ran for the hills. Ha. Dozens and dozens of mothers had taken their kids to see the latest Tom Hanks movie. The four before that were Forrest Gump, Toy Story, Apollo 13 and That Thing You Do! They knew nothing about it like I didn't. And they were horrified. Covering their little six year old's eyes as they were dragging them up the aisle by the hair. It was both hysterical, and hysterical. I later had to watch the first ten minutes again because I missed so much watching these MILFs dragging their kids out of there. Awesome opening scene though. Although not as entertaining as my experience. At least as horrified
  16. I totally agree with that. And I love mutts and shelter dogs. However, I have gotten to know three separate dogs who were actually the disgusting "designer dogs," with breeders putting two disparate dogs together and making a new breed. Just being honest, all three of them are fantastic dogs. Really great. I'm not making any larger projections or statements or even saying this is a remotely good idea. I just saying three of three were fantastic and one of them was one of the coolest, most fun and beautiful dogs I have ever known. And not mine so I don't think I'm biased. He was a cocker spaniel and one other I think.
  17. It's going to take a lot more than that. Not sure it is worth a lot more than that but probably is just on the 10-20% chance that he is going to be a franchise guy. If you consider that even though he may not be a franchise guy you got one of the very best backups in the league.
  18. True. They're amazing. But Jack Russells are likely known as the most manic of them all. Very fun and funny though. Super smart. They don't like to listen. The original (Jim) Kelly the Dog was a yellow lab. Best dog ever.
  19. They are insane. Fun but absolutely crazy. Never be a quiet moment in the house with three kids. Other terriers are great. Airedale terriers are super smart.
  20. The thing is, if they don't get rid of him it could create a huge problem for the team, especially if Wentz is just about ready but not fully 100% when the season starts.
  21. I always vote for Labs. My favorite breed. But I think KA said he didn't want one so big or aggressive and didn't have a yard to run. Labs would still be great but didn't fit the criterion.
  22. That would take some balls.
  23. Not a bad idea is a small cute dog who is also good for protection for the kids. Like a Shibu Inu.
  24. I think we signed Robbery for 5-25. He immediately sucked and we re-signed Flutie for about the same.
  25. He hit almost every pass. Guys were making circus catches. They only punted once. He'll never have another game like that and he wouldn't do it again under the same circumstances.
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