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  1. Any chance you know that the issues are that the city brought up? Is this all just subterfuge to get the city to straighten itself out? sounds to me like the city isn’t as “out” as everyone has assumed.
  2. This smells of an orginization that has basically already made a decision in what they’re going to do, but it’s trying to find ways to give a false sense of fan involvement. Thats not not a bad thing honestly. Their business, their decision, as long as government money isn’t involved.
  3. Was this sent to season ticket holders only?
  4. That’s not half the fun unless you’re underage and love throwing yourself into flaming tables. That’s the stuff Pegula and the NFL want to get rid of. Will that stop downtown? Most likely. That’s doesn’t means tailgating stops. That’s a myth that needs to stop being purpetuated by anti-downtown stadium people. Tailgating still exists in a Chicago, Cleveland, Pitt, and yes, Detroit. They just don’t do stupid crap that Bills fans do..what you think of as tailgating is not tailgating.. it’s drunken stupidity. Tailgating exists in all these places, in parking lots and closed city streets. Don’t act like it just magically disappears. There’s no reason to be careful. I wish immensely for a downtown stadium so the idiocy stupidity before the games can come to an end. The rest of the NFL looks at us like we’re Neanderthals. And it can still exist (and most likely will) and has been proven to exist in their cities with urban stadiums.
  5. It may make more sense for certain fans who live in Rochester. But it makes no sense for the fans from Buffalo, Toronto, or Erie. It also makes no sense for Buffalo’s economy which is why it shouldn’t be located there. And because it makes no sense for anything pertaining to Buffalo, it probably won’t happen.
  6. Rochester, Erie, and Toronto are the people that are targeted for that kind of weekend economy. And it’s a real thing.
  7. “I’m a fan of the Buffalo Bills, but I hate the City of Buffalo because I’m from Rochester and want to spend as little time there as possible.” Makes sense.
  8. And this is reason #1 why you build in downtown Buffalo. Trap people, get them to stay the weekend and spend their money. This will happen if built in downtown Buffalo, not in no mans land Newstead. I get the feeling that Business Terry knows this. They know you you will go back home to Rochester after the game if they stay in Orchard Park or build elsewhere in the boonies. That’s why it makes no sense to build there.
  9. Thanks for being the voice of reason. I believe your sources. The Bills playing out in Batavia really scared me for a while. Hopefully your sources are correct and his are incorrect haha. Does Terry really have a bias against downtown like Dunkirk Don said? Or is that hearsay?
  10. I get it but you need a ton of land for what the want to do with the shopping plaza and destination that Dunkirk Don talked about. Sure a stadium could fit at the Thruway mall, but do you really think they would stick a building like that smack dab in the middle of an already congested area filled with big box stores and residential areas? I don’t think it would be wise to do that...
  11. It so idiotic that it make sense. With all the good they’ve done, isn’t it time for a massive Buffalo screw up?
  12. Yes but find me 1000s of availible undeveloped acres on Cheektowaga. There aren’t many sites like that left in the immediate burbs.
  13. This is going to turn out like the Richfield Coliseum in the boonies of Cleveland did..a big fat mistake...
  14. It must the in Batavia Downs casino area, as Thurman Thomas is heavily involved with that.
  15. Don, my guesses are the new STAMP plant being built by the state in the Town of Alabama or an area further south by Darien Lake. Am I correct with either?
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