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FearLess Price

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Everything posted by FearLess Price

  1. Clay is the best TE weve had in years. This is a typical Bills fan overreaction. And he took responsibility for it. Get off his nads. Hes better thsn this board gives him credit for. Aknowledging the drops and all.
  2. Lol all trolling aside. I am very intruigued by gugnys superbowl food ppv. I stilk hsvent grown up yet so im stilk a suber bowl party crasher and life of party never the host tho.
  3. Ignorance and arrogance. Lol gotta love it
  4. Damn ice. I dont even know how the pack is at 4 wins. They seem to be in almost every game till the end.
  5. Facts. He is way more valuable in the locker room than a pick is on the field atm. Plus i his stats the last 2 years havent really been his fault. The offensive roster was terrible. Anybody really watching the games and not just the stat sheet knows this.
  6. He didnt really ***** on Hue tho. He was honest about not liking the bengals move after he got fired. He actuslly threw Todd Haley under the bus with the 'we have someone we believe in calling the plays now' comment.
  7. Hell yeah breh. Remember when last year tre got hit up and nobody stepped to the plate. Im so proud of Shaq Lawson. He is a dog. We need dogs on this team. After that we pushed the jags back so hard we even psyched out the kicker and he missed a normal FG. It was a game breaker.
  8. That was honestly the play of the game. The whole momentum shifted after that. Bigges shaq play for sure.
  9. McFly in the stye!! Thst was sick. Foster starting to live uo to potential. We actually look like an nfl offense!!!
  10. I smoked and fell asleep during the 1st quarter. Not cuz the game was boring. I was just moshed out from work. woke up at 1:30. Saw the highlights and was pissed i missed the game. Smoked again and went back to sleep. I want a modern offense. Why do we have to stay in the stone age? I would hate to see a league where good defense is shunned but the rules have steered it to score heavy games. Defense still wins games but a good enough offense can usually over come that.
  11. That is really short sighted. You could play barkley for another game or two only to evaluate the rest of the offense to pin point every position that we need to work on. After thst tho Allen has to start. This year is a wash for him, he jus needs to get as many real live reps as he can this year to level up for next year where we should be able to challenge for the WC
  12. I would use this as leverage to get sanders a good offer to stay for a 3 yr contract. Make sure u get him a Buffalo curator thst shows him a good time lots of girls 'party supplies' food spots and sell him on the city/team
  13. Where did you here that what did i miss. Link or your dunkirks body double
  14. Wow so its not a tank? Damn that might be the stench of trash
  15. McFly Former CEO of the CoT! We mightve pulled out a win vs the Chargers if we played Tyrod ball and let the defense create opportunities, def the Win the Titans game, but a healthy JA also wins that game, thats about it tho. So no. We arent. Our schedule was tough TT wudve been benched after the Pats game But if Barkley played like Jets game from week 1, we would def be in position to make a WC run.
  16. Mcfly in the styeeeee breeehhhhhhhsssss
  17. Ham and Pinapples Hand Toss Pizza
  18. That's why God gave you a mute button, dont be such a hater. Hes entertaining to some and annoying to others. Not unlike any other entertainer in the world. At this point thats what he is. Let the hate go my friend.
  19. I could def go for some prime time football with rex as color commentator. Hes personality for it.
  20. That sucks. Not wat i wanted to hear.
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