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FearLess Price

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Everything posted by FearLess Price

  1. I guess ill be that guy... After the PR nightmare that was Elis benching in 2018, the Giants ended up taking Barkley at #2 going all in on Mannings last few years at QB. As for Rosen? Well conservative owners and Republican influence turned his outspoken political beliefs into a smear campaign labeled as "personality flaws" or "@sshole syndrome". Even tho he was the most developed passer in the draft he ended up going #10 to the Arizona Cardinals, where he proclaimed "there were 9 mistakes before me", forgetting to do the math of qbs vs other positions taken before him. Cards took him after failing to trade up for Allen. Early reports seem to insinuate Rosen might beat out Bradford in preseason or at least start if Bradford gets hurt. He is the definitive #2 qb. Where Josh Allen still sits at #3 on the depth chart behind career back up AJ McCarron and 2nd year struggle QB Pick5Petermen. As for the Giants? They had a decent draft, as long as they stay healthy they will challenge for a WC spot at least, this year.
  2. I like our unis now. At 1st i wanted the red helmets back but we have one of the coolest unis in the league. Simple but cool. I think both color rush unis are cool in small doses like 2 games a year each max.
  3. This threads going 7 pages. Easy. At least theres news today. Im not complaining. As for OP. Tyrod did enough to stay but theres too much bad blood with the benching and too much controversy potential in a tt vs allen camp battle. The team respected Tyrod they played harder for him in that San Diego game it was obvious. That type of attitude from the team wouldnt work with what were trying to do with a franchise qb. He had to go for us to grow as a team. Its that simple. And Tyrods my dog. I hope he steps his game up big time this year or next no matter what team he lands on except for the pats or fish. This year is crucial for Tyrod, its either gonna make or break him. Its his contract year and hes going up against the afc north who have always had his number, and hes got a #1 QB drooling at the starting position right on his coat tails. The CoT has spoken. Pastor McFly in the building. Amen And yes im still down with OPP.
  4. Your not lying tho. I think Jerry Jones just testified against the potus which will lead to Kap winning his court case.
  5. 38 Lol @ question #2. When i answered i was like strongly agree. Then i paused, thought about it, and was like wait a minute. People kinda suck @ss. Im gonna rock with the animals.
  6. This is good news. Kid just needs to stay healthy. Stay away from the rubber mats!!
  7. It should. You have otas tc and preseason where position battles happen and you actually get to see the baby before its born like an ultrasound. So when the baby pops out in september you have a good idea of what your getting.
  8. Def looking forward to the stories in this thread. Also have a few good ones i will share.
  9. The TB game bc of the finish. The snow bowl cuz it was rare to see and it was close at the end looking like a cheap loss but we pulled through and week 17 cuz of everything and being able to see it with my family.
  10. Lol sign me up. I love assualt by vagina.
  11. If Haley is allowed to run the show that is. CLE nedds an OC. A real OC not just one in name you know the type.
  12. Is the coaching there tho?
  13. Cool write up. I wonder which one actually has the defnitive best wing
  14. Lol assualted 3 times. Strait jokes.
  15. I know this is wrong with but shes hott.
  16. Right. Never understood bashing old players when they left on good terms. Wish them the best until they play vs us.
  17. Hope this 2nd shot works for the kid. Its not how many times youve fallen bloody bruised dead and burried, its how many times you scratch claw climb and fight your way out of that casket to walk the world again
  18. That is so negative. Smh. Anyways theres enough storylines for this to be the best season in a while.
  19. I totally understand that. Theres people that just never get their opportunity in the stuff they strive for so i dont get throwing an opportunity like that out. Im a yung buck but the attitude the system is pushing on us is too soft.
  20. That was hilarious. It reminded me of the Owen Heart broken arm cast gimmick from 90s WWF.
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