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Everything posted by DevilsAlum

  1. Earlier in the week, I think Tuesday, Brad Riter went online and was able to "purchase" 8 tickets in row 105. It seems to me that they announced a sellout that wasn't a sellout
  2. At what point in your life is that a good idea?
  3. I've find them to be more Libertarian than Democratic or Republican.
  4. I may not be a meteorologist, but I am a historian and here is what I know. From approximately 1300- 1850 the earth-especially Europe-experienced what is known as theLittle Ice Age. A period in which the average temperatures dropped. I tend to agree with some who believe that this warming period is part of the Earth's natural cyclical pattern and am somewhat skeptical of many who proclaim the end of the world. It is interesting how many who scream global warming have some vested interest in the crisis
  5. I went back to Phoenix this past Easter break and contemplated getting the ASU logo done. When I told my wife about this she laughed so hard that I think she might have peed herself. Apparently my lovely bride does not see me as the tattoo type. Oh, and the Bears tattoo guy is an idiot
  6. I've have a running disagreement with many of my colleagues at the high school that I teach at that South Park is the smartest show on TV. They have been able to take a show about foul mouthed 10 year olds and morph it into the best show on TV. I particularly enjoy the lack of sacred cows and that they have no identifiable political leaning. Every time I think I have them pinned down ideologically, they do something to prove me wrong.
  7. I've watched the first two episodes (the third is still on the DVR) and have enjoyed them and the premise of the show. It brings me back to my teenage years when I was obsessed with nuclear war. I will, however, give up on the show if they go in the direction of government conspiracy; which is where I fear they are going.
  8. 252 - someone to post Picture of hot chick holding a light bulb
  9. I know that I don't regret the Dolfags decision to hire Meathead
  10. I just saw the play call on Miami's 2 point conversion attempt. Nick Saban should fire Mularky just for that
  11. I would've been more entertained with the list of the different " babies' mommas" Also, how many of those 9 children are supported by our tax dollars? My guess. . . 9
  12. I went back "home" to AZ over last Easter and did a lot of driving through the Northern part of the state which also has experienced a number of forest fires. I was amazed at the patterns of the damage and how some homes were completely lost while across the street there was no damage. Here's to praying that youre house is across the street
  13. Thanks Scott
  14. I agree as well. The coaches need to be better prepared to challenge plays. Even though the Jets would have probably scored anyways, their player was out of bounds and they should have been forced to earn the TD. Also, Reeds catch that was ruled incomplete could have been challenged as well. I understand timeouts are important but you can't be so conservative with your challenges that they wind up costing your team potential points.
  15. We're doomed
  16. I have to say, even though I am not completely happy with the 1st half, you can certainly see the difference in the coaching from last year. The fake field goal was not that bad of a call and an interesting play. I wish that Moorman could have made the shuffle pass to Peters. I would have loved to see Peters running with the ball
  17. The Bills need to come out and build a bigger lead with the wind in the 3rd quarter. (Yes, I know I am Captain obvious)
  18. Local Time Warner hd volume is having some issues as well. Sounds like they are in an echo chamber
  19. My neighbors are real pieces of work. Since their son got his drivers license about 5 years ago, he has had upwards of 25-30 tickets and I have had to call the cops at least 10 times because he likes to party with his idiot friends in the middle of the street at 2 am. Mom enables the boy and dad bails him out of all sorts of trouble. I'd like to go into more detail but I do live in WNY and it is not like I hide my identity. Needless to say, the kid is a tool and he obviously inherited it from his parents.
  20. Its not often that 80's west coast hardcore gets quoted here
  21. At least the music was decent
  22. It's stories like this that always get me in trouble with my wife. Damn you romantic men. There should be some sort of fine or something!
  23. I had to have the volume off so I didn't hear the audio. However, why was anyone recording this in the first place? Seems fishy to me
  24. It has to be Deadwood. Has anyone else heard that season three was its last?
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