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Everything posted by DevilsAlum

  1. Lets see what JP and the offense can do
  2. Dear JP, I would like to take back all the bad things I've said about you. Sincerely, A Bills Fan
  3. It would be better if i could watch it
  4. Mr.. Eugene Kolis 10th Grade Biology @ Williamsville East. The guy was an unrelenting taskmaster but a great teacher. Also, Alan Veeh @ McClintock High School in Tempe, AZ. Great government teacher. He really tried hard to straighten me out. BTW, if some of these people you are mentioning are still teaching, you should try to send them a note thanking you. As a high school teacher, the best reward of my job is when former students come back and visit you to let you know you made a difference in their life. While I am well compensated for my job, knowing that you impacted a life in a positive way beats any paycheck!
  5. IN WNY, the stand alone price for broadband is about $45. You can also look at DSL as an option. My personal favorite option would be to set up a wireless network with a neigbor and share the connection. Direct TV was at my house yesterday and can't get a line of site. A supervisor is supposed to be checking this out in a day or two. Does anyone think that I might have better luck with Dish?
  6. Former student at the high school I teach at Kenneth Kumm But he goes by Kenny
  7. ENTP - "Inventor". Enthusiastic interest in everything and always sensitive to possibilities. Non-conformist and innovative. 3.2% of the total population.
  8. All I know is that it is a really bad idea to get hammered at Seductions. Alchohol really does impair your judgement
  9. I've given up on jerseys with current players. I am tired of buying one and then having that player leave two years later. Maybe I'll get a Kelly jersey but in the current uniform
  10. And heck, it only took me three years, 2 months and 9 days.
  11. Is it too early to hope for a snow day?
  12. A Lake Effect Snow Warning is in effect for Northern Erie, Niagara, Orleans and Genesee counties from 8:00 Thursday night to 6:00 Friday morning. The National Weather Service in western New York says an historic snowfall may be in store overnight for the Buffalo area. According to the National Weather Service, a westerly flow of unseasonably cold air circulating around a very intense storm over Lake Superior will continue to pour into western New York tonight. The cold air crossing the 60 degree lake will produce bands of intense lake effect snow. The precipitation may initially be mixed rain, hail and wet snow. But the National Weather service says much of it will change over to snow later Thursday night, as the core of the coldest air moves through. The lake effect bands are expected to be heaviest in Buffalo's northern suburbs, like Amherst, Tonawanda, and northward into Niagara County. One to three inches of snow could fall in the areas, the National Weather Service says 6 inches or more is not out of the question. Heavy snow in the Buffalo Metro area this early in the season is unprecedented. The National Weather Service says there is still plenty of doubt as to any snowfall accumulation because the ground and lake are still very warm. A wet snow may even cause some power outages. Most trees still have leaves on them, and the snow could cause damage, resulting in outages. Conditions should improve quickly Friday morning as the lake effect activity moves further north and becomes mainly rain.
  13. Congrats BTW 10/15/2006 6lbs 14 oz 7:30 AM Jacob
  14. I love how it is flagged as inappropriate! Part of the problem with the left is that they think that people like long duc dong - oops, I mean Kim Jong Il- can be reasoned with.
  15. Not like I have a pressing need but can someone please post how to attach images
  16. Dude, no one understands loving your Alma Mater more than me. Ask yourself this question though, what career am I planning on going in to and do tattoos on my wrist help me get that job. I hate to sound like a Dad (which I am and also a high school teacher so I'm pretty practiced at "lecturing" about what I think are bad moves) but a wrist tat will not help with the hiring process. I do love your passion for your team though
  17. My eyes aarghhh
  18. I would say it is a little more than mildly disturbing,
  19. The same people that are screaming about global warming work from the same principles as those who screamed about Alar in Washington State apples a number of years ago. However, for those of you with an attention span of more than a few years, what happened to all the scientists who were predicting the next Ice Age back in the 70s?
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