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Everything posted by DevilsAlum

  1. Rosie O'Donnel's pants
  2. We need a tight end because the Bills owe me a Sun Devil on the roster!! The kids a tremendous blocker and while he might not be the fastest TE, I have seen him eat up many a Pac 10 secondary
  3. Please God let this be a sign
  4. I have 3 characters on Blackwater raiders Ive been leveling my warlock as of late God I need a life
  5. At the assured risk of getting massively flamed- does anyone else here play WoW?
  6. Which should explain why this young person is going to attend the spew of A in Tuscum. This bit of vitriol towards all things Rats should help explain my name ASU class of 92
  7. I was hoping that they would cast Donald Sutherland as Jack's tv dad
  8. It says the voting is now closed
  9. vote here It is interesting to look at some of the subtle regional differences between the girls. Midwest vs. big city. South vs. Pacific NW Oh, and looking at nice cans and a flat stomach isn't so bad either. My compliments to the Lakers on providing me with a choice between a blonde, brunette and a red head. True democracy at work!
  10. If she really feels so compelled to send nude pictures, let me volunteer to take one for the team
  11. And as a completely objective observer, I couldn't agree more
  12. bite your tongue!!!!
  13. which I know, I was referring to the fact that he was the last member of my alma mater that was drafted by the Bills
  14. With their hands? It is an all womens college after all.
  15. note to self, must visit Brazil w/out wife and children
  16. I'd love to see the bills go after this guy Zach Miller This guys career @ ASU was leaps and bounds above previous ASU tight end Todd Heap and he turned out alright However, I might be somewhat biased and have completely forgotton about Eric Flowers
  17. I find it very difficult to make a choice! Hooters Dream Girl Contest
  18. And his last name is Leather?
  19. As an always proud alum, I would like to point out that Arizona State always does it better than the Trojans Somewhat safe for work And from the AZ Republic A former ASU cheerleader has evidently decided to leverage the life skills she learned in Tempe into a career in, uh, the adult film industry. We're going to leave her real name out of it for her family's sake, but she goes by the aliases Courtney Simpson and Cory Heart. It's pretty sad, but making matters worse, she has brought the Sun Devils into it. We'll leave the sordid details to your imagination, but there are photos and video of the woman plying her trade while wearing an ASU cheerleading outfit, or at least an exact replica. There are shots of her cheering the ASU basketball team, and the girl is identified on at least one adult Web site as a "former Arizona State University cheerleader." We're told by an ASU official that she was dismissed from the cheerleading squad, but not for the adult stuff, which apparently happened after she left in 2004-05. Of course, we wondered if the school could take legal action. "ASU vigorously protects its trademarks and intellectual property," spokesperson Terri Shafer said. "(ASU) will look into this matter and take appropriate action if it believes there is an issue of infringement." We also found that cheerleaders are required to sign an agreement, which includes: "I know that I am part of a team representing ASU and will therefore always try to present myself in the best interest of the university." Maybe she glossed over that part. Anyway, it only adds to the school's reputation as a sin den. Playboy recently put ASU back into its list of the nation's top 10 party schools, several ASU coeds were pictured in the magazine's "Girls of the Pac-10" spread and it was only a few years ago that some fraternity members took part in taping a pornographic video. "This film has no relationship to the university or its programs," Shafer said. "It reflects only upon those who created it." That's how it ought to be, but is it any wonder that even folks working inside the walls darkly refer to the place as Always Something University?
  20. I'm looking for a Dolphin board to extend my sympathies. Any suggestions?
  21. Is that considered cruel and unusual punishment?
  22. Off to Church. . . Go Bills!!!
  23. Way 2 go special teams!!
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