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Everything posted by DevilsAlum

  1. Thanks to everyone for the links to watch online. Much appreciated.
  2. is this game on line anywhere?
  3. I'm not a fan of youth soccer games that start at 7 am on Saturday mornings,

  4. Today would be my father's 71st birthday. It doesn't seem like it's been 11 and a half years since you've passed. I miss you but I'm even more upset that you have missed meeting your grandsons, Abbey become a teenager and Julie's daughters. You would have loved them and they you. Not a day goes by that I don't think of you and miss you.I thought this was supposed to get easier as time passed?

  5. Just got the text from the Bills- It's official!
  6. Thank you everyone for all the birthday wishes

  7. At Russell's steakhouse and hotel with my beautiful wife. Getting my birthday present.

  8. waiting for my wife to cook me dinner. Doesn't she realize her role in this house? I'm the man damnit!!!!

  9. If you're talking Zach Miller from the Raiders I am soooooo on board for what should be semi obvious reasons
  10. Looking for some suggestions where I can get 20-25 family members together. In the past we've rented chalets in Gatlinberg, Lake Tahoe and Virginia Beach. We're looking for a place out west, easy to fly in to and with things to do in the summer. Any suggestions?
  11. When did DC characters join the Avengers?
  12. ESPN reported that the Bills were "unwilling" to trade ML
  13. Last game I saw with my Dad before he passed away. This one ranks high on my list of favorite games
  14. Great article from the National Football Post. After reading it I have hope for the Bills Front Office under Buddy Nix http://www.nationalfootballpost.com/Discon...n-scouting.html
  15. I don't know if he can coach but what an interesting life!
  16. Thurman on his Twitter account just said that he had spoken to Coach Gailey and that he's already got his coaching staff together. Who knows?
  17. The quote of never give up from Marv is a paraphrase of a speech by Winston Churchill- whom Marv was fond of quoting: Never give in. Never give in. Never, never, never, never--in nothing, great or small, large or petty--never give in, except to convictions of honor and good sense. Never yield to force. Never yield to the apparently overwhelming might of the enemy.
  18. HAs anyone been able o track down who was on Gailey's coaching staff in Dallas except for Dave Campo?
  19. Look who is coaching the West team in the East West Shrine game. If it means anything, IDK.
  20. As someone who has watched Stanford sledgehammer my Sun Devils, Harbaugh is going to be a great NFL HC in the near future. Have any of you critics watched more than one Stanford game in the last few years?
  21. Jeez, you would think with so many football super geniuses on this board, at least one of you would be working for a NFL front office by now
  22. For those of you who missed this outstanding documentary when it was shown on Showtime, the NFL Network is broadcasting it. Part one is this Friday @ 8pm http://www.nfl.com/news/story?id=09000d5d8...mp;confirm=true
  23. National Air Cargo has a flight in today from Boca Raton. http://flightaware.com/live/flight/N594CA/...2040Z/KBCT/KBUF So, is Ralph in Florida or Detroit this time of year?
  24. That's a US Air flight. I don't think they're bringing him in commercial. But if they did, would he sit in Coach?
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