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Everything posted by DevilsAlum

  1. Slick Rick w/ Dougie Fresh
  2. When Jack Bauer does push-ups he doesn't push himself up, he pushes the world down.
  3. Natural selection only works because Jack Bauer personally kills all the weak creatures. Jack Bauer does not tolerate weakness.
  4. I'm not going to claim I'm some sort of expert but. . . for those of you who want Reggie Wayne, how much of his "success" is from being the number two reciever across from Marvin Harrison. I'm not saying this to be a smart *ss but as an honest question.
  5. A lot of TD decisions reminded me of someone who had to show everyone how smart he is.
  6. After the Britain Beer Festival, in London, all the brewery presidents decided to go out for a beer. The guy from Corona sits down and says, "Hey Senor, I would like the world's best beer, a Corona." The bartender dusts off a bottle from the shelf and gives it to him. The guy from Budweiser says, "I'd like the best beer in the world, give me 'The King Of Beers', a Budweiser." The bartender gives him one. The guy from Coors says, "I'd like the only beer made with Rocky Mountain spring water, give me a Coors." He gets it. The guy from Guinness sits down and says, "Give me a Coke." The bartender is a little taken aback, but gives him what he ordered. The other brewery presidents look over at him and ask "Why aren't you drinking a Guinness?" and the Guinness president replies, "Well, I figured if you guys aren't drinking beer, neither would I."
  7. This might explain Tiger's previous slumps.
  8. Damn, you "beat me" to the obligatory "rub and a tug" comment" I'm just suprised it took this long
  9. Found this on another board. Interesting. . . Im going to show you all 7 fields of study that Dharma is currently working on and basicaly disect them .. So that you can see what's going on in this show.. The Hanso Foundation (Parent company of the Dharma Initiative) involved in: 1-Life Extension Project 2-Electromagnetic Initiative 3-Quest for Extra-Terrestrial Intelligence 4-Mathematical Forcasting Institute 5-Cryogenics Development Institute 6-Juxtapositional Eugenics Development Institute 7-Accelerated Remote Viewing Training Facility Life Extension is directed towards finding ways of slowing and halting aging, and possible repair of age-induced damage. Cryonics (different from Cryogenics-explained later) is one way to obtain this. Cryonic suspension is a non-standard medical technique for attempting to prevent the permanent cessation of life in individuals on the brink of death. It involves the use of low temperatures to halt the metabolic decay. UPLOADING is another way to extend life by transferring the mental structure and consciousness of a person to an external carrier (robot, dog, boar, or person, etc.). First.. is Life Extension is directed towards finding ways of slowing and halting aging, and possible repair of age-induced damage. Cryonics (different from Cryogenics-explained later) is one way to obtain this. Cryonic suspension is a non-standard medical technique for attempting to prevent the permanent cessation of life in individuals on the brink of death. It involves the use of low temperatures to halt the metabolic decay. UPLOADING is another way to extend life by transferring the mental structure and consciousness of a person to an external carrier (robot, dog, boar, or person, etc.). A. This sugest that the Fog creature we see is a human mind programed into this robotic structure.. The Black Fog is the person's mind.. Which explains why it made a humanoid figure.. It's robotic body can project it's human self threw it's mind.. But who the hell is it!!!?? Gosh it's driving me insane.. My guess is Mr. Hanso took on his own project.. In reality he is a cripled old man.. Threw this Fog creature.. He is his youthful self again.. in reality .. he is hooked up to a table.. in Cryogenic state.. Im going to stop there.. im still constructing this thought.. This explains 7- Accelerated Remote Viewing Before I explain any further.. Let me explain what may be accuring.. This is an island.. It is reality.. Everything is real.. Just not actualy life.. Im getting at a Matrix setting.. Where Our passangers are hooked up to a machene.. Which creates life in everyway.. The feel,the movment.. Life and death, Etc.. All you need to make life reality.. So basicaly our passangers are all in Cryogenic state in reality hooked up on a machene.. Which takes there mind off to this island to prep them for perfection and being rebuilt the Dharma way.... Which seems to be the day of the crash.. But it's the day they get programed in and start to wake up on this island.. Trying to wounder where they are and why.. Locke realizes this as a new life and chance to change.. natualy a computer has virus protection.. this Fog is exactly that.. A machene that knows the thoughts and minds of every body in this program.. If your faulty it takes you out and destroys you.. The Others are the program storing files.. they take you if your good into storage.. If your bad they leave you for the Virus scan to pick up and destroy.. Which explains 6-Juxtapositional Eugenics .. the Hatch serves as a reboot system a Program is set up to reboot every 108 mins to keep the system fresh... the numbers like i said are an IP address.. the program must know these numbers to reboot the system.. Im not to sure what happens when you don't reboot.. possably the virus scan picks you up as outdated data and deltes you.. Or "Corrects you" as it did the Others .. So everyone inside this hatch will be the only one's with knowlage of the outside world.. Everyone else will become part of the system.. Except Locke.. Im guessing he will either be part of the system or become the Neo of the Hatch.. Ok all this is still in the brain storming process.. But it makes sense at what im getting at..
  10. All spare gaydar parts can be found in the closet.
  11. Is it wrong to be REALLY looking forward to the return of Kim? What I am really hoping for is that Jack will kick the living Sh*t out of the President. God I hate that guy.
  12. It's one thing to replace your dead lead singer (how he died deserves its own thread ). It's another thing to find a lead singer for your band when the guy that defined your sound is still out there. I couldn't stand Van Hagar or anyone else singing in that band.
  13. 1. The faster this show gets rid of the freaking twins the better 2. The Brokenote Mountain trailer was hilarious 3. Pick Pickler!!!!! (God is she adorable) 4. I'm putting my money on Paris
  14. The winner should be David Lee Roth. It's that easy
  15. Coiner hire Turk
  16. When did I miss this hire?
  17. I know this is not new to any long time Bills fan but I seem to recall Marv staating, back when he was coach, that it's more important to keep your players than to add other teams FA. I won't be suprised if they resign NC
  18. Wouldn't you know that when my NFL team drafts from my alma mater we get the bust!!!
  19. Oh great, survive that just so you can get butt raped by your cell mate for the next 10-20 for armed robbery Nice
  20. Another sign of "End Times"
  21. 1. U2 Drowning man from the War album - Although I kind of prefer "The Big Sleep" by former Wall of Voodoo front man Stan Ridgeway 2. Superfluous 3. American Citizenship 4. Ross Tucker 5. Palm- Is that a sport?
  22. When I was 10 (in 1976) we moved in to the Chapel Woods subdivision in Williamsville. OJ lived around the corner from us and as any self respecting 10 year old bills fan; I made it my point to keep a lookout for OJ A couple of memories. OJ was always great to the neighborhood kids. We were forever looking in to his den window and I seem to recall the Heisman (sp?) Trophy in his den although at 40 my memory could be slipping One Halloween, OJ answered the door and handed out the candy. What I remember was that it was a Sunday and that the Bills had played earlier in the day and he had a bandage on his face. In addition, we were playing football one afternoon in his neighbor’s yard and OJ came out and threw the ball around with us for a while. The guy was genuinely a nice guy and it was heartbreaking for me when it became obvious he killed his wife
  23. LMFAO!!! Ah the new 69!
  24. I'm thinking I lost out on a financial opportunity last year when my wife broke her foot
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