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Everything posted by RichRiderBills

  1. He got buried on several early runs...then jumped Offside. He played like *****.
  2. I watched that Browns Ravens game. Closer than score indicated, was a 6 point game with 9 min in the 4th. Then big chunk runs and turnovers. Hats off to Browns, but i think that Ravens offense isnt built to throw from behind. Our DBs much better...espc seeing as they will be down at Safety w Whitehead gone. Like most are saying, the fear is Chubb, but this oline doesnt manhandle anyone.
  3. I used to always root for the Browns,but not this crew. Hope the Bills lay on a lickin' next week.
  4. Its not irrelevant as it is a stat that needs to be closely scrutinized and broken down . Offenses are too diverse and nuanced now. How many screens do you run? How many deep shots etc...
  5. Beasley is on pace for a great season. 30 grabs 2 games shy of mid season, avg 5+ catches per game . Nice 2 point conversion too. Despite a few drops, he's doing a sold job. Everyone raving about Brown , who has only 3 more catches and 1 more TD. Very weird. These guys are both on pace for near pro bowl numbers and the kind of production we ve not seen in years. Beasley's been a great addition, and I expect even more production.
  6. He's associated with The Athletic....do you guys talk just to hear your own voice?
  7. He's been a coach . Im not sure the point. He is a pro...he gets paid.
  8. Pass on canonizing the guy with that victims of police t shirt garbage.
  9. Erik is a pro...he's a member of The Athletic staff and makes money off his Cover1 work. Sorry, he's bonafide.
  10. NFL can say whatever they wish in their disclaimer. Its not really binding if its illegal. Look at Bleacher Report 10 years ago. That site was no more than fan postings. Turner works for the Athletic . He's credible.
  11. NFL has no case. This is ridiculous. Erik also works for the Athletic correct? A legit press agency. Turner isnt selling NFL footage...he's altering that by providing his analysis and commentary, added graphics, insight etc. Thats the total package of what he sells. He's taking footage the NFL has already put in the public domain with no reasonable expectation of privacy. No different than any blogger or review show that shows portions or clips of movies. Yes, things like Cover1 do make the NFL a richer scene and promote the product. The no access for bloggers is just silly. Blogger is just a meaningless term. Its still publishing...and still content. May entertainment industires like comics and movies offer access , passes, and free material, to certain bloggers , independent reviewers, fanzines, often uplifting them beyond this. The Goodell era continues to be a joke.
  12. I had wings here tonight. So good. Really solid locale. Will be back.
  13. I dont recall him being that bad or epically bad. He certainly was not a star, but whatever. Most of you are way overreacting and being drama queens. Just a mediocre blocking TE that will fill out some depth and push teach some of the young guys. No issues with a modest deal.
  14. Hes got mental health issues guys. Lying is kind of the tip of an iceberg.
  15. Did you read this? Does not really clear the air. The out clause is likely there. Florio is respectable, it's not something i'd think he'd make up. The article fails to see the most obvious; The NFL can stream or sell these games on their own. Don't need to put out to bid next time around. They don't need to do exclusives any more either. Sell it a la carte to multiple platforms. Frankly, they could start their own network now....or mega dollar streaming sources like Huluu, Netflix may now be players. I think the NFL can make more money than what direct tv can offer. Also, I had Direct TV and other cable providers...all of them are really the same; they treat new customers great and old customers like *****. If you threaten to leave, they will usually kiss your ass only to eventually screw you again.
  16. Man the last part here is complete crap....EJ was set up and it was a great situation for him in Buff...he was given solid WRs , decent Oline , coach committed to run game. The year he flubbed out, the team was nearly propelled to the playoffs by Kyle Orton...who was mostly a bum. In 2014, we had a 4th ranked defense loaded w talent. He had a GM who was in love with him, and had nothing but support until his play faltered. Who cares about a demanding coach or change of ownership, EJ was just not good and his results spoke for themselves.
  17. The saints didn't let him leave town. Klein seems a tad overpaid, but he's a solid LB and I'd love to have him.
  18. The worst part is Richie lied. Multiple times actually. Let me just recall a few: -Said he was overjoyed to continue playing in Buff and be part of next season on a reworked deal. -said his kidneys were shot and his life was in danger. -said he was going to retire. Said he was done. Now all lies, I'm afraid. Integrity is important in life.
  19. We would have been better w Gilly and it was still a dumb move to let him walk w the low tender. RB #2 was a huge problem and our offense was worse because of it. Can't let young talent walk.
  20. Food for thought to look at Marino's completion percentage and TD/ Int ratio.
  21. Unfortunately, I was long a no vote here, but no lean to yes. Shady deserves better than the garbage off season plan we had.
  22. Did you hear his excuses for not going to the CFL? They weren't offering enough money or gaurentees it seems. Guy is totally clueless. Frankly, he sounded high during the interview. When Dan asked him how long he had been sober there was a long awkward pause , eventually he said four months, then changed it to he couldnt remember. I didn't believe a bit of the BS he slung, and I was stunned that others did. He's still partying and getting high, I'd gaurentee it. His voice was that of a hungover manupulator, not a contrite recovering victim.
  23. Yeah not knowing who Mort from NFL Live is...well, that's just crazy. Sorry but I'm serious- really annoying.
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