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Everything posted by RichRiderBills

  1. I just had to talk my 9 year old out of bitter tears trying to strangle herself with a stuffed pink snake. Its cold and miserable outside. Wind gusting. AZ is AZ. Screw them and screw this lousy loss. Gov wont let neighbors go on walks together, and you AZ #######s are gathering for games and singing songs at Margaritaville. Enjoy the goddamn miracle. Hope nothing but the worst for AZ ....crap team we beat a dozen times over in Buff.
  2. Dont want to jinx....but....Bills have an elite team. We are good. We will be good for years to come.
  3. Probably a jinx, but I am really excited about this game. Not sure why, just hope our boys show up and prove everybody wrong. I like this "no respect" stuff. I have huge expectations of the Oline today with both Mongo and Morse pushing people around.
  4. I think we have decent personel for RPO. I like the sideline to sideline quickness here, our second level help, if only we can get the tackling under grips. What worries me is a more straight forward spread or open offense with a bruiser or beefy RB group that gashes us, teams like NO and KC. Though KC does some of that. Lets be real about last week; some points in garbage time there. We played much better than the score indicated.
  5. Nah, I'd use some balance. Feed Moss ....play action...nice mix. Can't sling it every game.
  6. I thought we were going to win until that SI article, now we are jinxed.
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