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Everything posted by RichRiderBills

  1. I just want to say this; Of the good talented folks who have been jettisoned over the years, why are we subjected to Maurice Jones Drew?
  2. I gotta admit the play calling was and has been odd. I just don't like it. Plays seem reactionary and predictable. Lack of adjustments or over adjustments. I'm of the camp Daboll's success has derived from the unique talent of Allen. I don't think Daboll is a hack, but he has some catastrophic flaws and tendencies that will hold us back. In the back of my head is Daboll's record. He reportedly had a bad relationship with Saban, and essentially took a lateral position to get out. He has a ton of OC experience, mainly in bad situations of the last straw years of bad coaches. 2009 Browns offense ranked 32nd, 2010 Browns 29th. 2011 Dolphins 20th, 2012 Chiefs 32nd. Then came exposure to Bill B and Saban, ironically both dedicated to running game coaches. My solution is not to fire Daboll, but I think he needs help. I'd bring in an experienced run game coordinator. I'd revisit Johnson as OL coach.
  3. I agree here. The play should have been good for a few yards, it's a run sub pass. Later on you run it again on a similar down, but this time targeting the deep route. Set up. Could have been money. I don't mind the concept at all. Just executed off...and good play by DB.
  4. Sorry there's no criticism of Josh here. Blame Daboll. The play was basically designed to go to the flat. The DB did not bite on the deep route. This is what we were doing to substitute for the running game short passes in the first half... it didn't quite work out , sure but Josh was going to that screen the whole time. The notion of him pump faking and seeing the open guy in the mere seconds he had is unlikely.
  5. It's just an odd take. Both the roads are basically the same. What your almost saying is you don't care if we beat the Pats in 2 weeks. You don't care if Pats lose. I find that odd. Screw the Pats.
  6. The Bills may be out for that one week, but are quickly back in later on...even w a loss to NE. The calculator does not work unless you pick all the games in the future. There are a ton of inter division games in the last 2 weeks that sort us back in. We can also win the division going 3-1 if Pats lose to Colts , us and Phins and we would have to beat jets, pats. We could drop one to ATL or Car...which I don't see.
  7. Not the play your talking about, but I said it a million times. We run that QB power sweep w JA in the NE game a few times in the red zone we win.
  8. I'm really hesitant to say sit Allen if he can play. It's do or die. Id consider starting Trubisky if we had a better running game to fall back on or confidence in creative play calling.
  9. If we ran that well executed QB sweep 2-3 times versus NE we would have won that game.
  10. I still think it's in play. The 20% is deceptive because it is just on its own not taking into account we have to play Pats. We have 3/4 at home versus weak teams. Pats have a rough schedule. They lose 3/4 we can even drop a game and win div.
  11. I saw that and couldn't figure it out. Ultimately we have like an 88% chance if we go 3-1.
  12. You don't allow the ballcarrier to run right by you for the sake of holding your gap. It's silly. The gap system is not as rigid as you portray.
  13. The purpose of gap coverage is not to fill a gap by hopelessly engaging with an OL while the ball crosses your path and you don't disengage. The film does not lie: Edmunds is tunnel vision focused on meeting an OL in a hole, at the cost of letting the ball carrier cross in front of him. He is also unable to disengage to attempt a tackle. This isn't some inflexible system, it's a screw up. I will tip my hat that other players like Poyer, who gets buried. And Hyde could have stopped the TD, but Edmunds is mainly at fault.
  14. I like our odds against Matty "Spray Tan" Ice..in chilly buff.
  15. The later games also play, as those teams play themselves. We go 3-1 basically 90 percent chance to make it.
  16. I'm surprised the Bills are only 19% to win division. Basically if Pats lose to Colts it is on.
  17. There have been a ton of non shows on bad calls this year. Refs have been terrible.
  18. Edmunds was the big goat this game. Replay that Fornette TD run.
  19. Reffs...terrible this game a lot of non calls on bills with pi calls they were letting the TB receivers get away with bloody murder the whole game.
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