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Everything posted by Rew

  1. 5 steps. See link. There is a great image of all 5 steps about 2/3rd's down the article. https://www.nfl.com/playerhealthandsafety/health-and-wellness/player-care/concussion-protocol-return-to-participation-protocol
  2. There is nothing definitive about a single or multiple concussions. Each one is different and follows the same protocol. The average time to clear protocol for multiple in the same season is longer, but there is nothing in the rules that prevents him from coming back quickly if he clears all the steps. He could clear it in 5 days, or this could be his worst ever and not clear for a month. Key is to watch for cleared for non contact by Friday.
  3. He really doesn't seem to match the physicality of the rest of the defense. He looks like he's on skates every time someone is running at him with the ball. He might have been an nfl starter 5 years ago, but with the way the run game seems to be surging back he is a liability. His coverage, as always, is not bad and he makes good plays on the ball. It's like to see him hit the gym in the off-season and come back with another 10 lbs of muscle. Otherwise, he'll never be a starter for the Bills.
  4. What McDermott has done on defense with the continual injuries at every level throughout the season may be unprecedented.
  5. With the way the defense has been playing I think McD was counting on getting the ball back before half. A bit greedy, but we wanted to score with 2:30 left and leave enough time for us to score again.
  6. I probably would have gone for it, but don't hate the call. We're going to have to count on Bass in the off-season, and that was a good low pressure opportunity to see how you're feeling about him. Can't let result dictate assessment of the decision.
  7. My comment wasn't to suggest that he should be dressing or playing X number of snaps right now. Purely a response to "he's toast, shot, done, he's insert more derogatory term here". He's going to be more physically ready next year than he is now. There's no way to know if he'll ever be back at the same level, but also no reason to think Aaron Maybin is his new ceiling. Right now he shouldn't be taking meaningful time from someone that the coaches currently grade better at doing what they are asked to do.
  8. It's equally reasonable to believe that he is still recovering and will look better every week and certainly be better next year than he is now. Given his age and injury, it's reasonable to wonder what dropoff he'll eventually have, but pretending that his current condition is his forever condition starts to seem unreasonable.
  9. The entire premise of this post is off. Our options are either: A) Play the chiefs (with CLE/HOU going to Baltimore) B) Play CLE/HOU (with MIA going to BAL) I think the easiest round 2 game for us is Hou (MIA win), but by far the best chance of Superbowl is KC win. Give CLE (hopefully) a shot at taking out Bal. The only way we play Miami again is if they beat both KC and BAL on the road. It doesn't look likely to happen.
  10. People are somehow missing how dominating we were on O and D all game. We thrashed them in yards, first downs, 3rd down conv, top, and pretty much every stat ever made. Sloppy, which needs to stop, but a strong performance overall.
  11. Balls of steel on this "defensive head coach"
  12. Who called special teams being the difference maker for us this game?
  13. He's been recognizing it all night but the receivers haven't
  14. Or coordinator. No targets in the end zone to throw to
  15. 3 dropped tds for cook now?
  16. Strange take this game. All timeouts were used to save clock within the last 2 minutes.
  17. Bills are driving down the field easily and already have 2 defensive stops. How is this your takeaway? They look just as fast and good. They won't win if they turn it over, but what game are you watching?
  18. Davis clearly never recognized the need for hot route. He never even turned around to see how he could help his quarterback. Josh probably shouldn't have thrown off his back foot, but he expected Davis to do something different than what he did.
  19. You don't think it was Gabe missing the hot read?
  20. Except you miss out of the excitement provided by our punt return team
  21. With the premise of gameplan and winning individual matchups having influence on outcomes of games, I would postulate that both are different when preparing to play a team twice. For starters, you may be more likely to hold back on the first game "to not show all your cards". Secondly, the prep for the second game makes you not want to use the same plan. Additionally, the prep for the 2nd game is done with actual tape of the other team against your guys, as opposed to watching them play against other teams/systems. Essentially, decision making in prep and in game is different in both game one and game 2. The result of all of this seems like coaching would have more opportunity to overcome talent differences. The second factor is the player factor. Whether it's your overall emotions going into a game, the feelings you have for the guy across the line, or your ability to adapt to what you went against a week ago. Even the thought of "they're a good team, how can we beat them twice in a row" would have the potential to impact individual performances. All of these factors could contribute to changes in the probability of winning each game vs an isolated game in a vacuum. I have no clue how much or even which direction the impact would go. I'm with you overall on gamblers fallacy being prevalent in most people's understanding of chance. I wish I had enough data to analyze, but some of the fun of watching the games is that it's not all based on chance. If I had to guess, I would postulate that both the first and second games of a known or probable back to back situation move closer to 50/50 than the vacuum odds of the two teams.
  22. That's true for independent events. However, playing the same team twice (especially back to back) are not independent events. Play calling, gameplan, player familiarity, on field drama all play into a rematch. You can argue the extent of the real world factors, but you can't simply treat them as dice rolls.
  23. The queen video seemed to imply it was an actual tell. Really got some perspective for game plans for me. The idea of some coaching aide hitting rewind/play/rewind/play on the same players all week looking for how much weight they put on their knuckles is crazy. It helps understand why upsets can happen that seem incomprehensible to fans.
  24. Probably one of the better links I've found on an opponents forum: They made a really good point that the Bills defense earlier this season already seemed to know what was going on. Really interesting to see if we can reproduce our earlier defensive effort (and Baltimore's). Edit: to be clear, the guy talking in the video turns 10 minutes into 70. But the first 10-15 had good knowledge in it
  25. Fixed for you
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