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Bob Chandler's Hands

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Everything posted by Bob Chandler's Hands

  1. Your responses are non-sensical. I made no comments on her acting abilties, or whether it makes sense that she has so many followers or anything of the sort. I was pointing out that when traveling in public she probably wants to not look like an actress or model, thus calling attention to herself. This was in response to your earlier point. But apparently you get derailed by anyone who challenges the curmudgeonly inane things you spew on this board. No worries - to the ignore list you go. Bye bye!
  2. His biggest blunder would probably be reading this thread.
  3. A total smoke show actress with 21 million followers on social media may tend to 'dumb it down' in public so as to not be accosted left and right by fans. And yes, how they look in real life and how they look for photo shoots are not the same thing. Thanks for the insight Einstein.
  4. This is based on all of Shemp's first hand experience dating actresses.
  5. Your taste is all in your mouth!
  6. 14 question marks? Dude, you gotta have at least 17.
  7. I'll be flying in the air edit: in a plane
  8. Only three question marks in the subject title? Weak sauce. The established minimum is 22.
  9. Only 19 of them. It's weak. Need at least 20. That's what I'm talking about!
  10. It's going to be a long off-season.
  11. It's going to be a long off-season.
  12. Good point. Now 22, that would be excessive.
  13. What's up with all the question marks in the subject lines? Second post today with about a hundred of them. Seems excessive.
  14. That's a cogent response right there brother.
  15. I wore something like that when I was a catcher in baseball, but it was lower on my torso.
  16. I believe it's recognition of the same issue that likely caused Hamlin's heart issue is most prevalent in youth sports. Dozens of kids a year die when struck in that particular way with a baseball, softball, knee, whatever in just the right spot. Kids are obviously smaller and less developed physically and therefore at higher risk. Having the equipment and training available within minutes may save lives, in addition to the random teacher or janitor having a coronary attack. Look, I don't know if it's a good idea relative to cost or not (there are lots of things to spend money on to save lives or prevent accidents) but I think Hamlin's situation raised awareness of this issue, and therefore dialogue on it is natural.
  17. Not defending or accusing Disney at all here, just pointing out that Disney had $3.2B in net income from $82.7B in revenue in their 2022 fiscal year.
  18. Another difference between the 2017 squad and 2023 is that in 2017 the team had Leslie Frazier as DC and in 2023 they will not. The question is whether this is a positive or negative development.
  19. False equivalency. Tasker made big plays all the time. He even contributed on offense. Remind the last big play Siran Neal made? And he sucks on defense.
  20. I was joking. Sorry, it looked like you literally replied to the same thing twice in one response. Just trying to keep it light brother.
  21. I like how you replied to this with two different ways to say the same thing, but you were more open to debate in the 2nd answer. More people should show their rough drafts in this place.
  22. Production? In 5 seasons he produced 6.5 sacks, 5 picks, 2 Forced Fumbles, and 37 stuffs for 71 yards lost. So in a typical season that's 1.5 sacks, 1 interception, likely 0 forced fumbles, and a run stuff every other game for a 2 yard loss. Not an impact player for $18M/season.
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