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Bob Chandler's Hands

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Everything posted by Bob Chandler's Hands

  1. There are always going to be immature drunk people injuring themselves. So long as they don't get behind the wheel after that, and can pay for the medical care they later require, I don't care what they do.
  2. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Josh_Allen_(quarterback) California. He went to college in Wyoming.
  3. Having lived with a partially torn ACL for several years (before completely tearing it away) I would just comment that so long as what remains is structurally holding things in place, it doesn't really affect you. Also, some people can live normal, active lives (like downhill skiing active) with no ACL anymore, just because of how they are built. So I don't really know what to make of the 85% torn claim as it relates to what his performance would have otherwise been if not torn at all. It strikes me that it might not have been any different.
  4. Vinnie Barbarino played by John Travolta! Good memories...
  5. All the families of the babies and children who's lives were saved as a result of Hunter's Hope beg to differ with you.
  6. I don't talk with Paula's donuts but I do dream of them. Delicious.
  7. Came here to post the one in bold. Me too. I was 11. Fergy limping off the field in a valiant but failed effort to rally the team late. I couldn't handle it at that tender age.
  8. This level of financial acumen belongs in the Business section of The Buffalo News!
  9. I went to his namesake business school before it was named after him. (Carnegie Mellon). I've probably made 0.01% as much in my career however. Should have focused a bit more on those Finance classes I guess.
  10. I believe Allen is an alligator wrangling Texas farm boy from California, raised in Wyoming by a pack of wolves. It's the feel good story of the year.
  11. Never heard of him. Get 'er done...
  12. It's sort of an intelligence thing...learning how to use the Google machine and so forth.
  13. This is classic corporate paranoia speak in interpreting her statement that way.
  14. I'd suggest he see a podiatrist for the 3rd bullet on the list. It sounds uncomfortable.
  15. I think I understand Dilfer's point differentiating "accuracy" vs. completion percentage but he doesn't articulate it very well.
  16. Actually, I was mocking you. I'll be more explicit next time so you can understand.
  17. I thought he was agreeing with you...this thread's perspective is confusing me. Are we happy to discussing this article? Or is it trash? Are we happy to be discussing that it's trash? Are we allowed to have dissenting opinions on whether it's worth discussing that the article is trash? I don't get it.
  18. You're not wrong in terms of the point you are making, but I would like to see the data source where you draw this conclusion. I'd like to see it post 2009 as well if you know where that data is too.
  19. I don't think the difference between the GOAT Kicker and a "good" kicker is "easily" worth 3 wins a season. More like 1 game at best. BTW the kicker you describe isn't far off from Hauschka the past year or so. And there is no "pin your opponents deep" by kicking it out of the endzone anymore; ball at the 25 yard line.
  20. There are four teams in the AFC East! Or perhaps you were simply inferring that the Pats are in a league of their own?
  21. Holy cow Mayfield can mess up our bowels?
  22. I'm thinking 6 QB's in the first 8 picks, and maybe 10 or 12 in the first round. Then another 15 or so in the second round. By the 7th round I see nothing but QB's being picked, all the way down to Division III back-ups and even High School players. You simply cannot have enough QB's in your pipeline until you get the franchise guy.
  23. My nominee for "Post in the Wrong Thread" of the Year.
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