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Bob Chandler's Hands

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Everything posted by Bob Chandler's Hands

  1. In bold...puzzles me a bit. There have been different methods for ACL over the years. When I had mine it was a replacement with a tendon from the knee. Sometimes it's from elsewhere on the leg. They used to use cadaver ligaments but I am not sure if that's still done. Quite a while back they tried synthetic but stopped. Maybe there are synthetic again? In any event, I never heard of ACL replacements being stronger than the original. It's hard to out-engineer Mother Nature. Any references to support this position?
  2. So it's a blurred line. Or perhaps depends on the reporter's tendencies and use of Twitter?
  3. Are a reporters tweet's the same thing as their reporting? In other words, does MLJ have to publish this on ESPN for it to be poor journalism (and let's say it is for arguments sake) or is it OK so long as it's just a tweet where presumably he can express whatever opinion he likes? Just wondering what people think. I view the two as separate, but I don't use Twitter so may be in the minority on feeling that way.
  4. Sure, I get it. But my point is that if I decided to shop differently, seeking out better bargains, it takes me more time. So I am willing to pay a little extra for the convenience. It's win-win for me. If I had tons of spare time, I might approach it differently. Oh, I don't know. Maybe because of television?
  5. This in itself is value add to the consumer. At least, for someone with limited time availability to plan and procure meals. Which is many of us.
  6. Bob Kalsu Field at Ralph Wilson Stadium (Aside from founding the team, Ralph served in the Navy in WWII in both the Atlantic and Pacific).
  7. It's best to put that guy on ignore, as I did. His comments range from wildly incorrect to downright dumb.
  8. My favorite was: "The Dolphins have 53 players. 52 without Cox."
  9. Gas prices at the pump rose slowly over many years until the 1970's when they really started to rise. But in 1980/81 they had an unprecedented spike. There was a lot of unrest in the Middle East, OPEC actions, etc. There were even US citizens held as hostages in Iran, if you ever heard of that event. Anyway, gas prices were a huge topic then. So this sign was topical albeit corny.
  10. I thought the new thing, but maybe I wasn't paying enough attention, was the reference to Oliver taking Adderall. Not illegal but is a no-no with the NFL without permission for medical reasons.
  11. Wow. Do you text while speeding with an open beer too?
  12. So you are part of the morality police. Got it. And I wasn't commenting on Cam Newton, I was commenting on Big Ben vs. Kelly. Roethlisberger had at least three legal actions taken against him by woman. But you know about plenty of stories. OK. I heard he shot Kennedy too.
  13. Please identify the allegations made against Kelly that are anywhere near those of Big Ben, who actually went to court? You're making stuff up.
  14. You can do that in the "Let's take a balanced look at Ralph's legacy thread". It's all about context. edit: actually I don't care what you do. Carry on.
  15. Some people are classless. It's unavoidable.
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