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Bob Chandler's Hands

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Everything posted by Bob Chandler's Hands

  1. I mean, I loved the Bills coming up on 50 years now. Live and die with them. But remember, it's just football dude.
  2. Of course, but I consider him more like Oliver's rotational partner. Whereas Butler and Phillips spell each other on the other side. At least that's my take on it.
  3. This 100%. Butler out requires Jefferson to move inside and Murphy, Epenesa and Johnson all active. Butler is the only true wide-body and has been playing well. Phillips is similar and also playing well but need two of them if they want to consistently keep only 6 in the box and not get gashed in the running game like in week 6.
  4. It's a different era though so you can't compare the stats directly, need to compare to peers. For a QB to enter without winning a Super Bowl he either needs to get to the Super Bowl more than once (Kelly, Tarkenton) or be an all-time great sort of guy (Marino). The argument for Rivers in the Hall-of-Fame using a comparable is probably not Anderson however, it's probably Warren Moon who is in fact in the HOF. In my opinion Moon was borderline to go to Canton, but in any event I'd argue he was a 1/2 step up from Rivers relative to his peers.
  5. I recall thinking they were unlikely to win in '88, felt pretty good against the Raiders in '90, and expected them to win all the subsequent games after that. We owned the AFC in those days.
  6. Not that it matters, but your math is wrong. You are inferring a higher % of support people required with the incremental 9,300 fans than the first 6,700 fans. That makes no sense. Even if the upper deck required an equal ratio to be added as the lower bowl requires, there is a core "fixed" group of support people who are the same whether they have 6,700 or 67,000 in the stadium. That means the % of support people required will go down as more fans come in, not up as you are inferring. Now is it possible the Bills couldn't get an adequate number of support people back in total as they haven't had a regular staff all season? That is possible. But the other viewpoint that this was a highly conservative decision based on public health is also conceivable, if not likely.
  7. Great post, but you mean Greg Roman on this one 😉 Personally I think the broadcasts spend too much time showing us close-ups of the coordinators and talking about them. Yes, they are important. But we know what they look like and it's boring to keep seeing them standing or sitting there. Let's talk about the GAME more often please.
  8. If there is one thing we've learned in the past few years it's that many people will read what they want into every piece of information they see on the internet and want to hear back exactly what they already believe to be true. It's like an addiction. BTW - thanks for the Ravens insights on this thread.
  9. Game day thread for a game a year ago. I'll be damned.
  10. A little deceptive putting these together as the passer rating is only for Wild Card games and the SOS is obviously season long. The SOS data is, to me, more relevant for this weekend in terms of giving me hope the Bills are the superior team. Josh having a much better passer rating than Lamar in the WC game is not surprising since Jackson killed Tennessee with his running and could possibly do that again this weekend. We need a similar gap in passer ratings this weekend for a Bills win.
  11. Who knows how this will all work out we can only hope the answer is "Badly".
  12. You are giving them way too much credit. Maybe you were being sarcastic, but this is implausible. Maybe it works out that way but only if they are lucky.
  13. He was! But the beautiful thing about it was the Bills had no 1st round pick that year so he was their first pick. It was the perfect team. (I believe the #1 went to LA or Indy in the Bennett trade)
  14. That was retroactive when he became a Dolphin (something I still try not to remember)
  15. Thurman Thomas famously held such a 'grudge' against every team early in his career. He was chosen in the 2nd round.
  16. Agree...I heard he was emulating Jeff Garcia which would fit his age better. Note: Josh is better than Jeff Garcia. We don't need to debate this.
  17. Yeah I think a lot of the posters don't know Cunningham from his pre-ACL injury Eagles days. I suspect Allen has a stronger arm and is a bigger but Cunningham was like a larger, faster, stronger armed Michael Vick. Just electric. Could break off an 80 yard run or an 80 yard bomb at any time. Extremely difficult to bring down. Heck, he had a 91 yard punt against the Giants once! Hard to compare stats as the eras were so different. I am just going off the tape and my memory. Stuff like Allen jumping over Barr was done almost every game by Cunningham. Of course ultimately that leads to injuries which is what happened and why we want Allen to do LESS of that please!
  18. Agree with this. I'd actually put Randall Cunningham above any of those guys (and Josh) in terms of physically gifted.
  19. At the start of the season they do some analytical work to have all teams "regress to the mean". I.e. the very worst teams are more likely than not to get better and the very best teams are more likely than not to get worse. So in aggregate all the records get drawn towards 8-8 to start. Regressing to the mean is not a statement on any one particular team, it's a blanket statement on how statistics work in a population. Also, when 538 makes those predictions, aside from the QB, they literally are only looking at game scores from the past. The more recent the game, the more weight it has. But in the start of the season the most recent games were from last season. This approach is somewhat boring in a sense though... Aside from Allen being the #1 rated QB on their site (all from statistics, not a judgement call), if you look at the historical ELO of every team it says that this Bills team is currently the best team in franchise history. The prior highest ELO was right after the 51-3 smackdown of the Raiders, prior to the first SB loss.
  20. Davis will be #4. Stills won't even be on the active roster this week.
  21. Nope. Lowest seed left standing plays the Chiefs. It will be either Colts (7), Browns (6), or Winner of Ravens(5)/Titans(4). If (when) Bills win, they will get Steelers if they win, or winner of Ravens/Titans if the Browns win.
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