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Bob Chandler's Hands

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Everything posted by Bob Chandler's Hands

  1. Standing the entire game is stupid.
  2. I'm getting the impression that Fowler is reporting that Davis out.
  3. He always walks like that...agree that it's stiff looking.
  4. I don't recall it backfiring. It gives Frasier a chance to see the offensive set and make adjustments if desired. Whether it works or not is hard to say but if there are unused TO's at the end of a half (particularly the first half), why not?
  5. It's good that Allen was the best QB under pressure in the NFL the past two season. I suspect Kromer will have them operating a little better than you think. But we'll see soon.
  6. It's gonna be tense in the locker room for sure. I just hope this isn't the distraction that ruins the season.
  7. Dangit now I will lose sleep over this possibility
  8. I am so glad the Bills don't play Indy this season and have to suffer the Matt Hauck Revenge Game.
  9. If they want to go with Sweeney and Morris if they can trade Howard it's less about what they get back than it is clearing $2M off the salary cap (or something like that) which would be dead money if they cut him. That additional money can be used to sign a street FA, make a mid-season trade for a more expensive veteran, or just rolled into next year when they need to resign several key guys.
  10. I have found Corning-Elmira to be a 'sour spot' (as opposed to sweet spot) relative to the NFL and NHL considering it part of the Buffalo 'home game' region but in fact the local channels or cable services (for hockey) don't always carry the Bills or Sabres. So in that case, like you are experiencing, NFL network blocks you out but the local channel doesn't carry it. It sucks.
  11. I'd go for Andy Levitre. Very good guard who I feel would beat out Saffold or Bates and upgrade the interior. Eric Wood was great too but I am fine with Morse.
  12. Just get there early (like 10AM or earlier), bring some sandwiches or other tailgate foods, and plenty of time to walk around outside the stadium. You'll see the "interesting" tail gate situations in the various lots. Head over and chat up people, you'll find it's a friendly atmosphere. I prefer to park in the satellite (formerly 'pirate') lots on private property as I can generally beat the crowd out and make a clean getaway. If you don't care about that, park in the stadium lots to be closer to the action from the get go. Also, they used to have the Field House open to the public before hand with some fun activities your 11 year old might really enjoy. You'd need to check the Bills website to see if that is still going on, or perhaps someone here can update you on that. It was pre-2020 last time I was in there and things have changed...
  13. Dane Jackson the starting CB on a 7th round rookie contract? No chance.
  14. Please provide your logic other than "there were a lot of things going on last off-season". I'd argue with the change at OC and Line coach, there are a lot more 'things' going on this off-season than last relative to offensive continuity. Not to mention the hype of being SB favorites.
  15. I believe it's humor. I chuckled.
  16. I want to sit in the oranges.
  17. One of the best #3's and probably the best #4 in the league if they brought in almost anyone else to be #3.
  18. I love Josh but actually you expect a 7th overall pick to be quite a good player. As a divisive pick (at the time) from Wyoming, he's exceeded expectations even for that lofty draft position for sure. But no way in h*ll do you expect your 4th round receiver from Division 2 Kutztown to make the Hall of Fame. That's called serious excess value vs. draft position. (not that the college really matters in either case but it certainly adds to the story). Tom Sestak in the 16th round is probably #2. Jason Peters, Robert James, and Fred Jackson as UDFA's are amazing but that's a different list.
  19. Playing the Isley Brothers...nice!
  20. I am in total agreement on the foul ball thing but had a situation once where I made an exception. I was at a Tokyo (Yomiuri) Giants game in the Tokyo Dome, sitting along the left field line. Early in the game a ball is hit foul in our direction and hits and rolls right to my feet and stops. I pick it up and then give it to the nearest kid who was running down towards the foul ball. It's a nice moment as I had never gotten a foul ball and the kid was very excited (and gracious and polite, of course, being Japanese). Around the 8th inning we decide to leave and ascend the stairway up the aisle to the concession area/hallway that circles the stadium between the lower and upper deck. As we are near the home plate area a loud bang! happens and a foul ball that had rocketed backward, down the tunnel, off the wall, rolls to my feet and stops. I picked it up and despite some kids running down the aisle, decided the baseball gods REALLY wanted me to have a game ball that day, so I kept it and have it to this day (this was 20 years ago).
  21. Please see yourself out
  22. 9 years with the Bills, another 3 with the Raiders, where he was a contributing member of a Super Bowl winner. Best season was 1976 with 61 catches, 824 yards, and 10 TD's for a bad Bills team back in the 14 game season timeframe.
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