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One Buffalo

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Everything posted by One Buffalo

  1. I am pretty sure this is just Josh being a Gen Z'er... they abbreviate everything! Kids these days...
  2. Full 20 minute interview video - great interview! Edited to embed youtube link
  3. Great article about the team culture by Marcel
  4. Great read! And it reinforces the point that Josh is still a work in progress. He is still growing and progressing into his potential. The growing pains are painful of course but the end result will be well worth it. Last year he struggled with the short and intermediate passes, this year he is among the best in the league. He leads the league in 11-20 yard completion percentage according to this- https://nocheckdowns.com/app/location-accuracy/ This is a clear sign of growth, and the coaches work with him on this important aspect of his game. The other pieces will come together, including the long ball.
  5. for those who get no volume... It seems like the "link to full story" in the OP seems to have a glitch that doesn't play audio.... strange? Try clicking from this, it worked for me-
  6. I was just about to post the above win rate... so maybe he isn't so bad after all?? Here is the ESPN article to go with the ranking - https://www.espn.com/nfl/story/_/id/27584726/nfl-pass-blocking-pass-rushing-rankings-2019-pbwr-prwr-leaderboard
  7. The reality is that anything can happen in the playoffs. If we correct mistakes and this team starts to execute in all areas, it is not that far fetched. It's happened many times before where an unexpected team gels together and makes a run that no one saw coming. Not saying we will but...
  8. Can't really hear what they are saying because of background noise, but here they are interacting after the game-
  9. Interesting that NO other team placed a claim....
  10. Not Bills according to Allbright
  11. Bengals and Redskins both appear to be passing on Gordon-
  12. I think we should prepare ourselves to not have Gordon... seems likely that he will be claimed before it gets to us.
  13. It does look like from the angle and perspective in this video that he threw the flag as the ball was being snapped. Close though...
  14. https://operations.nfl.com/updates/the-players/nfl-waiver-system-overview/
  15. I think we will know in 24 hours, around 4 PM tomorrow
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