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Everything posted by cgg716

  1. The only playoff games they won where the D played well were Baltimore and NE. And NE was more of a case of a bumrush by the offense, kinda like yesterday. Awful against the Colts in a W, and utterly lifeless more times than I can count in regular season games. To boot completely unable to stop the run, year after year, and the earmarks of this year being even worse in that regard are thrre
  2. And every single big game they get cooked. KC HOU and the Bengals in the playoffs just to name a few. I don't care how many times they stop mac Jones. If the offense doesn't put teams in quick holes, our D never bails them out.
  3. Literally means nothing. His side of the ball has never been good when it counted. Awful at challenges/game management. Carried by Allen. We've won in spite of him more times than I can count
  4. Foolish to not be worried a bit about Miami. Our defense never stops good offenses, and this D could be even worse than previous years. That's a battle
  5. Still don't trust mcd, not based on one game but several. It wasn't an overreaction, it's a continuation
  6. The funniest thing about these score predictions are the low point total for the raiders. Offense will have to score close to 30 to win most weeks. 38-28 Bills
  7. He can call it the alignment if he wants, it's the scheme, undersized but quick for pass coverage purposes, too undersized to stop the run. Been exactly the same thing since year 1, an undisciplined bunch, running a scheme that the league adjusted to 20+ years ago. The constant failure of a defensive coach to adjust and change is an even bigger red flag than everything happening on offense
  8. His frustration with the coaches is evident and vice versa. I lean more towards blaming the coaches who seem insistent on making Allen something he isn't. Allen in return, goes over the top the other way. Terrible combo
  9. The lack of resources into the offense in general does point mcd though. They've been convinced Allen doesn't need anything but Diggs to make it. That hurts too
  10. They for sure don't see eye to eye. Elam is a press man corner, and 2 te is useless in shotgun. Square pegs, round holes
  11. Drafting Elam and Kincaid, and just his hesitancy to use rookies over the years, says the opposite to me
  12. The past two drafts prove these two aren't either. Elam and Kincaid are all the proof you need, someone is going. Probably Beane, sadly
  13. It'll all come crashing down because Beane knows both schemes suck, and drafted to try and force scheme changes that mcd won't make. So we're back to Josh trying to put square pegs in round holes on O. And it's left us with the worst version of this outdated D we will see, smaller, older, slower
  14. It'll all come crashing down because Beane knows both schemes suck, and drafted to try and force scheme changes that mcd won't make. So we're back to Josh trying to put square pegs in round holes on O. And it's left us with the worst version of this outdated D we will see, smaller, older, slower
  15. D got eaten alive on the ground, good pressure yes, but if that's what you give up against Wilson, just wait until a real qb is on the schedule. Kincaid and Elam are examples of the disconnect between the FO and the coaches. 2 TE offense should help in pass blocking and the run game, with lots of play action and runs from under center, like Gronk/Hernandez way back when, that won't work out of shotgun. And elam is a press man corner, doesn't fit into this trash scheme either. Beane definitely knew these things, and drafted them hoping for change, and stubborn clappy didn't budge
  16. He was definitely trash, but even that included 70 percent completions. His coaches are trash, scheme doesn't fit the personnel on offense. And we invest money and resources into the D every year, only to never be able to stop the run. Excuses? Maybe, but the organization is a dumpster fire. Look no further than Kincaid and Elam. Problems run WAY deeper than josh
  17. Allen made a couple awful throws, still completed like 70 percent though. No weapons outside of Diggs. Running 2 TE out of shotgun defeating the purpose. And the secondary looks old and washed
  18. Can't emphasize enough how far from a championship roster this is. Couple that with coaching not good enough to hide some of those holes, and you get tonight
  19. One of the most disgusting losses you'll ever see, we're 2 years late on firing every coach, now we'll suffer for it
  20. Guy said LB too lol
  21. It would be another move that signaled they think we are in 1993
  22. I’m saying they focused on offense so they didn’t have to pay 2 guys 20 mil in a super bowl window. We didn’t, so now, if we want a super bowl we have to pay that
  23. Chase and Higgins. Kelce and Hill. They have to be 20m guys NOW, because we didn't focus on offense while the teams we are chasing did. We thought a DL rotation would bring a ring. Now we should pay for that error
  24. So get him an oline and weapons. Novel concept I know
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