I was also on medical hold/non rate for almost three yrs because i hurt my shoulder in the ast program
Once they told me i couldn't be an ast i almost quit honestly. Thts all i wanted to do...
My friend Nick pretty much saved my career and talked me into going sk out in California.
But i honestly floated through the guard. So tht part u r correct
I guarantee my record is better than yours though.
Also everyone understand this asshat is jealous of the sk rate because we have pretty much the smoothest job in the cg. ( which is why i picked it) we dont do much sea duty and we hardly ever stand watch. We are mostly trop hours give or take and everyone has to suck our dick like this !@#$ or else he doesnt get ****... We can make his life hell.
The only cool rates are sk anything aviation. Dcs and thrs about it.
Im giessing this douche was a bm or mk. The two most miserable rates in the cg