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Posts posted by westerndecline

  1. Grasp and control is amorphous... but it's the best we can come up with. any type of possession issue is going to be vague . my point is once grasp and control is established and then you have two feet whether at the same time or one after the other that's it! there is no continuing of the process.....


    The problem in my mind is not the idea of possession and it being vague right now it's that the idea of possession goes on for well who knows is it when he hits the ground and gets up and decides to give it to the ref is it when he hits the ground and then the ball pops out is it when he catches it and then decides to throw the ball in stands and celebrates are those not catches


    To me the problem is not simply possession it's the idea that possession must be continued on to what we're not really sure

    5 minutes ago, Limeaid said:


    Grasp and control is same issue Bills had in last game - instant change result zebra said he did not control ball.


    Two feet down?  Simultaneously or one after the other?  Lots of plays are made with two feet never on ground at same time.



    What the explanation was was that Benjamin did have control but his foot wasn't down supposedly but we all know it wasn't conclusive

  2. 6 hours ago, LittleJoeCartwright said:


    Sounds like Super Bowl XXVIII.  Bills lead by 7 at the half. Thurman Thomas fumbles on the 1st play of the 2nd half and it's returned for a TD which ties the game.  Thurman is inconsolable, the whole team gets deflated and game over.  That team though had the heartbreak of the the 3 prior Super Bowls so it didn't take much for a "here we go again" outlook that perhaps affects these Bills when playing the Pats.

    Isn't that weird how psychology can actually affect performance in the literal game I'll come I always thought that's very weird


    I remember literally thinking after halftime at Super Bowl 28 that the team was going to make a couple cashed off of mistakes and completely be deflated


    I don't know what that is what you call it psychology or whatever but it's extremely bizarre

  3. 3 hours ago, BADOLBILZ said:



    Wasn't it just back in KC that Coleman was being held up by the pro-trading-Dareus crowd as proof that the Bills didn't need Dareus to regain their run defense!:lol:





    They were getting run on Through The Years with Darius what the f*** are you talking about

    3 hours ago, Clyde Smith said:

    I’m intrigued to see Dupre in action. He was a projected 3rd and I had him as my Wr choice in last years mock.

    He's a big-time player from one of my favorite programs keep an eye on him next year to earn a much bigger role guy has tremendous big play Talent not really sure why he slipped so far

    • Like (+1) 1
  4. 1 minute ago, sherpa said:


    Sometimes your lazy writing is just an annoyance.

    Other times it's a humorous malapropism.


    Your misuse of the word "then" instead of "than" reveals that one of your "goals in life" is to eat Ruben Brown, but only after eating "more chicken wings."

    That's one lofty goal.

    Its my text to talk. It.sucks.


    Here watch... Im going to explain it again 


    Going up we did like Roz's a lot but I'm not really familiar with other places besides the big tree I've been to the big tree couple of times when I saw the Bills play Through the Years I was hoping to run into Ruben Brown to see if I can eat more chicken wings than him I always thought Ruben Brown was better than will Wolford


    Text to talk blows

  5. 1. Grasp and control

    2. Two feet down


    Once the feet are down there is no process, there is no survive the ground, anything else would be simply fumble.


    Would this work?


    Also each team is only allowed one replay ...that's it no reviews from the booth, no three or four replays... one replay one team you decide as a coach.


    This was my friend's idea which sounded very simple and to the point

    To me this makes way more sense because the process can't take forever or go back and forth from possession to not possession

  6. 3 minutes ago, Buffalo716 said:


    Never had Roz's


    where in Cheektowaga?

    I cant remember


    We went there when i was 7-10 

    But just remember how awesome they were growing up in Cheektowaga


    I've been to the big tree a couple times after going to some games over the years

    My father says that roz's has the best wings out of any place in Buffalo so I'm not sure take it for what it is

    One of my goals in life is to see if I can eat more chicken wings in one hour then 1 hour then Ruben Brown

  7. He was calling out gungy on his weak bs

    Just now, Deranged Rhino said:


    We all are...

    Try to comprehend the o p then

    1 minute ago, DC Tom said:


    Watching you use words is like watching a rhesus monkey play with an oscilloscope.  Both result in patterns that appear meaningful, but are completely abstract, devoid of any information, truly nonsensical. and wacky fun.


    You're like EII with a lobotomy and a three-drink minimum...which is ironic, since we'd all thought EII already came with a lobotomy and a three drink minimum.


    3 minutes ago, DC Tom said:


    Watching you use words is like watching a rhesus monkey play with an oscilloscope.  Both result in patterns that appear meaningful, but are completely abstract, devoid of any information, truly nonsensical. and wacky fun.


    You're like EII with a lobotomy and a three-drink minimum...which is ironic, since we'd all thought EII already came with a lobotomy and a three drink minimum.

    I take great pleasure in knowing that I piss you off


    Obviously i got to u

  8. Just now, Deranged Rhino said:


    All the evidence points to this being false. 

    Waiting for an actual argument


    Plus this is irrelevant anyway we're getting into politics . the slogan is bull ****





    Just now, DC Tom said:



    " i do govt contracts" - i have no self esteem quotes from dctom 




    WTF. Stand and deliver, liberal. Don't threaten him with your mod pals. :rolleyes:


    Win the argument instead. Put your real beliefs on display. This is PPP, not Oprah. Evidence: I've beaten your pal Simon to a pulp, despite his fake warning points, and, despite his banning me for a month predicated on me kicking his ass all over PPP. 


    You're right, you are a liberal: passive aggressive. You "know people here" so, you make a veiled threat "enjoy your time here" :rolleyes:. But here's your problem: I have called your "know people here" bluff so many times, and won , be it bar fights or board rooms, that I can't help but laugh at you, because I'm batting .950 on them.


    So, you thought it worth your time, "once a year", to come show us the veneer: the liberals who control this board do facetime, and call an idiot an idiot? :lol: Please. Trump is POTUS, perhaps you and the rest of "mods" on this board are still living in the pre-Trump era. Get out of the delusion: the Bills fan base is the most conservative in the NFL. So, you're going to have to bake us Trump cakes, whether you like it, or not.

    Edited December 7 by OCinBuffalo




  9. 7 minutes ago, DC Tom said:


    You are so full of ****.  You are the most soft-headed, impressionable moron I've ever seen post here.  The only thoughts you've posted that have been original have been things like misusing the names of fallacies - original only in as much as being breathtakingly stupid is original.


    Which it is.  But it's not something you really want to be bragging about, usually...

    Anyone ever notice tom just insults ppl but never gives a rational response....


    My guess is u were traumatized in hs and u now sit behind some desk in dc pissed off about your life because youve been a kitty ur whole life. Im 100% sure youve never been in a fight or even stood up for yourself in real life so you try to belittle ppl on this board with irrelevant pts and insults to help your self esteem. Ur pretty much the most pathetic person ive ever met online...


    Therapy would do u good...


    Ur basically a troll but some of ur insults are funny so whatever.


    Oh yeah, werent u supposed to ignore me???


    6 minutes ago, DC Tom said:


    No, it's what you would call a "red herring" fallacy.



    U r a red herring idiot

  10. 4 minutes ago, DC Tom said:


    You are so full of ****.  You are the most soft-headed, impressionable moron I've ever seen post here.  The only thoughts you've posted that have been original have been things like misusing the names of fallacies - original only in as much as being breathtakingly stupid is original.


    Which it is.  But it's not something you really want to be bragging about, usually...

    Tom, name calling isnt a show of intelligence


    Out of everyone here, u sir are most full of ****.


  11. Just now, Deranged Rhino said:


    At least you admit you're mentally challenged. After all, you "fell for" the same bullshite. 



    I agree


    The difference was I got talked into joining the Coast Guard and I actually snapped out of it in my mid-twenties unlike you

    I also don't believe in Santa Claus or b******* religion either the list can go on and on all things that take advantage of people


  12. 1 hour ago, Chef Jim said:


    Well is sure is good to see that place still attracts idiots that refer to touching (and likely true) stories as retarded and naive.  WTF does that even mean??

    You know exactly what it means


    Pat tillman was a naive idiot

    Thts about as far as ill go when it comes to idiots who died. 


    Sometimes in life you get caught up with the wrong people and stupidity can get you killed and I'm sorry but that's exactly what happened


    These people got taken advantage of because they're retarded sad but true


    The truth hurts but it also sets u free...

    Do I feel sorry for them yes am I going to make excuses or try to pretend I don't know what the truth is or not be honest with anyone absolutely not

  13. 2 minutes ago, Deranged Rhino said:


    I didn't say dick about your slogan. I called your argument out for what it is, birdbrain. 


    Youre a a narcissist with a victims mentality who fancies himself a master troll. 


    In reality you're boring. Uninspired. And devoid of intellect. 


    Do better. Be better. Or get lost, asshat. 

    Obviously you're butthurt


    Its not my fault u fell for this nationalist silly nonsense

    1 hour ago, sherpa said:

    You showed 'em.

    Not really


    But im financially set


    So thts better than most

  14. 1 hour ago, leh-nerd skin-erd said:

    I heard someone thank a service member at the local food store today.  The same person also wished him a Merry Christmas.  The service member appeared to be genuinely touched, looked like he had tears in his eyes after the phrase "Thank you for his service to the country." was extended to him.  When the well-wisher wished him a Merry Christmas, he responded with a smile "Thank you, and you as well!". 


    Near as I can tell, both people involved were sincere.  I followed the service member out to his car, pretending to be lost and looking for my own car, and heard him say to another person in his vehicle "I just met a really nice person in there who wished me...".  I couldn't hear the whole thing as the door closed and I accidentally set off the alarm to my SUV.  I cannot guarantee he was happy, but I can say he seemed pleased.





    This is for the retarded and naive....


    "Its bull **** folks, and its bad for ya..."- george carlin


    I wonder if he cried when he found out the U.S. GOVT gave wmds to Saddam ( a person they helped put in power), or the million other psychopathic foreign policy decisions.


    U wana go be a sucker and die for rich ppls resources, be my guest.


    War is a racket, always has been always will...


    Its bull ****

  15. 7 hours ago, Just Jack said:

    Getting back on topic, spent Christmas Eve at the in-laws, small crowd this year, only 22 if us, eating and opening some presents. Too much food, a lot of leftovers for the rest of the week. Then Christmas Day off to my parents, through a lake effect storm. Got stuck in a line of cars because the lead person thought anything over 15mph in a 55 zone was crazy. I would have been going 30 or so, it wasn’t that bad. Then repeat of last night, more food, too much made, lots of leftovers, and opening more presents. Nothing Bills related this year thankfully. 

    Point blank


    Ppl tht drive fast in storms are retarded and risk lives


    You will get there when you get their a******

  16. 3 minutes ago, WhoTom said:


    That's like saying that if poor people would get more money, they could contribute more to PACs so the politicians will start to pass legislation that doesn't screw them over.


    The rules should apply universally. The field is supposed to be level.




    Ur talking about idealism


    Unfortunately thts not the world we live in


    See Michael Jordan

    2 hours ago, PromoTheRobot said:


    How the f### does this relate to who gets the call? In case you forgot, it was ruled a TD on the field. You don't reverse a call because one team is 12-3 and the other is 8-7. This is the dumbest excuse I've read yet!!!  God, the self-hate on this forum is mind-boggling.


    As for Terry speaking up, good for him. He needs to stand up for this franchise getting crapped on by the league. He is one of it's wealthiest owners and every franchise is worth a half-billion more thanks to him.

    Its reality man... Just like a pretty girl getting all the breaks or mj or gretzky


    Institutions protect the stars


    Get over it


    We need a real qb

  17. 2 hours ago, Deranged Rhino said:


    You keep going back to your broad sweeping generalizations of the entire military based solely on your experience in the Coasties. 


    That's called narcissism Gator/Birdbrain. 


    And you got it bad. Because you're nothing but a worthless troll hoping to get a rise out of people to sate your boredom. 


    You're bad at this. You've done nothing but flood multiple boards with nonsense and drivel. If you're going to try to troll, at least be original or entertaining. You've been run off so many times before, under different handles, for the same lack of originality. 


    Do better. Be better, asshat. 

    Are your feelings hurt


    Its a bs slogan


    Get over it 

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