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Everything posted by westerndecline

  1. Grasp and control is amorphous... but it's the best we can come up with. any type of possession issue is going to be vague . my point is once grasp and control is established and then you have two feet whether at the same time or one after the other that's it! there is no continuing of the process..... The problem in my mind is not the idea of possession and it being vague right now it's that the idea of possession goes on for well who knows is it when he hits the ground and gets up and decides to give it to the ref is it when he hits the ground and then the ball pops out is it when he catches it and then decides to throw the ball in stands and celebrates are those not catches To me the problem is not simply possession it's the idea that possession must be continued on to what we're not really sure What the explanation was was that Benjamin did have control but his foot wasn't down supposedly but we all know it wasn't conclusive
  2. Isn't that weird how psychology can actually affect performance in the literal game I'll come I always thought that's very weird I remember literally thinking after halftime at Super Bowl 28 that the team was going to make a couple cashed off of mistakes and completely be deflated I don't know what that is what you call it psychology or whatever but it's extremely bizarre
  3. They were getting run on Through The Years with Darius what the f*** are you talking about He's a big-time player from one of my favorite programs keep an eye on him next year to earn a much bigger role guy has tremendous big play Talent not really sure why he slipped so far
  4. Its my text to talk. It.sucks. Here watch... Im going to explain it again Going up we did like Roz's a lot but I'm not really familiar with other places besides the big tree I've been to the big tree couple of times when I saw the Bills play Through the Years I was hoping to run into Ruben Brown to see if I can eat more chicken wings than him I always thought Ruben Brown was better than will Wolford Text to talk blows
  5. 1. Grasp and control 2. Two feet down Once the feet are down there is no process, there is no survive the ground, anything else would be simply fumble. Would this work? Also each team is only allowed one replay ...that's it no reviews from the booth, no three or four replays... one replay one team you decide as a coach. This was my friend's idea which sounded very simple and to the point To me this makes way more sense because the process can't take forever or go back and forth from possession to not possession
  6. I cant remember We went there when i was 7-10 But just remember how awesome they were growing up in Cheektowaga I've been to the big tree a couple times after going to some games over the years My father says that roz's has the best wings out of any place in Buffalo so I'm not sure take it for what it is One of my goals in life is to see if I can eat more chicken wings in one hour then 1 hour then Ruben Brown
  7. Roz's Cheektowaga Also love the big tree
  8. He was calling out gungy on his weak bs Try to comprehend the o p then I take great pleasure in knowing that I piss you off Obviously i got to u
  9. Waiting for an actual argument Plus this is irrelevant anyway we're getting into politics . the slogan is bull **** " i do govt contracts" - i have no self esteem quotes from dctom Lol WTF. Stand and deliver, liberal. Don't threaten him with your mod pals. Win the argument instead. Put your real beliefs on display. This is PPP, not Oprah. Evidence: I've beaten your pal Simon to a pulp, despite his fake warning points, and, despite his banning me for a month predicated on me kicking his ass all over PPP. You're right, you are a liberal: passive aggressive. You "know people here" so, you make a veiled threat "enjoy your time here" . But here's your problem: I have called your "know people here" bluff so many times, and won , be it bar fights or board rooms, that I can't help but laugh at you, because I'm batting .950 on them. So, you thought it worth your time, "once a year", to come show us the veneer: the liberals who control this board do facetime, and call an idiot an idiot? Please. Trump is POTUS, perhaps you and the rest of "mods" on this board are still living in the pre-Trump era. Get out of the delusion: the Bills fan base is the most conservative in the NFL. So, you're going to have to bake us Trump cakes, whether you like it, or not. Edited December 7 by OCinBuffalo #dctom
  10. Anyone ever notice tom just insults ppl but never gives a rational response.... My guess is u were traumatized in hs and u now sit behind some desk in dc pissed off about your life because youve been a kitty ur whole life. Im 100% sure youve never been in a fight or even stood up for yourself in real life so you try to belittle ppl on this board with irrelevant pts and insults to help your self esteem. Ur pretty much the most pathetic person ive ever met online... Therapy would do u good... Ur basically a troll but some of ur insults are funny so whatever. Oh yeah, werent u supposed to ignore me??? Tom... U r a red herring idiot
  11. Tom, name calling isnt a show of intelligence Out of everyone here, u sir are most full of ****.
  12. I agree The difference was I got talked into joining the Coast Guard and I actually snapped out of it in my mid-twenties unlike you I also don't believe in Santa Claus or b******* religion either the list can go on and on all things that take advantage of people
  13. You know exactly what it means Pat tillman was a naive idiot Thts about as far as ill go when it comes to idiots who died. Sometimes in life you get caught up with the wrong people and stupidity can get you killed and I'm sorry but that's exactly what happened These people got taken advantage of because they're retarded sad but true The truth hurts but it also sets u free... Do I feel sorry for them yes am I going to make excuses or try to pretend I don't know what the truth is or not be honest with anyone absolutely not
  14. Obviously you're butthurt Its not my fault u fell for this nationalist silly nonsense Not really But im financially set So thts better than most
  15. This is for the retarded and naive.... "Its bull **** folks, and its bad for ya..."- george carlin I wonder if he cried when he found out the U.S. GOVT gave wmds to Saddam ( a person they helped put in power), or the million other psychopathic foreign policy decisions. U wana go be a sucker and die for rich ppls resources, be my guest. War is a racket, always has been always will... Its bull ****
  16. Point blank Ppl tht drive fast in storms are retarded and risk lives You will get there when you get their a******
  17. Ur talking about idealism Unfortunately thts not the world we live in See Michael Jordan Its reality man... Just like a pretty girl getting all the breaks or mj or gretzky Institutions protect the stars Get over it We need a real qb
  18. Are your feelings hurt Its a bs slogan Get over it
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