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Posts posted by westerndecline

  1. 10 minutes ago, Mr. WEO said:



    Yes, the cheating had widespread coverage for whole seasons and drew a couple of owners into public comments............but let's get back to the part where some owners and/or "people who are under the owners" are influencing the refs and others to favor NE over all other teams. 


    If the Colts blew the whistle on deflategate and the Jets blew the whistle on spygate, why has not one team blown the whistle on "Ifluencegate"?


    Go on....

    They havent been caught cheating again ...


    You do realize that they've already been caught three times right it's not a conspiracy it's not speculation that actually happened and Goodell conspire to destroy the evidence so did Brady what you're talking about has already happened and now with everything we know that has happened in the past we have some random guy from New York overturning calls in favor of the Patriots that's not a red flag to you

  2. 7 minutes ago, PatsFanNH said:

    The holding call was Ricky tack but it was holding as you saw the shirt tugged. Besides that it made it 1st down and 2 hardly destroyed momentum. 


    The TD being called back was way to close to have been changed it should have been "the play stands" as there wasn't conclusive evidence one way or the other to overturn or confirm it.


    a lot of the other complaints are weird, like the PI on the Bills in the end zone. I don't know how that is even debated it was a textbook PI.. never turned around and hit the receiver before the ball got there. 

    I want to use your love logical brain here I want you to use logic if it was a Ricky Ticky BS holding call then why wasn't the holding call ever call when Hughes was getting mauled

    4 years now literally years every time we play the Patriots you guys have like 1 or 2 lbs in the bills have like 10 explain it

  3. 3 hours ago, KingRex said:

    A few years ago I had the same concern and asked your question to a friend who also was addicted to football.  She set my mind at ease by asking one question.


    If it's fixed why isn't it more interesting?


    I had to agree.  If you were some all powerful entity able to determine the results of years of outcomes wouldn't you produc a more interesting or simply more profitable result than the silliness the No Fun League has produced over the past?

    Its not fixed....


    Its influenced

  4. Anyone that's played football or throwing a baseball or lifted weights knows the tremendous stress it puts on your shoulder to assume Tom Brady is not on HGH HGH is to literally put your head in the sand and I guarantee you when it comes out 5 to 10 years from now they will punish the Patriots but they will not come out and admit that there's actually cheating going on they won't make it some media issue it admit to the fans that a lot of the stuff is influenced in a major way outside of who is truly the best

  5. 6 minutes ago, Mr. WEO said:



    Well he'll still be playing then at age 45-50...so I would believe that.


    You are confusing the patriots episodes of cheating (spygate, deflategate--which, it turns out were not allowed behaviors) with what you are describing as a league-wide conspiracy involving some elements of ownership and referees allowing  and unfair advantage to one team (for reasons you can't articulate).


    Just tell us how it's being done.  How the other owners are not aware (but you are) and why they picked Kraft.  Focus!

    Deflategate wasn't exposed until the Colts exposed it Spygate wasn't exposed until the Jets exposed it the Gunner issue was exposed by the Jets


    I already answered your question clearly and concisely you keep ignoring it the owners are well aware of the cheating


    And Goodell destroy the evidence and Tom Brady destroy the evidence with a cell phone


    What is the more rational and profitable response among the owners punished and Destroy evidence or actually come out to the media and say yep we have a rogue owner and Rogue organization that constantly cheats and we also have constant cheating among other organizations with X Y and Z issues that would ruin the NFL

  6. 26 minutes ago, LABILLBACKER said:

    It just doesn't matter anymore if a large group of owners doesn't call foul on the NFL for blatantly favoring the anointed NE Patriots. It's been going on  since the Tuck rule game. The Patriots are Gold to the NFL as long as Brady suits up.

    Here's something even more nefarious and darker what if the whole Brady becoming a great player was plan from the get-go after 9/11 the Patriots and Tom Brady win multiple Super Bowls...


    Sounds silly but really makes you think especially when Brady was nothing more than a solid Big Ten quarterback who was constantly pushed by Drew Henson at Michigan

    Looking back on that 2001 Super Bowl that New England Patriots team had no f****** business beating that Rams team no f****** business

    18 minutes ago, Shaw66 said:

    No, unfortunately it isn't inconclusive.   At the instant the ball reached the farthest point, you can see his head going backward and then the ball starting to move backward.   You also can see a Bill who looks to be pulling him back.   The rule is clear - when he's moved backward by the opponent, he gets his forward progress, and his forward progress was at or over the line to gain.   First down. 

    Me it's conclusive that the Buffalo Bills player is actually pulling them back or is he is his head just going back as a natural response because he's pulling the ball back on his own the very fact that were talking about it means it's inconclusive and stand is called

  7. There was also at 8 that came out that the Jets complained about wear during punt returns the Patriots players on the sideline with stand on the very edge of the sideline so that the Gunner would have no chance at getting to the punt returner

    Just now, Mr. WEO said:


    So...this overwhelmingly obvious conspiracy is likely only known by the patriots.....and every poster on this board?


    Essentially, every NFL fan knows it is going on, but the owners are still in the dark?  That's the part that "makes sense" to you?

    Of course it's already been proven they already have been caught cheating point-blank twice three times if you catch Lee Gunner issue that they were warned about

    If they were willing to blatantly cheat like that what makes you think they don't have some type of hook up with the officiating especially at home


    You know and I know that call reversal from New York was incredibly bizarre and a huge red flag that something else is going on literally the whole entire media is talking about it


    They have cheated in your in your face multiple times in the past what makes you think they'll stop now



    And I got more news for you I guarantee you in 5 to 10 years it's going to come out that Tom Brady was on HGH mark my words

    3 minutes ago, Mr. WEO said:


    So...this overwhelmingly obvious conspiracy is likely only known by the patriots.....and every poster on this board?


    Essentially, every NFL fan knows it is going on, but the owners are still in the dark?  That's the part that "makes sense" to you?

    The NFL knew what was going on buddy and they destroy the evidence what does that tell you

    You're acting like it's not the norm for institutions to become corrupt

  8. 2 minutes ago, Mr. WEO said:


    No you didn't.  Why hasn't Jones come out against this conspiracy to favor NE.  Why hasn't Pegula come out and exposed it, instead of meekly saying they need to fix the reply system? 


    How do "a few" owners  (or those "below them") make money when their teams continuously lose to the patriots?  And if it is not money, what might some of the less "obvious" reasons be?


    Why would established ownership families (Rooneys, Maras, Halas/McCaskey, Bidwells, York, Irsay, etc) and guys like Jones decide, in '94, "hey, the Sullivan Stadium landlord just bought the Patriots.  Let's make sure he gets to and wins as many SBs as possible.....just because!"


    Come on man, bring your good stuff and lay it all out for us.

    Again who said the other owners know about it even you're the one that keeps bringing up that argument that doesn't make any sense the owners don't have to be in collusion or need to be aware of the conspiracy only New England does

    When evidence came out during Spygate that the Patriots basically knew the other teams plays before the snap took place


    Goodell destroyed all the evidence


    To this day we really don't know how bad the damage really was but if you know what the other team is going to run before the snap I can pretty much guarantee you who's going to win

    I'm not saying there is like a WWF fix it going on I'm saying that the Patriots are cheating have been cheating are cheating and keep cheating under the Kraft regime

  9. Just now, /dev/null said:

    And where are these religious nuts coming from?


    The Bible Belt?

    Himilayan Buddist Temples?

    Wiccan drum circles?


    Or somewhere else?

    They come from a place called planet Earth a place we all have to share which goes back to my point it's about religious nutjobs not immigration these people are not religious nuts that it wouldn't matter


    Its a dogma issue


    Not immigration...

  10. 12 hours ago, BillsFan692 said:

    You guys know that the owners split the revenue evenly, right?


    So if the "NFL" is doing good, ALL the owners are sharing in that. The NFL is a multi billion dollar business. Do you think they totally leave the outcomes to chance?? Hell no. They want their superstars in the spotlight as often as possible and will massage outcomes wherever necessary to insure maximum viewership and entertainment.


    You love Brady or you (more likely) hate him, but either way your tuning in and praying he loses terribly.


    Just like any entertainment league (NBA, NHL, NFL etc) the super stars are taken care of and the dynastys get all the breaks.


    A Jets fan actually sued the NFL over this. His case was that he bought a ticket to a sporting event and intended to watch a fair contest.


    Went all the way through the courts and the NFL argued that in fact it's entertainment, not sports, And his ticket only guaranteed him entrance to the stadium for entertainment purposes, not a fair contest. NFL even argued they could decide the outcomes if they wanted too.


    Judge agreed, and dismissed that suit.


    I mean come on the saints winning a SUPERBOWL after Katrina, the harbaugh bowl... manning getting another ring on his way out the door. The patriots Dynasty.


    It's clear to me that I'm watching the WWE.

    Please dont be true

    3 minutes ago, buffalobloodfloridahome said:

    Everyone saying we would have lost anyways doesn't understand how important momentum is during a game. To have multiple bad calls stop our momentum and bad calls continue their momentum could have been a multiple td swing. The game could of at least been allot closer at the end. To have a td overturned and all the phantom holding calls and pass interference calls all going against us was enough to kill our spirit and as soon as we were defeated the Patriots saw weakness and stepped on the gas.

    The holding call in McCoy ran for 30 yards was completely bizarre the wide receiver was literally just in front of them and didn't even do anything

    After that holding call it just kind of sort of hit me like something ain't right here from the s*** is not adding up

  11. 3 minutes ago, Mr. WEO said:


    Ok, so who are the "rogue" owners who are OK with giving NE all the rings?  And if Jones is so upset, why doesn't he blow the whistle on this whole "imperfect conspiracy"?





    Who said Jones was ever a part of it???


    I already exposed the flaw in your argument because owners of already come out against the Patriots over the years


    It would not surprise me if Goodell secretly along with maybe a few owners or even people that are below owners have favoritism towards the Patriots for whatever reason most likely money obviously


    The calls obviously showcase this


    Also what said publicly and what goes on behind the scenes are usually completely different


    All I know is ever since Robert Kraft has taken over the Patriots have been to 8 Super Bowls since 1996


    I think they've been to 13 afc championship games....


    That's statistically impossible basically in my book

    The one year they didnt make it


    They went 11-5 with matt !@#$in cassell....................

  12. 3 minutes ago, TakeYouToTasker said:

    All I can think of when I see that picture is Bruce from Finding Nemo reciting: "I am a nice shark, not a mindless eating machine.  If I am to change this image, I must first change myself.  Fish are friends, not food."

    The picture has everything to do with religious nuts everything not to do with immigration try again

  13. 12 minutes ago, KW95 said:





    I don't give a crap about Obama nor Trump, but the POTUS is a liar.



    Don't you get it dude ??Trump is trying to golf a lot on purpose it's  trolling CNN...


    Part that is so pathetic is that CNN is obsessed with Trump golfing not Afghanistan not Healthcare not balancing the budget not every day today basic news nope they're concerned with Trump's golfing and his diet

    Trump is being hypocritical on golf on purpose to show how ridiculous CNN is

    That's why they put the moving truck out there to block CNN to literally piss off and nags in in which they fell for again

  14. 8 minutes ago, Azalin said:

    Do I think he's trolling? Absolutely. He's also spamming the %^%# out of this board.

    Stand and deliver B word boy


    Make an argument like ocinblo said



    16 minutes ago, 3rdnlng said:

    Do you think wd is just cluttering this place up with nonsense posts just to get a reaction? Have your thoughts regarding Bill Murray taken a nose dive?

    When your arguments fail


    Try to demonize

    Try deflection

    Try to censor

  15. 1 hour ago, BADOLBILZ said:



    It's hilarious all the d-bags on TSW who were just fine with Goodwin making almost no effort in Buffalo for 3 years as he saved himself for the 2016 Olympics...........but now they are talking about how good he has become like he was somehow being held back by anything other than his own will.     It was all good that he dick the Bills over when you thought he was TJ Graham but if you'd have known there was a 1,000 yard receiver in there I wonder what the tune would have been. :lol: 


    And people act like Bob Woods turned into Jerry Rice and has put up exponentially better numbers with the Rams........rather modest uptick actually, considering he hadn't been this healthy in his career.


    I'd have taken the over on Woods and Watkins combined numbers if they had stayed in Buffalo this season versus what they've done for the Rams. 

    Goodwin and woods are prolific now for one reason they have a real quarterback that's the bottom line dude

    • Like (+1) 1
  16. 20 hours ago, Kmart128 said:

    Al Riveron- This is what happens when you hire a minority to have more diversity rather than hire the most qualified candidate.

    U said tht not me....

    1 hour ago, dlonce said:

    This guy should be terminated.

    Was he watching on an old iPhone or something? It was an obvious good call on the field,you could see the line in the turf where Benjamin dragged his foot AFTER possession.


    There is either one of two things happening here. He’s doing this to get the catch rule changed at the expense of other teams or he has a complete bias towards New England. Most of his bad calls have been with NE as the positive recipient of the call.


    This guy is about as qualified as Dean Blandino was. Being a referee doesn’t make your judgement any better.


    This screams favoritism. He needs to be investigated before he ruins a playoff game,unless his calls are a hush hush agreement with the NFL. Then they all need to be terminated.

    Rant over.

    The only way you end this ridiculous Dynasty is you take it away much like the bad boy Pistons in the late 80s where's the Celtics and just like the early 80s 49ers first the Cowboys in 81



    How bad do you want to win how bad do you want to be a champion and how far are you willing to push the envelope on the rules to win a championship



    The 80s pistons vs the celtics was literally a dog fight.


    The pistons basically took over by pure force



    That's what Buffalo will eventually have to do to get this Patriots monkey off their back

    Me personally


    If we played the cheats in the playoffs


    I'm personally going to try and injure Brady


    The NFL would hate Buffalo people with talk all kinds of s*** but like I said how bad you want to win a championship

    Go to 6:15

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