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Everything posted by westerndecline

  1. Let me guess, u think Brown immigration hurts the USA How It's a central premise in libertarian philosophy that borders should not impede business or immigration If a bunch of ppl want to move to Tennessee, so be it If you're a racist, have the balls to admit it
  2. How? Through green energy and ai, u could see many necessities becoming so low to literal cost of zero. This would really eliminate the need for a ubi. Its already impossible to starve in this country. In fact poor ppl are HUGE
  3. There's a lot we don't need the police for
  4. I think he obviously vetted him based on McDermott s resume and personality... I just think there were limited options I also believe beanie and McDermott want a true west coast system and a more powerful passing offense to be eventually be their strength for obvious reasons... The rebuilding won't happen in one season. Its a 3-4 year rebuild ( starting when theyget their qb)
  5. I'm for open borders. This is all racist code language imho. Any country should be treated like traveling from Florida to georgia. Take a hour test, no serious criminal record and u get a ss#.
  6. I'm sure it wasn't the only criteria. He's a rookie hc, who probably went withCastillo because he's been in the league so long and knew him. Again, I don't think there was many options with him being a rookie hc. We'll see. Benching Miller is unacceptable
  7. We'll find out in the off-season I get the feeling he literally hired him because he knew him. There was no other option
  8. 1) was a statement with examples 2)The sec set the fake ratings to sell bull **** cdo's.... The sec was doing this based on bribery. 3) yes it's both 4) if jail is being used to justify the existence of jobs, well... That's pretty evil bud.... Good Lord 5)Solyndra was a private industry.... It was bull **** green jobs push so government congress ppl could fill their pockets. U could argue this is an example of both private and public institutions stealing taxpayers $$$$ 6)Apple is pretty evil and so is any other company using slave like conditions There's no debate there
  9. I don't agree with ubi, but I don't see dems going anywhere and somehow someway we need a balanced budget.... That's the only reason I'm interested in a ubi
  10. I agree with u, but could it be used as negotiating to save money and end the old welfare state
  11. I agree here. Don't force it... There is supposedly 5-6 first rd qbs so we should be ok keeping our picks and adding to the lines
  12. Stop making sense dammit
  13. Bernie " free everything and free vodka at every bar" Tax increase by 784% on everyone
  14. I always thought anarcho capitalism, was under the branch of overall libertarian principles I could be wrong but I'm pretty sure that's how it's generally structured All libertarians are skeptical of power but go about it's implementation in many different ways
  15. I agree I think there are libertarians that take individual rights to a level not based in reality sometimes Jmo but you start getting into lala land when you think courts should be privatized That's a dogmatic view not based in reality and not libertarian
  16. Lobbyists for example capturing government A specific example might be sec members giving triple a ratings to cdo's that were really c rated or way worse. Another example could be military industrial complex Or private prisons lobbying to keep the drug war going. Solyndra is another example of green energy contracts given out by the very congress tht invested in Solyndra I.e. crony capitalism Another example would be slave wages and slave like conditions and apple taking advantage of a totalitarian government It goes in both directions Private interets using government, government using itself or private industry to create corruption
  17. I think power can get out of hand whether it's privatized or public And I'm more concerned with human nature having great power and not so much caught up in the same socialist and capitalist talking points. I firmly believe tho in the environment we have now with limited resources , free market economies will always emerge out of even the most despotic communist states
  18. I'm a libertarian, but I don't act anal about it. For example I believe in a public court, and taxes tht are decided by our representatives or even direct democracy in some cases. I lean very much towards free market ideas but do not think everything should be privatized
  19. Taxpayers obviously What's your point The premise is a negotiation with libtards to lower the deficit and get a balanced budget Obviously I'd end all of it. But that's not politically realistic It's not... Not sure what you are getting at Huh
  20. From what I'm reading is after all those cuts ubi would be a substantially lower burden on taxpayers compared to the 15welfare programs Basically it would save money
  21. Ubi replaces it, I'd imagine ss is cut off for ppl 40 and younger or something like tht...
  22. End all welfare, ss, Medicare, Medicaid, ebt, cash assistance, everything. Also you would obviously end all bureaucracy with those programs Cut everything else 20% In return , the Starbucks , whining libtards get say 1200 a month ubi Good idea?
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