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Everything posted by westerndecline

  1. If it's me, I'm ending gronks career next game. That's just me.... We'll see what happens
  2. No Canada is stuck in permanent 1988 with boy George iconography everywhere No
  3. This won't end well. 1948 was a retarded idea, always has been....
  4. I never said unfettered I said a background check, quick interview and issue the ss# Once granted the dual citizenship, now it's interstate travel obviously....
  5. Notice the trump travel ban in the middle east has a reason U won't even give a reason Your reason was culture and politics about free speech The other was because you said so So if a person from Mexico ( different culture) and was (a liberal democrat) Would you reject their citizenship?
  6. You're saying it's an " immigration problem" because you don't want them here. Why? It's not a non sequitur, why? Because you have not demonstrated a reason to not let ppl in. You want the law to say, ppl from Mexico can't come here , well, because I said so. Again give me a real justification besides begging the question and I'll grant your conclusions match your premise, which u have not provided And again nobody is denying sovereignty A nation can reject a citizen because he has a low iq You won't even give a reason Which goes to my previous point about coded racism
  7. The Catholic example makes no sense The US government is neutral on religious affiliation. It's called the first amendment.
  8. Would you oppose someone who is a democrat going from California to Texas? Are u saying that liberals from Mexico can't become citizens in the US? This simply goes back to what I've already said, You can't say people are not allowed because wahh I said so. U don't convict ppl in court because you said so. By your logic liberals should have their citizenship revoked. If u can grant it based on political affiliation you can take it away. Of course this is logistically impossible. Ppl can lie. So basically you want to spy on citizens to see their true opinion on unions or taxes lol. U r talking about civil war if things become that divided. Again I'll give you another opportunity If a normal person from Mexico comes to the border Why would you not give them a ss# and background check for citizenship?
  9. I'm not an idealist. I'm a realist This happens all the time. It's just ppl hate trump, so we are playing the gotchagame with the fbi and CNN It's irrelevant anyway. Dems don't control congress and he will pardon everyone and claim he had no knowledge
  10. Permanent status This was already discussed way earlier
  11. Ad hominem We're u for the war against Iraq Both times?
  12. You're still not getting it. Of course a nation can simply and arbitrarily say we don't want you. Just like they can decide randomly they only want beautiful blondes I'm saying that's not a reason founded in reality. There's a reason drunk driving is against the law. There is no reason to keep out ppl from Mexico.... ( notice there is no wall talk about Canada).... You're proving my point that this whole legal/ illegal talk is code racism. The real truth is people don't want more Spanish Brown ppl in their land. They just don't have the guts to say it. If barriers and borders are most important for a sovereign state, then obviously you would make them legal, correct? They want to be here and you give them a ss for tax reasons Right? You need to come up with a reason U can't say, " they can't come in because well mehh, I decided they can't come in "lol.
  13. I thought God gave the Jews new jersey
  14. So basically in trying to sabotage the trump admin based on bs collusion, the fbi higher ups literally just sabotaged themselves for real collusion. To bring down the potus.... Doesn't surprise me. Fbi is a political tool , has nothing to do with justice. If this isn't further evidence this country is on the brink of civil war idk what is....
  15. No as Chomsky would say I'm ethically consistent... Does nk have a military base in San Francisco or los Angeles? Hell does nk have a military base in Vancouver? And I literally trust Rodman over the US government when considering Iraq bud
  16. That was in response to an unprovoked invasion and threat of wmds by the US government Of course he threatened to defend his government and people I also trust nothing the US government says on this issue. They have no record of credibility, in fact it's the opposite. It's nefarious I'm going to ask you again Does nk have bases in San Francisco or los Angeles while threatening an unprovoked invasion of the USA?
  17. I thought I was on your ignore list Attention whore Stop making sense. If I was president I'd force all baby boomers registered as dems to forfeit their Medicare and ss to help pay down the deficit
  18. Does nk have a military base in San Francisco? Does nk try to manipulate Mexico or Canada and their foreign policy towards the USA
  19. There's also deliberate misinformation put out to discredit opinions. Even imo clandestine outlets posing as a certain faction in order to damage that very faction. Say what you want about antifa, as soon as they got some media attention and popularity on the left, dozens of fake antifa chapters, Facebook pages, and organizations popped up out of nowhere. It was an obvious misinformation program. Orchestrated by who, Idk??
  20. The US government iniated war in Korea post ww2 The US government puts military bases in south Korea The US government routinely runs aggressive military exercises with Japan and south Korea including pretend war games with nk... The US government tries to manipulate Chinese foreign policy towards nk The nk govt during Bush 2 was offered a deal where all nuclear programs would end if the US government apologized and stopped it's threatening action towards nk. The US government rejectedthe offer.... Now imagine California had a civil war post ww2 and nk fought with the communists to overthrow the US government Nk then puts military bases in Hawaii and san Francisco and los Angeles Nk then exercises war games vs the United states in the bay area and Pacific coast. Please ponder these salient points North Korea is not a threat After all the lies and propaganda and utter incompetence dealing with Iraq from the beginning of cia support for Saddam Hussein during the late 60s up until now I trust nothing the US government says about nk. NOTHING!
  21. And if you're a serial killer and legal citizen u can still go to San Francisco Guess what happens when they go to San Francisco? News flash They're still a serial killer.....
  22. His hair isn't really? I think there's more to that affair than meets the eye. It's a bomb but not what dems think.....
  23. What u stated was obvious about hardware and software What's your point
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