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Everything posted by westerndecline

  1. There was no collusion lol. Maybe process crimes as the result of a bs investigation. Which trump will then pardon everyone Strzok was clearly a political hack Discussion on business isn't a crime. If it is , then obviously the Clinton foundation has some serious problems
  2. Half the country also thinks the earth is 6000 yrs old and a man lived in a whale....
  3. Sorry but I don't support racist/ethnic states
  4. It's common protocol to not keep the investigation going once you win.... Bush was a clear case of this.
  5. The average person would call this conspiracy theory bs 15-20 yrs ago
  6. Kapernick is EASILY one of the top 32 qbs. Everyone knows this... Its so blatantly race and much more about race and capital owners trying to throw their weight around that id support the players starting their own league They don't need the owners and the college stadiums can be used
  7. I definitely believe there is an illuminati based in secret families and central banking/big oil/drug cartels The creature from Jekyll island scared The **** outta me years ago. Mike ruppert had some crazy info as well
  8. Why do you keep qualifying yourself ... You also offer nothing but smart ass comments to everyone here. Why are you so angry and insecure. It's so blatantly obvious your insecure that I'm actually curious what it is. Did the wife leave Girl problems Midlife crisis Bills mediocrity getting to you??? What is it? She destroyed emails that were sensitive information She set up a private server that was vulnerable to spying and foreign manipulation Comey admitted it and went from negligence to careless which is OBVIOUSLY bull **** I've handled secret info with the government If I told my command I was unaware of any impropriety dealing with the same thing Hillary did, I'd be laughed at all the way to Leavenworth or a federal pound me in the ass prison.
  9. This is crazy **** but totally believable... It's obvious trump is an outsider the establishment and deep state feel threatened by
  10. Iq is 129 I'm sorry but could u mail me some
  11. Please research contrails vs chemtrails Well said
  12. https://youtu.be/yYdmxCUYQGw Rush Limbaugh on real reason for investigation. Doesn't this point to the idea that the fbi needs reform
  13. Hillary Clinton clearly committed a crime by destroying thousands of sensitive emails some of which were in secret status along with setting up a server outside of the government scope.... can someone please explain to me why Trump collusion is being investigated and Flynn is being charged with perjury against the FBI but Clinton is simply being ignored for destroying sensitive information and setting up an illegal server???? Regardless of whether trump is guilty, let's assume it's worthwhile. Flynn has been charged Why hasn't Hillary? Why hasn't Hillary's advisors or management team?
  14. If you are hinting at a civil war being imminent in the USA and being centered around race and religion, I agree. The only reason the USA has lasted not being homogeneous is because of money Our economy goes through something like 08 or worse, the bullets will fly
  15. What's your general opinion of me??
  16. Not really, Syria and Iraq are still proxy wars It hasn't broken out full blown
  17. Kinda like saying the immigration debate has nothing to do with racist bs. Hmmmm
  18. So if possession is 9/10 the law u need to accept the hypothetical. If not you're hypocritical and just want to support Israel because wahhh it's Israel
  19. If native American ppl took over New Jersey in 1948, and then claimed self defense when the US government tries to take new jersey back... Does this seem acceptable to you?
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