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Everything posted by westerndecline

  1. Thought I was on your ignore list What a joke
  2. Robert novak https://youtu.be/ZpeVaJXnfg8
  3. I'm going to sleep and don't care !@#$!!!
  4. Oc is an !@#$, but he called u on ur soft bull ****. Ur pathetic But keep going with censorship.
  5. He's better than gabbert or kizer u retarded psycho Yes, its racist. It's the most sure racist thing almost Good lord He's been to a super bowl, is that an observable fact ????
  6. If u keep posting reasons And Tom keeps calling u a dumbass ( ad hominem) You then call him a dick face Because, BECAUSE HE WONT DEBATE that's called a person who u can't debate because they refuse to debate Get it???? Ppl can't be this !@#$in stupid
  7. That's not what you said U said the winner is the winner To the natives question? Yes simply stealing land for 400 years is wrong. Yes the natives had every right todefend themselves If you're talking the modern era, one can make a legitimate argument that so much time AND immigration has passedthat the equivalent arguments can be used for the Roman empire or ottoman empire Why do the Palestinian ppl have a legitimate claim It's the modern era. The world is very much what it was post ww1 and more so ww2.... The dispute has never been settled. The Jews were the naked aggressors and still have no neighbouring support a key tenet to statehood.... When the Jews neighbors agree and recognize Israel, when the Palestinian ppl agree, then you have achieved realistic statehood. Right now Israel is the USA little brother on top of the hill. As soon as big brother gets tired of little brothers bull ****, the neighborhood kids will take him off the hill. I also reject racial or ethnic nationalism for obvious reasons. It's illegitimate A key arguments downfall is reduction to absurdity Going back to the natives means you can go back to any society, mean ing nothing or absurdity Thts how retarded your argument is fyi
  8. Just sent admin a message u r trying to make up false information Good luck Mr censorship
  9. When attack a person personally insteadof their arguments Which is what Tom did, so I returned the favor If he's constantly using ad hominem. It's impossible to debate U see the difference??? Not to mention stalking....
  10. So the holocaust is Reals over feels and if you were alive during ww2 you just sides with the Nazis Wrong dumbass Ideology matters, Time matters, Negotiation tactics matter Mortality matters. Otherwise you're just a retarded psychopath listening to Michael savage all day Are ppl really this dumb? Is murdering and stealing a million ppls homes from 1946-48 terrorism?
  11. Because if you support Zionist bull **** Yes you're a racist
  12. Now you're spreading lies.... Because u got called on your bull **** Grow some balls, stand by your beliefs
  13. U a baby boomer by chance?.and leftist? Here https://youtu.be/3nnFyo1FHj4 If you're a leftist baby boomer Please give up your ss and Medicare to lower the deficit.
  14. Lucky in Atlanta and Tampa Should be 4-8
  15. Liberals can't be racist??? I'm glad Ur mad, means I'm doing my job. It's obvious what u r too
  16. When you stand for racist ideas or rhetoric, u r racist The fact you don't like it is not my fault
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