Obviously rip to the girl, and obviously bullying is bad.
I'm gen x, the last generation that actually went outside for fun growing up.( we literally had rock wars , yes throwing !@#$in rocks at each other, for fun )
From first to eighth grade my bike was stolen every year basically
We got in fights every week me and my little brother
Every day I had to !@#$IN beat someone's ass for taking my little brothers lunch , or picking on him etc, along with the whole awkwardness of liking girls, being retarded , and living in a predominantly black community as a white dude.... I then joined the service, I didn't become some sjw woe is me douche....
Of course this is cliche, yes I sound like an !@#$, but God damn ppl are soft now.
I feel like if ppl now watched a Christmas story , they would freak out when he beats tht kids ass