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Everything posted by westerndecline

  1. So a bunch of black ppl convert to Judaism, they can then be citizens in Israel and become a 99% majority,?
  2. Can black ppl become a majority in Israel?
  3. So a white Christian ethnic group hypothetically you would not support in nationalist aspirations, but the Jewish ppl you do, and the Kurds you do. Ok Yes sir, you're a racist Apparently if it's white Christian nationalism, jsp agrees....
  4. It's a hypothetical.... Pretend it's real. Yes or no I'm curious if black ppl can join the Jews as a ppl? Or is that just a religious Jew and not a real Jewish person???
  5. I'm dealing in hypothetical to show you why it's racist . I never said they weren't an ethnicity Can you quote where I said that. Again A white Christian group wants to start their own nation. They share a language, religion, iconography, and short history... Would you support them in trying to create white Christian nationalism?
  6. So again, a new white power movement adopts a matrilineal line within Catholic history Do you support this white Christian nationalism, ( whether they choose to believe the religion or not)
  7. Jews identify as an matrilineal society based in ethnicity. A white Christian, or Arabic Islamic group would identity as a similar ethnicity ( that's what an ethnic group is genius) The Kurds are an example as are the Jews. Again would you support a purely white Christian nationalism?
  8. Do you think white Christians should start their own nation?
  9. Zionism, not Jews.... But keep up the ad hominem and strawmans
  10. Please take your meds today stalking nutjob
  11. No, I was pretending to be intelligent like takeyoutotasker for using the word utilitarianism.... Sorry Tom it wasn't about you The iq reference was a joke about u tasker.... Tell us about consequentialism you dumbass
  12. It's called irony.... Aren't you the pompous one who did something similar ( yes thts why I said it tasker, jokes on u) U literally used the word utilitarianism How much professor rooster did u suck in ethics class Armchair intellectual bull ****
  13. If your biggest hang up is their status as illegal, Then why not just make them legal???
  14. Go join Michael savage and Richard Spencer u nut
  15. Now I know u r a racist Please go back to the kkk U do realize the entire Bengals team wanted ck over Dalton right U do realize he's a a bare minimum a million times better than any back up U do realize when u compare gabbert and ck, u sound like David duke
  16. https://youtu.be/bbFZQfBlg-0
  17. https://youtu.be/bbFZQfBlg-0
  18. I don't hate any ethnicity. Just think it's racist and evil when Zionist, black power, or white nationalism is talked about like a reasonable ideology
  19. In today's nfl there is very little difference between 4-12 and 8-8 But a world of difference between 8-8 and 11-5 The difference usually being the qb, and an elite pass rusher. Buffalo has neither They were never going to win a championship with those players dude. Period. That's why they tore it down The real pain will probably be next year with a rookie qb... They need to bottom out
  20. Obviously rip to the girl, and obviously bullying is bad. I'm gen x, the last generation that actually went outside for fun growing up.( we literally had rock wars , yes throwing !@#$in rocks at each other, for fun ) From first to eighth grade my bike was stolen every year basically We got in fights every week me and my little brother Every day I had to !@#$IN beat someone's ass for taking my little brothers lunch , or picking on him etc, along with the whole awkwardness of liking girls, being retarded , and living in a predominantly black community as a white dude.... I then joined the service, I didn't become some sjw woe is me douche.... Of course this is cliche, yes I sound like an !@#$, but God damn ppl are soft now. I feel like if ppl now watched a Christmas story , they would freak out when he beats tht kids ass /rant
  21. What should I get 20$ limit Go
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