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Everything posted by westerndecline

  1. This is fallacious reasoning and a key example of lacking critical thinking skills Is it more dangerous when the military or police are under govt control?? Again it depends on the topic or entity
  2. There's reasons why the police and fire are government entities and not private ones just like there's reasons why your local bar or ice cream parlor is private and not public.... Apply those same logical reasons to the internet and you have your answer
  3. The seems like it's the equivalent of paying police officers to protect you from theft or cutting the fire department a check before they put out a fire?
  4. If aaron schobel played was on the sb teams hed be considered a potential hof pass rusher His quickness and moves as a pass rusher from 02-07 was just below freemey and matgis. Total victim of playing with **** offense. Never had a big lead to rack up sacks
  5. Drew brees situation was very similar
  6. Can u quote where it doesnt expose your fallacy ??? So hilarious I said reductio ad absurdum ( because) your argument taken to its end is absurdity... Are ppl really this stupid? Im sincerely wondering U must be trolling. Nobody is this dumb
  7. https://www.logicallyfallacious.com/tools/lp/Bo/LogicalFallacies/151/Reductio-ad-Absurdum
  8. Reductio ad absurdum fallacy
  9. Ad hominem
  10. Elaborate on the kwh u use at your home Calculate for one person
  11. Either youre going nuts with energy use or completely ignorant or dogmatic I am well aware of the cost... Cant wait until you oil corporations are out of business
  12. This is where u lost me. I grew up in the evangelical church A majority want a theocracy A global civilization makes your borders arbitrary and pointless... The muslims cant stop secular/enlightenment values either genius. Globalization and the internet are going to make their beliefs a moot point regardless because their religion and culture is going through a renaissance and reformation as we speak... Something the west already had
  13. Maybe its your ideolgy or whatever but a simple youtube search and basic research by yourself disproves everything u said Theres a massive movement of off grid ppl tht contradict everything you say. If it wasnt way cheaper ppl wouldn't do it....
  14. He still has his utilities. His bill is virtually zero The initial infrastructure is expensive Solar panels can last for 20 yrs... Need little to no basic maintenance Same with wind Once a international green grid is established Well bye bye energy companies
  15. All ideologies are susceptible to fascist group think. Feminism has certainly crossed that line. Apparently you cant even say women are beautiful anymore... Its bad They pretty much runied the best thing ppl have
  16. You dont have to push green energy The market will force it because its so cheap My friend installed a solar panel on his roof and created a rain water system for water use. He has no utilties and basically pays for internet and netflix Minimalist lifestyle is going to take over and transform the economy Green energy is a huge part of this along with changing the consumer culture
  17. Whats the avg? About 50% depending on varrying factors ( which is what i said ). Its basically a split. Whats the poliing among Christians? No we dont support the silliness of border walls or nationalism The ideology is focused on the individual
  18. Separation of mosque/church and state is split just like within Christian circles
  19. Dude a special prosecutor will either find something or in the process create a " process" crime... Perjury or taxes or lying about the past process of interviews... He should fire him NOW The ken starr bull **** was ridiculous
  20. There were many reasons, most of which are outdated with tech, globalization, internet, and conversion on global human rights.... Libertarian and taxes are not mutually exclusive Im not a fascist that thinks Coca-Cola should own a country lol This isnt Robocop
  21. Ever since clinton/lewinsky Literally every admin is always investigated Literally every !@#$in major media story does this
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