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Everything posted by westerndecline

  1. Aca was not single payer lol It was a handout to ins companies The bailout was not long term dem talking pts. Oh they had a super majority for two yrs... Its also devoid of economic reality... Nobody will invest here with barrys old epa An insane mandate or a corporate tax rate of 35% Also u cant simply give money to ppl lol.
  2. Dems had power for 8 yrs A super majority for two No single payer No living wage No college debt reform No end to me wars No cuts in military spending No massive green infrastructure No high speed rail But when it came time to elect the real Progressive you guys screwed over Bernie Sanders and went with a lying B word ...yet you continue to blame the Republicans who make it well known they are the business class and investment class why aren't you mad at your own party??? Oh yeah u did nothing substantive with immigration...
  3. Please stop You obviously know what i mean.... Property taxes in many areas are extremely low Section 8 means ur a nutjob
  4. So basically this is settled the debate right now what is more cheaper a conventional two or three bedroom house or an RV with a solar panel attached to it that's paid off?
  5. U tjink im smart enough to make it Pass tje bar?
  6. Your phone has wifi genius... But if your phone didnt work Library McDonald's Gym Walmart A local bar Any general public area Would a suburban or van be better than the rv? I can do all my hygiene at planet fitness For travel and bug out purposes
  7. Apparently a pentagon has been studying for years UFOs that have technology that's far beyond our own and they speculate that we are not alone and are being visited by aliens For some reason I'm not really shocked by this
  8. What happened in 1948 What happened in 56? 1956? 1948?
  9. Mandate gone Massive growth and investment potential cutting corporate tax rate 35-21% This is huge Along with dismantling tje EPA business should thrive in the us again!!! The epa and corporate tax rate should create 5-6% growth
  10. The mandate is eliminated as of tomorrow... U dont have to be forced to buy health ins Research van life
  11. I have no problem with tht. I agree with u. But dont tell me its impossible to eliminate these crazy rent and utility costs. U just have to be a minimalist
  12. Your argument is about lifestyle Not whats practical or impossible The bottom line is u can buy a tiny house or rv for way cheaper and with enough common sense and networking avoid lot fees and rent Solar Wood Propane Make your utilties virtually zero The solar can power lights, a laptop, phone and few other things. If you are talking about massive energy consumption of a house Then yes of course its more difficult. But when managed The rent The utilities are virtually non existent. This is why van life is taking off... Wages are going down with inflation Rent and utilities are skyrocketed Nobody is going to pay it Im not paying it. Im buying an rv
  13. Dude ur worse than rush Limbaugh Its embarrassing The !@#$in guy has the solar He bought some cheap land and has no rent No energy cost Idk what else to tell u
  14. Best bills team.since 04 and late 90s
  15. I have an uncle tony whos a lawyer lol Believe it or not my great uncle was top suspect in the hoffa disappearance. My father kept us away from tht stuff tho
  16. Shaq lawson is someone who explodes in yr 3... Him and Washington are both very talented but are developing slowly. Doesnt mean they arent developing Most players take a yr or two to find their niche
  17. Thats awesome! Yeah its always been an honest dream of mine to have my own pizza shop or at least be the manager. My family is midweaten Italian from Detroit
  18. You could have a very similar situation like in 83 when the bills had the 12th and 14th picks if there's two quarterbacks available that they feel our franchise QB is worthy of being taken in the first round they may take the best skill player with the 12th pic and then whichever quarterbacks left take with the 14th something like a Mason Rudolph and Baker Mayfield both bored with three pics And that's their you may see if take the outstanding guard for Notre Dame at 12 or Joshua Jackson the cornerback from Iowa and then take Mason Rudolph at 14 That's if they lose their last two games to keep winning then it's going to change the circumstance either way they're still going to draft a quarterback and I think they're going to finish within two to three spots of the Chiefs
  19. Its honestly something i wouldn't mind. Starting at the bottom of a pizza shop and working my way to the top would be cool who would have thought after 20 years in the Coast Guard Id b back in school and delivering pizza LOL
  20. Probably just be a pizza delivery guy I always wanted to run a pizza joint Srsly Plus free pizza
  21. Im actually thinking about this... Cheers Another friend of mine is a fisherman in seattle. I might join him too
  22. Mccoy Haushka Incognito Hyde
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